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Getting started

This repository contains the open source Go client for TransmitSMS REST API. Documentation can be found at:

How to Build

  • In order to successfully build and run your SDK files, you are required to have the following setup in your system:
  • Ensure that GOPATH environment variable is set in the system variables. If not, set it to your workspace directory where you will be adding your Go projects.
  • The generated code uses unirest-go http library. Therefore, you will need internet access to resolve this dependency. If Go is properly installed and configured, run the following command to pull the dependency:
go get

This will install unirest-go in the GOPATH you specified in the system variables.

Now follow the steps mentioned below to build your SDK:

  1. Open eclipse in the Go language perspective and click on the Import option in File menu.

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 1

  1. Select General -> Existing Projects into Workspace option from the tree list.

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 2

  1. In Select root directory, provide path to the unzipped archive for the generated code. Once the path is set and the Project becomes visible under Projects click Finish

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 3

  1. The Go library will be imported and its files will be visible in the Project Explorer

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 4

How to Use

The following section explains how to use the TransmitsmsLib library in a new project.

1. Add a new Test Project

Create a new project in Eclipse by File -> New -> Go Project

Add a new project in Eclipse

Name the Project as Test and click Finish

Create a new Maven Project - Step 1

Create a new directory in the src directory of this project

Create a new Maven Project - Step 2

Name it

Create a new Maven Project - Step 3

Now create a new file inside src/

Create a new Maven Project - Step 4

Name it testsdk.go

Create a new Maven Project - Step 5

In this Go file, you can start adding code to initialize the client library. Sample code to initialize the client library and using its methods is given in the subsequent sections.

2. Configure the Test Project

You need to import your generated library in this project in order to make use of its functions. In order to import the library, you can add its path in the GOPATH for this project. Follow the below steps:

Right click on the project name and click on Properties

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 1

Choose Go Compiler from the side menu. Check Use project specific settings and uncheck Use same value as the GOPATH environment variable.. By default, the GOPATH value from the environment variables will be visible in Eclipse GOPATH. Do not remove this as this points to the unirest dependency.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 2

Append the library path to this GOPATH

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 3

Once the path is appended, click on OK

3. Build the Test Project

Right click on the project name and click on Build Project

Build Project

4. Run the Test Project

If the build is successful, right click on your Go file and click on Run As -> Go Application

Run Project



In order to setup authentication of the API client, you need the following information.

Parameter Description
username API Key
password Secret

To configure these for your generated code, open the file "Configuration.go" and edit it's contents.

Class Reference

List of Controllers

Class: sms_pkg

Get instance

Factory for the SMS interface can be accessed from the package sms_pkg.

sMS := sms_pkg.NewSMS()

Method: SendSMS

The Send-SMS call is the primary method of sending SMS.

You can elect to pass us the recipient numbers from your database each time you make a call, or you can elect to store recipient data in a contact list and submit only the list_id to trigger the send. This is best for large databases. To add a list please refer to the add-list call.

Cost data is returned in the major unit of your account currency, e.g. dollars or pounds

NOTE: If you do not pass the 'from' parameter the messages will be sent from the shared number pool, unless you have a leased number on your account in which case it will be set as the Caller ID

