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Example Rust-based SMART-on-FHIR app

Rust Deploy to ECS License

This is a Rust-based SMART-on-FHIR application that recreates Cerner's SMART-on-FHIR tutorial using Actix and Maud.


This repository is licensed Apache 2.0, with several exceptions:


The current application is a straightforward translation of Cerner's SMART-on-FHIR tutorial from hardcoded HTML into HTML macros that are defined using Maud and served using Actix. We then package the app into a Docker container, which is deployed via AWS Fargate.

Application architecture

Our application exposes three primary endpoints:

  • /, defined in src/
  • /launch.html, defined in src/
  • /healthcheck.html, defined in src/

It also exposes endpoints to serve the contents of the /resources directory, using the actix_files crate.

The /healthcheck.html endpoint provides a simple mechanism to check if the server is running.

The /launch.html endpoint is the endpoint that a FHIR application would call to launch your SMART-on-FHIR application. This endpoint is responsible for starting the SMART authorization sequence, and requesting the necessary Oauth scopes for your application.

The / endpoint is the endpoint that a FHIR application would redirect to, after launching your application. At this point, your application will have the necessary credentials to access data using FHIR.

Deployment architecture

The app is packaged into a simple Docker container, using the Dockerfile in the root directory. Once the container is built, it is pushed to AWS ECR; example instructions can be found here.

We manage our deployment using Terraform, which can be found in the iac directory. We make a few assumptions:

  • You are deploying this application under a subdomain (e.g.,, vs of a root domain
  • You have a multiple Account organization structure in AWS, where your DNS for your root domain is managed in an Infrastructure account that is separate from the account where you plan to deploy the fhir-example application (an example of this can be found here)

We have three deployment steps:

  • iac/ecr, which is used initially to set up an ECR repository that we will push our docker container to.
  • iac/dns, which is used initially to set up DNS records and certificates. This allows us to deploy the app behind HTTPS in Fargate, with AWS managing the certificats via AWS ACM.
  • iac/fargate, which sets up Fargate and its accompanying resources.

We use several Terraform variables:

  • aws_profile: Used by ecr, dns, and fargate. This is the name of the AWS profile used to deploy into the AWS account for the fhir-example application.
  • aws_profile_main: Used only by dns. This is the name of the AWS profile used to deploy into the AWS Infrastructure account.
  • domain: Used only by dns. This is the name of the root domain.
  • subdomain: Used by both dns and fargate. This is the name of the subdomain.
  • image: Used only by fargate. This is the repository/tag of the Docker image to use.

There are additional optional variables defined in the IaC.


We have an example deployment running at If you'd like to run your own deployment, you can follow the steps below.

As of June 12th, 2024, the cost of running a Fargate service in AWS' us-west-2 region are:

per vCPU per hour $0.04048
per GB per hour $0.004445

Our IaC scripts configure a service running 0.25 vCPU and 0.5 GB of memory. Thus, the computing costs of running the service are approximately:

Timespan Price
1 hour $0.01
1 day $0.30
1 month (31 days) $9.18

In addition to these costs, you will also need to pay for AWS' networking services.

Building a Docker container

Assuming you have Docker installed, you can build a Docker container by running docker build . in the repository root.

Pushing the Docker container to ECR

Once you have built your Docker container, you need to create a private repository in the AWS account you plan to deploy the application in. This step needs to happen exactly once. To do this, move into the iac/ecr directory, and run terraform init to initialize the terraform providers.

To create the terraform plan for this step, run:

terraform plan -var="aws_profile=<application_profile>" -out=plan

This is a good time to check the generated plan to make sure it looks correct. Assuming that your plan creates successfully, you can then create the resources by running:

terraform apply plan

This step is nearly instantaneous.

The terraform apply will output the URL of your ECR repository. With this, you can push your container to ECR by running Step 4 and onwards in this AWS tutorial.

Deploying DNS records and validating certificates

Move into the iac/dns directory, and run terraform init to initialize the terraform providers.

To create the terraform plan for this step, run:

terraform plan  -var="domain=<mydomain>" -var="subdomain=fhir-example.<mydomain>" -var="aws_profile=<application_profile>" -var="aws_profile_main=<infrastructure_profile>" -out=plan

Check your plan, and if it looks correct, deploy by running terraform apply plan. This step should take approximately 5 minutes.

Deploying the application

Move into the iac/fargate directory, and run terraform init. To generate a plan, you will need to run:

terraform plan -var="subdomain=fhir-example.<mydomain>" -var="aws_profile=<application_profile>" -var="image=<application_account><repository_name>:<tag>" -out=plan

Check your plan, and if it looks correct, deploy by running terraform apply plan. This step takes approximately 1-3 minutes to run. Once the resources are created, it takes several minutes for Fargate to launch your instances and start your container.

Launch your SMART-on-FHIR application

You can launch your application by going to the SMART Sandbox Launcher. You will want to use the R4 FHIR version, and either the Provider EHR launch type or one of the Standalone launch types.

For the SMART Sandbox Launcher's validation settings (on the "Client Registration & Validation" tab of the interface), you will want to configure the app as a confidential symmetric app. For this, you will need to provide the following info:

  • FHIR scopes: This is a whitespace delimited string that explains what FHIR scopes our app wants to access. Our app uses the patient/ patient/ launch launch/patient online_access openid profile scopes.
  • Client ID and secret: These are used to perform basic authentication as part of the confidential symmetric flow. We set these values in our app using the environment variables FHIR_EXAMPLE_CLIENT_ID and FHIR_EXAMPLE_CLIENT_SECRET. The default values are FHIR_EXAMPLE_CLIENT_ID=rust-smart-fhir and FHIR_EXAMPLE_CLIENT_SECRET=rust-smart-fhir-secret.
  • Allowed redirect URL: When we try to obtain an authentication code, we provide a URL that the SMART-on-FHIR server will redirect the user to. The SMART-on-FHIR server will validate this URL against this list of allowed redirect URLs (which we have provided offline). For our app, the URL should point to our /callback endpoint. If you are running the app locally, that URL will be Otherwise, you should configure the URL by setting the FHIR_EXAMPLE_DOMAIN environment variable.
Provider EHR launch

When you launch the app through the SMART sandbox launcher, you will need to pick a patient. If you do not, the SMART sandbox launcher will display a patient picker as part of the launch flow. Note that not all of the patients in the SMART sandbox launcher will have observation data for the codes we request.

Standalone launch

In addition to the EHR launch flow, we support standalone launches.

When you select a Standalone launch in the SMART Sandbox Launcher, it will provide you with a Server's FHIR Base URL that we will launch our app against. Copy this URL from the SMART Sandbox Launcher site, and navigate to the /standalone.html endpoint of your server. You will provide this URL as the URL of EHR endpoint: in the form on that page.


Rust-based example SMART-on-FHIR tutorial



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