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Simple Smart Switch for lights.

Apagando means Turning off in Spanish. I named it this because inpired by Sombra in Overwatch. Their ultimate voiceline is "¡Apagando las luces!" which means "Turning off the lights".

Hardware requirements

I use Onion Omega 2 Plus to make this.

My setup like this.

Hardware setup

Final setup

Software requirements

$ opkg install python-light python-pip pyOnionGpio
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run apagando on boot
$ ln -sf $PWD/ /etc/rc.d/S99apagando


I connect two relay switch to GPIO 0 and 1. I planned to connect place small switch next to 3 way switch to synchronize 3 way switch's state. It works like an XOR gate, So you can turn on the light even when Apagando malfunctioning. And apagando returns The light's status for status REST API.

3 way switch Relay switch The light
on on off
on off on
off on on
off off off

Edit .env to configuration

# Relay's GPIO ports.
RELAY0=17  # Red LED for testing.
RELAY1=15  # Blue LED for testing.

# Physical switch's GPIO ports.
# Or don't set SWITH#n for disable 3 way switch.


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