func (me *SMS_IMPL) SendSMS(
            message string,
            format string,
            to *int64,
            from *string,
            sendAt *string,
            listId *int64,
            dlrCallback *string,
            replyCallback *string,
            validity *string,
            repliesToEmail *string,
            fromShared *bool,
            countrycode *string,
            trackedLinkUrl *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
message Required DefaultValue Message text
format Required DefaultValue Response Format
to Optional Number or set of up to 10,000 numbers to send the SMS to. If your number set has some invalid numbers, they won’t cause validation error, but will be returned as ‘fails’ parameter of the response (see example 3). Number must be defined in international format. Some examples by destination: AU 61491570156, NZ 64212670129, SG 6598654321, UK 44750017696, US 1213811413
from Optional Set the alphanumeric Caller ID, mobile numbers should be in international format. Maximum 11 characters. No spaces. If not set will use shared number pool.
sendAt Optional A time in the future to send the message Note: All returned timestamps are in ISO8601 format e.g. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. The zone is always UTC.
listId Optional This ID is the numerical reference to one of your recipient lists Note: List ID's are made up of digits and will be returned by the add-list call, or can be found at any time by logging into your account and visiting your contacts page.
dlrCallback Optional A URL on your system which we can call to notify you of Delivery Receipts. If required, this Parameter can be different for each message sent and will take precedence over the DLR Callback URL supplied by you in the API Settings.
replyCallback Optional A URL on your system which we can call to notify you of incoming messages. If required, this parameter can be different and will take precedence over the Reply Callback URL supplied by you on the API Settings.
validity Optional Specify the maximum time to attempt to deliver. In minutes, 0 (zero) implies no limit.
repliesToEmail Optional Specify an email address to send responses to this message. NOTE: specified email must be authorised to send messages via add-email or in your account under the 'Email SMS' section.
fromShared Optional Forces sending via the shared number when you have virtual numbers
countrycode Optional Formats numbers given to international format for this 2 letter country code. i.e. 0422222222 will become 6142222222 when countrycode is AU. Codes available AU Australia, NZ New Zealand SG Singapore GB United Kingdom US United States
trackedLinkUrl Optional Converts this URL to unique tracking link for each contact. Inserted into message with variable [tracked-link]. Clicks on this URL will be passed as notifications via 'Link hits callback URL' defined in account settings.

Example Usage

message := "[Enter your message here]"
format := "json"
to,_ := strconv.ParseInt("97", 10, 8)
from := "from"
sendAt := "send_at"
listId,_ := strconv.ParseInt("97", 10, 8)
dlrCallback := "dlr_callback"
replyCallback := "reply_callback"
validity := "validity"
repliesToEmail := "replies_to_email"
fromShared := false
countrycode := "countrycode"
trackedLinkUrl := "tracked_link_url"

var result interface{}
result,_ = sMS.SendSMS(message, format, to, from, sendAt, listId, dlrCallback, replyCallback, validity, repliesToEmail, fromShared, countrycode, trackedLinkUrl)

Method: FormatNumber

Format and validate a given number.

func (me *SMS_IMPL) FormatNumber(
            msisdn string,
            countrycode string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
msisdn Required The number to check
countrycode Required 2 Letter countrycode to validate number against
format Required DefaultValue Response Format

Example Usage

msisdn := "msisdn"
countrycode := "countrycode"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = sMS.FormatNumber(msisdn, countrycode, format)

Method: GetSMS

Get information about a message you have sent.

func (me *SMS_IMPL) GetSMS(
            messageId string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
messageId Required Message ID
format Required DefaultValue Response format either json or xml

Example Usage

messageId := "message_id"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = sMS.GetSMS(messageId, format)

Method: GetSMSStats

Get the status about a message you have sent.

func (me *SMS_IMPL) GetSMSStats(
            messageId string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
messageId Required Message ID
format Required DefaultValue Response Format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

messageId := "message_id"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = sMS.GetSMSStats(messageId, format)

Method: GetSMSResponses

Pick up responses to messages you have sent. Filter by keyword or for just one phone number.

func (me *SMS_IMPL) GetSMSResponses(
            format string,
            messageId *string,
            keywordId *string,
            keyword *string,
            number *string,
            msisdn *string,
            page *string,
            max *string,
            includeOriginal *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
messageId Optional Message ID
keywordId Optional Keyword ID
keyword Optional Keyword
number Optional Filter results by response number, If keyword is set
msisdn Optional Filter results by a particular mobile number
page Optional Page number, for pagination
max Optional Maximum results returned per page
includeOriginal Optional include text of original message

Example Usage

format := "json"
messageId := "message_id"
keywordId := "keyword_id"
keyword := "keyword"
number := "number"
msisdn := "msisdn"
page := "page"
max := "max"
includeOriginal := "include_original"

var result interface{}
result,_ = sMS.GetSMSResponses(format, messageId, keywordId, keyword, number, msisdn, page, max, includeOriginal)

Method: GetUserSMSResponses

Pick up responses to messages you have sent. Instead of setting message ID, you should provide a time frame.

