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Releases: tripal/tripal_blast


01 May 23:31
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This Release requires a database update! Make sure to run drush updatedb or go to [your drupal site]/update.php


  • JBrowse linkouts now use the modern CanvasFeatures and support directionality
  • Whole Genome diagram summaries for BLAST hits via LegumeFederation CViTjs
  • Add a temporary warning to tell users of downtime, etc.

Bug Fixes

A special thanks to @ekcannon, @srobb1, @njbooher, @bradfordcondon, @almasaeed2010 for all the contributed bug fixes!!

  • Now saves query in the Drupal Temporary Directory rather then hard-coded /tmp
  • Correct handling of mismatch/gap advanced options
  • Various fixes to the:
    • BLAST input forms
    • GFF3 export format
    • GBrowse linkouts
    • limiting blast results


26 Oct 03:24
Choose a tag to compare

Compatible with Drupal 7.x, Tripal 2.x

Provides forms for each of blastn, blastx, blastp, and tblastn. Each form supports entry of a query multi-fasta through text field or file upload. Blast databases are configured by creating nodes to describe each one. This allows native Drupal permissions to control which blast databases are available to which users/roles. Each form also provides advanced options to the user.

BLAST jobs are submitted via the Tripal jobs system and once run, results are displayed to the user in a table with the option to download.