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msrivastav13 edited this page Nov 9, 2023 · 8 revisions


Demonstrates how to sort lists using the Comparator Interface

Group Collection Recipes

See AccountShippingCountryComparator

See AccountNumberOfEmployeesComparator


public static void sortAccountsByShippingCountry(List<Account> accounts)

Demonstrates how to sort a list of Account using Comparator Interface In this example we pass in the implementation class AccountShippingCountryComparator as a parameter to the sort method of a list. This method sorts Accounts by shipping address in ascending alphabetical order


Param Description
accounts a list of accounts that will be sorted in place

public static void sortAccountsByShippingCountryInDescending(List<Account> accounts)

Demonstrates how to sort a list of Account using Comparator Interface In this example we pass in the implementation class AccountShippingCountryComparator as a parameter to the sort method of a list. This method sorts Accounts by shipping address in descending alphabetical order


Param Description
accounts a list of accounts that will be sorted in place

public static void sortAccountsByNumberOfEmployees(List<Account> accounts)

Demonstrates how to sort a list of Account using Comparator Interface In this example we pass in the implementation class AccountNumberOfEmployeesComparator as a parameter to the sort method of a list.This method sorts Accounts by employee number in the ascending order


Param Description
accounts a list of accounts that will be sorted in place

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