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The Dash Media Player is an Open Source ( GPL ) flash media player that was designed to deliver multimedia within Drupal CMS, but can also be used as a stand alone media player. Just imagine, a media player whose content is driven by the power and flexibility of a content management system. With this player, you can truly take advantage of the b…


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<h2>Thanks for chosing the Dash Player!</h2>
<p>This remarkable player can be used with either within Drupal CMS, or as a stand alone player.  To view full documentation on how to implement this player in your site, please visit our <a href="">Online Documentation</a> section.  Here you will find tutorials, feature usage, and how-to guides on using this player.  If you have any questions that are not answered in this documentation, you are also welcome to post a topic in our <a href="">Dash Player Forums</a>, or you may contact us using our <a href="">contact form</a>.</p><br/>
<tr class="odd"><td><strong>Version</strong></td><td>1.3.4</td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td><strong>Author</strong></td><td>Travis Tidwell</td></tr>
<tr class="odd"><td><strong>Copyright 2008</strong></td><td>TMT Digital LLC</td></tr>
<h2>Change Log</h2>
<tr class="event"><td>1</td><td>Added support for live streaming feeds.</td></tr>
<tr class="odd"><td>1</td><td>Added the ability to use both "node" and "playlist" together.</td></tr>
<tr class="event"><td>1</td><td>Fixed some voting issues.</td></tr>
<tr class="event"><td>1</td><td>Streamlined the file handling for better performance.</td></tr>
<h2>License Information</h2>
<p>The License for this player is the <a href="">Creative Commons License</a>.  Although, you are free to use this player as you wish, you must <a href="">Purchase a License</a> if you wish to remove the Dash Player logo.</p>
<h2>Using Dash Media Player with PHP</h2>
If you would like to use the Dash Media Player in your PHP website, then there is a wonderful new PHP integration available.  For more information, simply read <a href="dashphp.html">Using Dash Media Player with PHP</a>
<h2>Embedding the Player</h2>
Embedding the player can be done by copying and pasting the following into your page...  You can then change the file it plays by changing the <strong>file=</strong> flash variable...<br/>
<div class="codeblock"><code>&lt;div style=&quot;text-align:center;&quot;&gt;<br />&lt;object classid=&quot;clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000&quot; width=&quot;640&quot; height=&quot;420&quot; codebase=&quot;;&gt;<br />&lt;param name=&quot;movie&quot; value=&quot;dashPlayer.swf&quot; /&gt;<br />&lt;param name=&quot;wmode&quot; value=&quot;window&quot; /&gt;<br />&lt;param name=&quot;allowfullscreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot; /&gt;<br />&lt;param name=&quot;FlashVars&quot; value=&quot;file=; /&gt;<br />&lt;param name=&quot;quality&quot; value=&quot;high&quot; /&gt;<br />&lt;embed allowScriptAccess=&quot;always&quot; src=&quot;dashPlayer.swf&quot; width=&quot;640&quot; height=&quot;420&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot; pluginspage=&quot;; wmode=&quot;window&quot; allowfullscreen=&quot;true&quot; quality=&quot;high&quot; flashvars=&quot;file=; /&gt;<br />&lt;/object&gt;<br />&lt;/div&gt;</code></div>
<h2>Quick Help Topics</h2>
   <li><a href="dashPHP.html">Using the Dash Media Player in PHP</a></li>
   <li><a href="flashvars.html">The FlashVars for the Dash Player</a></li>
   <li><a href="config/readme.html">Understanding the Dash Player configuration file</a></li>
   <li><a href="skins/readme.html">Creating your own Skins for the Dash Player</a></li>
   <li><a href="skins/default/themes/readme.html">Creating your own Themes for your Skin</a></li>
<h2>Folder Contents (with descriptions)</h2>
 <tr class="odd"><td><strong>dashPlayer.swf</strong></td><td>file</td><td>This is the actual "player".  Anywhere the term "player" is referenced, we are referring to this file.</td></tr>
 <tr class="even"><td><strong>index.php</strong></td><td>file</td><td>A sample file on how to integrate the Dash Media Player in PHP.  For more information, see <a href="dashphp.html">Using Dash Media Player in PHP</a>.</td></tr>
 <tr class="odd"><td><strong>dash.php</strong></td><td>file</td><td>The Dash Media Player interface file that defines the <strong>dashplayer_get_player</strong> API for PHP use.  For more information, see <a href="dashphp.html">Using Dash Media Player in PHP</a>.</td></tr>
 <tr class="even"><td><strong>getplaylist.php</strong></td><td>file</td><td>The library that governs the playlist generation and retreival.  For more information, see <a href="dashphp.html">Using Dash Media Player in PHP</a>.</td></tr>
 <tr class="odd"><td><strong>dashphp.html</strong></td><td>file</td><td>Documentation for using the Dash Media Player in PHP.</td></tr>
 <tr class="even"><td><strong>sample.html</strong></td><td>file</td><td>This is a sample HTML file on how you can embed the Dash Player in your website (without Drupal).</td></tr>
 <tr class="odd"><td><strong>flashvars.html</strong></td><td>file</td><td>This is a document which will show you all the available flashvars that the Dash Player accepts.</td></tr>
 <tr class="even"><td><strong>playlists</strong></td><td>directory</td><td>A directory that contains all the playlists if you wish to use the Dash Media Player without CMS support.  For more information, see <a href="dashphp.html">Using Dash Media Player in PHP</a>.</td></tr>
 <tr class="odd"><td><strong>cache</strong></td><td>directory</td><td>Holds all cached generated playlists.  For more information, see <a href="dashphp.html">Using Dash Media Player in PHP</a>.</td></tr> 
 <tr class="even"><td><strong>config</strong></td><td>directory</td><td>A directory that contains all configuration XML files to configure the player.  The default configuration file is called dashconfig.xml.  Please read <a href="config/readme.html">the help file</a> in that directory for more assistance.</td></tr>
 <tr class="odd"><td><strong>drupal</strong></td><td>directory</td><td>This directory contains the required Drupal Dash Player module required to integrate the Dash Player to your Drupal System.  You should find a Drupal 5 & 6 version in this directory.  Please read <a href="drupal/readme.html">the help file</a> in that directory for more assistance.</td></tr>
 <tr class="even"><td><strong>skins</strong></td><td>directory</td><td>This is the directory to contain all the skins for your player.  Each skin is labeled based on a directory name.  Please read <a href="skins/readme.html">the help file</a> in that directory for more assistance.</td></tr>
Again, thank you for choosing the Dash Player!<br/><br/>
Travis Tidwell<br/>
Owner and Lead Developer<br/>
TMT Digital LLC</p>


The Dash Media Player is an Open Source ( GPL ) flash media player that was designed to deliver multimedia within Drupal CMS, but can also be used as a stand alone media player. Just imagine, a media player whose content is driven by the power and flexibility of a content management system. With this player, you can truly take advantage of the b…







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