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T-Rex 0.23.1

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@trexminer trexminer released this 24 Sep 08:05
· 20 commits to master since this release

NOTE: this version includes a couple of breaking changes: GPU ordering change and telnet API removal. Make sure you remove your GPU-order specific OC settings from *.bat/*.sh files before updating.
Auto-updates won't be turned on for this version for the same reason.
Users of HiveOS and other mining operating systems that force PCI bus GPU order are unaffected by the GPU-order change.

  1. Ability to generate config files
  2. Improved API security: optional password and https
  3. GPU/memory clock and share difficulty reporting
  4. Log viewer
  5. Ability to pause GPUs

If you don't like the new WebUI and would prefer to use the old one for any reason, download archive, put it next to t-rex executable, and restart the miner.

  • Order GPUs by PCI bus id. You may need to change the settings that relied on GPU order.
  • Remove telnet API
  • Multiple bug fixes