func (me *SMS_IMPL) GetUserSMSResponses(
            format string,
            start *string,
            end *string,
            page *string,
            max *string,
            keywords *string,
            includeOriginal *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
start Optional A timestamp to start the report from (Format yyyy-mm-dd, Timezone UTC)
end Optional A timestamp to end the report at (Format yyyy-mm-dd, Timezone UTC)
page Optional Page number, for pagination
max Optional Maximum results returned per page
keywords Optional Filter if keyword responses should be included. Can be: ‘only’ - only keyword responses will be included‘omit’ - only regular campaign responses will be included ‘both’ - both keyword and campaign responses will be included (default)
includeOriginal Optional include text of original message

Example Usage

format := "json"
start := "start"
end := "end"
page := "page"
max := "max"
keywords := "keywords"
includeOriginal := "include_original"

var result interface{}
result,_ = sMS.GetUserSMSResponses(format, start, end, page, max, keywords, includeOriginal)

Method: GetLinkHits

Get the list of recipients who have clicked on your tracked link.

func (me *SMS_IMPL) GetLinkHits(
            messageId string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
messageId Required Message ID
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

messageId := "message_id"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = sMS.GetLinkHits(messageId, format)

Method: GetSMSSent

Get a list of recipients from a message send. Get up to date information such as opt-out status and delivery status.

func (me *SMS_IMPL) GetSMSSent(
            messageId string,
            format string,
            optouts *string,
            page *string,
            max *string,
            delivery *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
messageId Required Message ID's are made up of digits
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g json or xml
optouts Optional Whether to include optouts. Valid options are: only - only get optouts omit - do not get optouts include - get all recipients including optouts (default)
page Optional Page number, for pagination
max Optional Maximum results returned per page
delivery Optional Only show messages with requested delivery status. Valid options are: delivered - only show delivered messages failed - only show failed messages pending - only show pending messages

Example Usage

messageId := "message_id"
format := "json"
optouts := "optouts"
page := "page"
max := "max"
delivery := "delivery"

var result interface{}
result,_ = sMS.GetSMSSent(messageId, format, optouts, page, max, delivery)

Method: GetSMSDeliveryStatus

Get the delivery time of a delivered message.

func (me *SMS_IMPL) GetSMSDeliveryStatus(
            messageId string,
            msisdn string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
messageId Required Message ID
msisdn Required Mobile number
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

messageId := "message_id"
msisdn := "msisdn"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = sMS.GetSMSDeliveryStatus(messageId, msisdn, format)

Method: CancelSMS

Cancel a message you have scheduled to be sent in the future.

func (me *SMS_IMPL) CancelSMS(
            id string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Message ID
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

id := "id"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = sMS.CancelSMS(id, format)

Back to List of Controllers

Class: numbers_pkg

Get instance

Factory for the NUMBERS interface can be accessed from the package numbers_pkg.

numbers := numbers_pkg.NewNUMBERS()

Method: LeaseNumber

Lease a dedicated virtual number.

func (me *NUMBERS_IMPL) LeaseNumber(
            number string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
number Required The virtual number to lease. Omit this field to be given a random number. Use get-numbers to find out which numbers are currently available.
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

number := "number"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = numbers.LeaseNumber(number, format)

Method: EditNumberOptions

Edit your dedicated virtual number options.

func (me *NUMBERS_IMPL) EditNumberOptions(
            number string,
            format string,
            forwardEmail *string,
            forwardSms *string,
            forwardUrl *string,
            listId *string,
            welcomeMessage *string,
            membersMessage *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
number Required The dedicated virtual number.
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
forwardEmail Optional Forward incoming messages to a set of email addresses.
forwardSms Optional Forward incoming messages to a set of mobile numbers.
forwardUrl Optional Forward incoming messages to a URL.
listId Optional Add new numbers that message in to this list.
welcomeMessage Optional Auto-response for all messages received.
membersMessage Optional Auto-response if the number is already on the list. (must be adding the number to a list)

