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Website for Pong game with real-time gaming features, chat, and user authentication.

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TransPong (ft_transcendence)

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This project aims to create a website for the game Pong. The website will allow users to play Pong with others in real-time, providing a user interface and a chat feature.


System Requirements

  • Docker
  • Docker-compose


To run the project, you must have Docker installed on your machine and execute the following command:

docker-compose up --build


The database is automatically created when running the docker-compose up --build command. A representation of the table relationships can be seen below:

postgres - public

Implementation Details


The server is a rest api that uses jwt authentication to protect the routes, the server is implemented using the nestjs framework and uses the postgres database to store the data. this server also uses the library to implement the real-time communication between the client and the server and this communication is used to implement the pong game and the chat.



The callback routes are used to authenticate users using the 42 API and guest authentication these routes are used by the client to authenticate users and is not protected by jwt authentication.

The logout route is used to invalidate the user's session and is protected by jwt authentication.

Method Endpoint Description
GET /auth/42/callback Callback for 42 authentication
GET /auth/guest Callback for guest authentication
PATCH /auth/logout Invalidate user session


This route is used to get the user's avatar image and is not protected by jwt authentication.

Method Endpoint Description
GET /avatar/img/:name Get avatar user image


The chat routes are used to create chat channels, send messages, and manage users in chat channels (all routes are protected by jwt authentication).

Method Endpoint Description
POST /chat Create a new chat channel
GET /chat Get all chat channel
PUT /chat/channel/:channelId/user/:nickname Add user to chat channel
POST /chat/channel/:channelId/messages Send message to chat channel
POST /chat/channel/direct/:nickname/messages Send message to direct chat channel
PATCH /chat/channels/:channelId/type Change chat channel type
PUT /chat/channels/:channelId/password Change chat channel password
POST /chat/channels/:channelId/login Login to chat channel
GET /chat/channels/:channelId/users' Get all users in chat channel
DELETE /chat/channels/:channelId/users/:nickname Remove user from chat channel
PATCH /chat/channels/:channelId/users/:nickname/type Change change user access type in chat channel
PATCH /chat/channels/:channelId/users/:nickname/restrictions Change user restrictions in chat channel
GET /chat/channels/:channelId/messages Get all messages in chat channel
GET /chat/channels/direct/:nickname/messages Get all messages in direct chat channel
DELETE /chat/channels/:channelId/leave Leave chat channel


The game routes are used to get game and ranking data (all routes are protected by jwt authentication).

Method Endpoint Description
GET /game/matches-history Get all matches history from user
GET /game/ranking Get ranking data from all users
GET /game/ranking/:nickname Get ranking data from user


The user routes are used to get user data (all routes are protected by jwt authentication).

Method Endpoint Description
GET /user/me Retrieves the user information for the authenticated user.
POST /user/me/mfa Generates a multi-factor authentication (MFA) secret for the authenticated user.
POST /user/me/mfa/validate Validates the MFA secret with a provided code for the authenticated user.
PATCH /user/me/mfa/invalidate Invalidates the MFA secret for the authenticated user.
PATCH /user/me/nickname Updates the nickname for the authenticated user.
PATCH /user/me/avatar Updates the avatar (profile picture) for the authenticated user.
POST /user/profiles/:nickname/friends Adds a friend to the user's profile. The :nickname parameter represents the nickname of the friend to be added.
DELETE /user/profiles/:nickname/friends Removes a friend from the user's profile. The :nickname parameter represents the nickname of the friend to be removed.
POST /user/profiles/:nickname/block Blocks a user. The :nickname parameter represents the nickname of the user to be blocked.
DELETE /user/profiles/:nickname/block Unblocks a user. The :nickname parameter represents the nickname of the user to be unblocked.
GET /user/profiles/:nickname Retrieves the profile information for a user. The :nickname parameter represents the nickname of the user whose profile is being accessed.

Socket Events

The ws url ( this url is the same as the server url but with the ws protocol instead of the http protocol ) is used to create a socket connection with the server and is protected by jwt authentication (the token is sent in the header of the request). The default namespace is used to send and receive messages from the server and create matches between users and spectators.

Event Name Description
joinRoom Join a waiting game room
startGame Start a game after the room is full ( 2 players )
moveUp Move the player paddle up
moveDown Move the player paddle down
endGame give up of the current game or leave the waiting room
enterSpectator Enter in a game as spectator using the room id
spectatorOut Leave the game as spectator
invite Invite a friend to play a game
acceptInvite Accept a game invitation
declineInvite Decline a game invitation


Client (React)

The client dependencies are listed in the package.json file.

Package Description
@chakra-ui/icons Icon set for use with the Chakra UI framework
@chakra-ui/react User interface components for the Chakra UI framework
@emotion/react CSS-in-JS styling library using Emotion
@emotion/styled CSS-in-JS styling library using Emotion
@vitejs/plugin-react Vite plugin for React projects
@types/ client data types
axios HTTP client for making requests
framer-motion Library for animations and transitions for React components
pino Logging library
react JavaScript library for building user interfaces
react-dom React renderer for the browser
react-icons Popular icon set for use with React
react-p5 p5.js integration with React for creating graphics
react-router-dom Routing library for React applications Library for real-time communication with
vite Fast development build tool for web applications

Server (NestJS)

The server dependencies are listed in the package.json file.

Package Version Description
@nestjs/class-transformer ^0.4.0 Class transformation library for NestJS
@nestjs/class-validator ^0.13.1 Class validation library for NestJS
@nestjs/common ^9.0.0 Main module of the NestJS framework
@nestjs/config ^2.3.1 Configuration library for NestJS
@nestjs/core ^9.0.0 Core module of the NestJS framework
@nestjs/jwt ^10.0.3 JWT authentication library for NestJS
@nestjs/passport ^9.0.3 Authentication library for NestJS
@nestjs/platform-express ^9.0.0 Express-based HTTP adapter for NestJS
@nestjs/ ^9.4.0 adapter for NestJS
@nestjs/typeorm ^9.0.1 TypeORM integration for NestJS
@nestjs/websockets ^9.4.0 WebSockets adapter for NestJS
2fa-util ^1.1.1 Two-factor authentication utility library
bcrypt ^5.1.0 Library for hashing passwords
class-transformer ^0.5.1 Class transformation library
class-validator ^0.14.0 Class validation library
http-proxy-middleware ^2.0.6 Middleware for proxying HTTP requests
passport-42 ^1.2.6 Passport strategy for authenticating with 42 OAuth
passport-jwt ^4.0.1 Passport strategy for JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication
pg ^8.10.0 PostgreSQL database driver for Node.js
reflect-metadata ^0.1.13 Library for adding metadata reflection to JavaScript objects
rxjs ^7.2.0 Reactive programming library for JavaScript
typeorm ^0.3.15 Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for TypeScript


Anderson Porto avatar
Anderson Porto
Davi Moreira avatar
Davi Moreira
Flavio Bonini Campos  avatar
Flavio Bonini Campos
Flavio Bonini Campos  avatar
Lucas Yuri