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Firestarter User Guide

Firestarter builds on Java's bean customization API, and provides simple user interface components for viewing and editing properties of objects.

Editing Object Properties

A property sheet is a table that can be used to edit the properties of a Java object. The most common use case for firestarter is creating and displaying basic property sheets for editing object properties. Here is the basic code for editing the properties of a JLabel:

    // set up UI elements with a parent window "window"

    // before showing the property sheet, you need to register the editors

    // to show a dialog for editing a component
    JLabel label = new JLabel();, true, label);

The parameters of this static method include the parent window for the dialog, a modal property indicating whether the dialog should be modal, and the object to be edited. When executed, this shows a dialog as shown below:

Firestarter Property Sheet Example

Adding PropertySheet's to Other UI Components

If you want to create a component to add elsewhere in the UI, instead of showing a dialog, use PropertySheet sheet = PropertySheet.forBean(label);

Filtered Property Lists

If you want to limit what properties are being edited, you can provide a Predicate as a fourth argument. (See the wiki page on Google guava's functional programming support for more on predicates.), true, jLabel1, new Predicate<String>(){
        public boolean apply(String input) {
            return Arrays.asList("foreground", "background", "text").contains(input);

Firestarter Property Sheet Example 2

Editing Other Property Sets

Sometimes the properties you want users to edit are stored in other ways. In this case, you can create a custom instance of com.googlecode.blaisemath.firestarter.PropertyModel. Here is an example that can be used to edit properties within a map:

public class ExamplePropertyModel extends PropertyModelSupport {

    /** Properties to edit */
    public final List<String> props;
    /** Types of the properties */
    public final Map<String,Class> types;
    /** Map being edited */
    public final Map<String,Object> map;

    public ExamplePropertyModel(Map<String, Class> types, Map<String, Object> map) {
        this.props = new ArrayList<String>(types.keySet());
        this.types = types; = map;

    public int getSize() {
        return props.size();

    public String getElementAt(int index) {
        return props.get(index);

    public Class getPropertyType(int row) {
        return types.get(props.get(row));

    public boolean isWritable(int row) {
        return true;

    public Object getPropertyValue(int row) {
        return map.get(props.get(row));

    public void setPropertyValue(int row, Object value) {
        map.put(props.get(row), value);


To use this model, construct a map encoding the expected types, and a second map with the values to be edited.

    Map<String,Class> typ = ImmutableMap.<String,Class>of(
        "prop 1", Integer.class, "prop 2", Color.class, "prop 3", Double.class);
    Map<String,Object> map = ImmutableMap.<String,Object>of(
        "prop 1", 10, "prop 2", Color.white, "prop 3", 15.5);, true, map, new TestPropertyModel(typ, map));

Firestarter Property Sheet Example 3

Creating a Sidebar with Property Sheets

There are a few additional UI classes that can help you construct a sidebar displaying multiple property sheets.

    RollupPanel rollupPanel = new RollupPanel();
    rollupPanel.add("Label Properties", PropertySheet.forBean(label));
    rollupPanel.add("Rectangle Properties", PropertySheet.forBean(new Rectangle()));
    // now add the rollupPanel to another component

When you add a component to com.googlecode.blaisemath.util.RollupPanel, it is displayed inside a collapsible panel. Here is the result:

MPanel Example