Example Usage

number := "number"
format := "json"
forwardEmail := "forward_email"
forwardSms := "forward_sms"
forwardUrl := "forward_url"
listId := "list_id"
welcomeMessage := "welcome_message"
membersMessage := "members_message"

var result interface{}
result,_ = numbers.EditNumberOptions(number, format, forwardEmail, forwardSms, forwardUrl, listId, welcomeMessage, membersMessage)

Method: GetNumbers

Get a list of numbers either leased by you or available to be leased.

func (me *NUMBERS_IMPL) GetNumbers(
            filter string,
            format string,
            page *string,
            max *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
filter Required DefaultValue Possible values are owned - retrieve your own response numbers (default) available - retrieve response numbers available for purchase
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
page Optional Page number, for pagination
max Optional Maximum results returned per page

Example Usage

filter := "owned"
format := "json"
page := "page"
max := "max"

var result interface{}
result,_ = numbers.GetNumbers(filter, format, page, max)

Method: GetNumber

Get detailed information about a response number you have leased.

func (me *NUMBERS_IMPL) GetNumber(
            number string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
number Required The virtual number to retrieve
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

number := "number"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = numbers.GetNumber(number, format)

Back to List of Controllers

Class: emailsms_pkg

Get instance

Factory for the EMAILSMS interface can be accessed from the package emailsms_pkg.

emailSMS := emailsms_pkg.NewEMAILSMS()

Method: AddEmail

Authorise an email address for sending Email to SMS

func (me *EMAILSMS_IMPL) AddEmail(
            email string,
            number string,
            format string,
            maxSms *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
email Required Email address to register. You may also register a wild-card email which allows any user on the same domain to use Email to SMS. Wild-card format: *
number Required Optional dedicated virtual number virtual number
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
maxSms Optional The maximum number of SMS messages to send from one email message sent from this email address. Possible values: 1 - up to 160 characters (default) 2 - up to 306 characters 3 - up to 459 characters 4 - up to 612 characters

Example Usage

email := "email"
number := "number"
format := "json"
maxSms := "max_sms"

var result interface{}
result,_ = emailSMS.AddEmail(email, number, format, maxSms)

Method: DeleteEmail

Remove an email address from the Email to SMS authorised list.

func (me *EMAILSMS_IMPL) DeleteEmail(
            email string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
email Required Email address to remove. You may also use a wild-card email which removes all emails on that domain. Wild-card format: *
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

email := "email"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = emailSMS.DeleteEmail(email, format)

Back to List of Controllers

Class: resellers_pkg

Get instance

Factory for the RESELLERS interface can be accessed from the package resellers_pkg.

resellers := resellers_pkg.NewRESELLERS()

Method: GetTransaction

Get a list of transactions for an account.

func (me *RESELLERS_IMPL) GetTransaction(
            id string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required Transaction ID
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

id := "id"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = resellers.GetTransaction(id, format)

Method: EditClient

Edit an existing client

func (me *RESELLERS_IMPL) EditClient(
            clientId string,
            format string,
            name *string,
            contact *string,
            email *string,
            password *string,
            msisdn *string,
            timezone *string,
            clientPays *string,
            smsMargin *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
clientId Required The ID of the client
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
name Optional Client company name. Must be unique
contact Optional Contact name
email Optional Client email address
password Optional Client password
msisdn Optional Client phone number
timezone Optional A valid timezone, Australia/Sydney. Defaults to your own
clientPays Optional Set to true if the client will pay (the default) or false if you will pay
smsMargin Optional The number of cents to add to the base SMS price. A decimal value.

Example Usage

clientId := "client_id"
format := "json"
name := "name"
contact := "contact"
email := "email"
password := "password"
msisdn := "msisdn"
timezone := "timezone"
clientPays := "client_pays"
smsMargin := "sms_margin"

var result interface{}
result,_ = resellers.EditClient(clientId, format, name, contact, email, password, msisdn, timezone, clientPays, smsMargin)

Method: GetTransactions

Get a list of transactions for a client.

func (me *RESELLERS_IMPL) GetTransactions(
            clientId string,
            format string,
            start *string,
            end *string,
            page *string,
            max *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
clientId Required Only retrieve records for a particular client
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
start Optional A timestamp to start the report from
end Optional A timestamp to end the report at
page Optional Page number, for pagination
max Optional Maximum results returned per page

