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pozil edited this page Oct 4, 2023 · 12 revisions


This class demonstrates how to construct a Queueable class. The methods in this class are run automatically by the system as the job runs. To enqueue this job, use: System.enqueueJob(new QueueableRecipes()); More on the Queable interface:

Implemented types


Group Async Apex Recipes


public static void execute(QueueableContext qc)

This is the only required method to implement Queueable. In our case, it's simply updating account names, but this execute method can be used to execute any asynchronous code. Queueable classes run asynchronously much like @future annotated code. However, because they're implementing an interface they can be constructed, and thus accept full objects, not just primitives. Crucially, Queueable classes can also enqueue other Queueable classes. See QueueableChainingRecipes for more details.


Param Description
qc dependency injected by the system


System.enqueueJob(new QueueableRecipes());

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