Example Usage

clientId := "client_id"
format := "json"
start := "start"
end := "end"
page := "page"
max := "max"

var result interface{}
result,_ = resellers.GetTransactions(clientId, format, start, end, page, max)

Method: GetClient

Get detailed information about a client.

func (me *RESELLERS_IMPL) GetClient(
            clientId string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
clientId Required The ID of the client
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

clientId := "client_id"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = resellers.GetClient(clientId, format)

Method: GetClients

Get a list of all clients.

func (me *RESELLERS_IMPL) GetClients(
            format string,
            page *string,
            max *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
page Optional Page number, for pagination
max Optional Maximum results returned per page

Example Usage

format := "json"
page := "page"
max := "max"

var result interface{}
result,_ = resellers.GetClients(format, page, max)

Method: AddClient

Add a new client.

func (me *RESELLERS_IMPL) AddClient(
            name string,
            email string,
            password string,
            msisdn string,
            format string,
            contact *string,
            timezone *string,
            clientPays *string,
            smsMargin *string,
            numberMargin *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
name Required Client company name
email Required Client email address
password Required Client password
msisdn Required Client phone number
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json
contact Optional Contact name
timezone Optional A valid timezone, Australia/Sydney. Defaults to your own
clientPays Optional Set to true if the client will pay (the default) or false if you will pay
smsMargin Optional The number of cents to add to the base SMS price. A decimal value
numberMargin Optional The number of cents to add to the base number price. A decimal value

Example Usage

name := "name"
email := "email"
password := "password"
msisdn := "msisdn"
format := "json"
contact := "contact"
timezone := "timezone"
clientPays := "client_pays"
smsMargin := "sms_margin"
numberMargin := "number_margin"

var result interface{}
result,_ = resellers.AddClient(name, email, password, msisdn, format, contact, timezone, clientPays, smsMargin, numberMargin)

Back to List of Controllers

Class: account_pkg

Get instance

Factory for the ACCOUNT interface can be accessed from the package account_pkg.

account := account_pkg.NewACCOUNT()

Method: GetBalance

Get a summary of your account balance.

func (me *ACCOUNT_IMPL) GetBalance(format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
format Required DefaultValue Response format

Example Usage

format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = account.GetBalance(format)

Back to List of Controllers

Class: keywords_pkg

Get instance

Factory for the KEYWORDS interface can be accessed from the package keywords_pkg.

keywords := keywords_pkg.NewKEYWORDS()

Method: GetKeywords

Get a list of existing keywords.

func (me *KEYWORDS_IMPL) GetKeywords(
            format string,
            number *string,
            page *string,
            max *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
number Optional Filter the list by virtual number
page Optional Page number, for pagination
max Optional Maximum results returned per page

Example Usage

format := "json"
number := "number"
page := "page"
max := "max"

var result interface{}
result,_ = keywords.GetKeywords(format, number, page, max)

Method: AddKeyword

Add a keyword to an existing virtual number.

func (me *KEYWORDS_IMPL) AddKeyword(
            keyword string,
            number string,
            format string,
            reference *string,
            listId *string,
            welcomeMessage *string,
            membersMessage *string,
            activate *string,
            forwardUrl *string,
            forwardEmail *string,
            forwardSms *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
keyword Required The first word of a text message
number Required The dedicated virtual number that the keyword belongs to
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
reference Optional Your own reference (up to 100 characters)
listId Optional ID of a list to add respondents to, list ID's can be found in the title of a list or in the list page URL
welcomeMessage Optional SMS message to send to new members
membersMessage Optional SMS message to existing members
activate Optional Whether to make the keyword active immediately. Possible values: true - activate immediately (default) false - create the keyword but do not activate
forwardUrl Optional Forward messages to a URL
forwardEmail Optional Forward messages to a set of email addresses
forwardSms Optional Forward messages to a set of msisdns

Example Usage

keyword := "keyword"
number := "number"
format := "json"
reference := "reference"
listId := "list_id"
welcomeMessage := "welcome_message"
membersMessage := "members_message"
activate := "activate"
forwardUrl := "forward_url"
forwardEmail := "forward_email"
forwardSms := "forward_sms"

var result interface{}
result,_ = keywords.AddKeyword(keyword, number, format, reference, listId, welcomeMessage, membersMessage, activate, forwardUrl, forwardEmail, forwardSms)

Method: EditKeyword

Edit an existing keyword.

func (me *KEYWORDS_IMPL) EditKeyword(
            keyword string,
            number string,
            format string,
            reference *string,
            status *string,
            listId *string,
            welcomeMessage *string,
            membersMessage *string,
            activate *string,
            forwardUrl *string,
            forwardEmail *string,
            forwardSms *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
keyword Required The first word of a text message
number Required The dedicated virtual number that the keyword belongs to
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
reference Optional Your own reference (up to 100 characters)
status Optional Your own reference (up to 100 characters)
listId Optional ID of a list to add respondents to, list ID's can be found in the title of a list or in the list page URL
welcomeMessage Optional SMS message to send to new members
membersMessage Optional SMS message to existing members
activate Optional Whether to make the keyword active immediately. Possible values: true - activate immediately (default) false - create the keyword but do not activate
forwardUrl Optional Forward messages to a URL
forwardEmail Optional Forward messages to a set of email addresses
forwardSms Optional Forward messages to a set of msisdns

Example Usage

keyword := "keyword"
number := "number"
format := "json"
reference := "reference"
status := "status"
listId := "list_id"
welcomeMessage := "welcome_message"
membersMessage := "members_message"
activate := "activate"
forwardUrl := "forward_url"
forwardEmail := "forward_email"
forwardSms := "forward_sms"

var result interface{}
result,_ = keywords.EditKeyword(keyword, number, format, reference, status, listId, welcomeMessage, membersMessage, activate, forwardUrl, forwardEmail, forwardSms)

Back to List of Controllers

Class: lists_pkg

Get instance

Factory for the LISTS interface can be accessed from the package lists_pkg.

lists := lists_pkg.NewLISTS()

Method: AddToList

Add a member to a list.

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) AddToList(
            listId string,
            msisdn string,
            format string,
            firstName *string,
            lastName *string,
            countrycode *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
listId Required ID of the list to add to
msisdn Required Mobile number of the member
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
firstName Optional First name of the member
lastName Optional Last name of the member
countrycode Optional Formats msisdn for the given countrycode

Example Usage

listId := "list_id"
msisdn := "msisdn"
format := "json"
firstName := "first_name"
lastName := "last_name"
countrycode := "countrycode"

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.AddToList(listId, msisdn, format, firstName, lastName, countrycode)

Method: AddFieldToList

Update or add custom fields to a list

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) AddFieldToList(
            listId string,
            field1 string,
            format string,
            field2 *string,
                queryParameters map[string]interface{})(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
listId Required ID of the list to add to
field1 Required Custom field value where n is an integer between 1 and 10. You can also use the names of the custom fields you have chosen for your list, e.g. field.birthday.
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
field2 Optional Custom field value where n is an integer between 1 and 10. You can also use the names of the custom fields you have chosen for your list, e.g. field.birthday.
queryParameters Optional Additional optional query parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

listId := "list_id"
field1 := "field_1"
format := "json"
field2 := "field_2"
// key-value map for optional query parameters
	queryParams := map[string]interface{}{"key" : "value"}

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.AddFieldToList(listId, field1, format, field2, queryParams)

Method: AddList

Create a new list including the ability to add custom fields.

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) AddList(
            name string,
            format string,
            field1 *string,
                queryParameters map[string]interface{})(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
name Required name
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
field1 Optional A custom field name where n is an integer between 1 and 10. Once field names have been set they cannot be changed.
queryParameters Optional Additional optional query parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

name := "name"
format := "json"
field1 := "field_1"
// key-value map for optional query parameters
	queryParams := map[string]interface{}{"key" : "value"}

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.AddList(name, format, field1, queryParams)

Method: OptoutListMember

Opt a user out of one list or all lists.

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) OptoutListMember(
            listId string,
            msisdn string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
listId Required ID of the list to opt the user out of. Set this to 0 (zero) to opt out of all of your lists.
msisdn Required Mobile number of the member to opt out
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g json or xml

Example Usage

listId := "list_id"
msisdn := "msisdn"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.OptoutListMember(listId, msisdn, format)

Method: DeleteFromList

Remove a member from one list or all lists.

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) DeleteFromList(
            listId int64,
            msisdn string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
listId Required ID of the list to remove from. If set to 0 (zero) the member will be removed from all lists.
msisdn Required Mobile number of the member
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

listId,_ := strconv.ParseInt("97", 10, 8)
msisdn := "msisdn"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.DeleteFromList(listId, msisdn, format)

Method: GetList

Get information about a list and its members.

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) GetList(
            listId string,
            format string,
            members *string,
            page *string,
            max *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
listId Required List ID
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
members Optional Which types of members to return. Possible values: active - only get active members (default) inactive - only get inactive members all - get active and inactive members none - do not get any members, just metadata
page Optional Page number, for pagination
max Optional Maximum results returned per page

Example Usage

listId := "list_id"
format := "json"
members := "members"
page := "page"
max := "max"

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.GetList(listId, format, members, page, max)

Method: GetLists

Get the metadata of all your lists.

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) GetLists(
            format string,
            page *string,
            max *string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
page Optional Page number, for pagination
max Optional Maximum results returned per page

Example Usage

format := "json"
page := "page"
max := "max"

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.GetLists(format, page, max)

Method: EditListMember

Edit a member of a list.

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) EditListMember(
            listId string,
            msisdn string,
            format string,
            firstName *string,
            lastName *string,
            field1 *string,
                queryParameters map[string]interface{})(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
listId Required ID of the list the member belongs to
msisdn Required Mobile number of the member to edit
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
firstName Optional First name of the member
lastName Optional Last name of the member
field1 Optional Custom field value where n is an integer between 1 and 10. You can also use the names of the custom fields you have chosen for your list, e.g. field.birthday. To remove a value set it to an empty string.
queryParameters Optional Additional optional query parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

listId := "list_id"
msisdn := "msisdn"
format := "json"
firstName := "first_name"
lastName := "last_name"
field1 := "field.1"
// key-value map for optional query parameters
	queryParams := map[string]interface{}{"key" : "value"}

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.EditListMember(listId, msisdn, format, firstName, lastName, field1, queryParams)

Method: GetContact

Get contact information from a list.

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) GetContact(
            listId string,
            msisdn string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
listId Required ID of the list the contact is on.
msisdn Required Mobile number of the contact.
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

listId := "list_id"
msisdn := "msisdn"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.GetContact(listId, msisdn, format)

Method: AddContactsBulk

Upload a list of contacts

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) AddContactsBulk(
            name string,
            fileUrl string,
            format string,
            countrycode *string,
            field1 *string,
                queryParameters map[string]interface{})(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
name Required Name of the list
fileUrl Required URL location of the contact list (NB: The list you are uploading requires a column labelled mobile)
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml
countrycode Optional Specifies which country the numbers are to be formatted in (e.g AU). If uploading numbers for multiple countries, do not define this, you will need to ensure that all the numbers are in correct international format before upload.
field1 Optional Adds custom fields to the list.
queryParameters Optional Additional optional query parameters are supported by this method

Example Usage

name := "name"
fileUrl := "file_url"
format := "json"
countrycode := "countrycode"
field1 := "field_1"
// key-value map for optional query parameters
	queryParams := map[string]interface{}{"key" : "value"}

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.AddContactsBulk(name, fileUrl, format, countrycode, field1, queryParams)

Method: RemoveList

Delete a list and its members.

func (me *LISTS_IMPL) RemoveList(
            listId string,
            format string)(interface{},error)


Parameter Tags Description
listId Required List ID
format Required DefaultValue Response format e.g. json or xml

Example Usage

listId := "list_id"
format := "json"

var result interface{}
result,_ = lists.RemoveList(listId, format)

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TransmitSMS REST API for GO







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