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Thomas Risberg edited this page Jul 25, 2016 · 3 revisions


Installing Hadoop using Vagrant

This repository contains a simple single-node configuration for Hadoop running with Vagrant. It is intended for use during application development and testing. You will need working installs of VirtualBox and Vagrant.

Install VirtualBox

VirtualBox is free open source virtualization software that allows you to easily create virtual machines. We will be using it to create a VM for our Hadoop installation. Download the package for your operating system from Follow the installation instruction that correspond to your operating system.

Install Vagrant

Installing Vagrant has instructions for install Vagrant which allows you to easily create virtual machines.

Install hostmanager for Vagrant

Vagrant Host Manager allows us to customize how to resolve IP addresses for our VMs. Install it using:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager

Clone this repository and pick a branch to use

Clone this repository and check out one of the branches depending on your needs.

  • SpringOne-2016-Edition

  • SpringOne2GX-2015-Edition

  • Hadoop-2.7.1-JDK8

For the SpringOne-2016-Edition use the following commands:

git clone
cd hadoop-install
git checkout SpringOne-2016-Edition

For the Hadoop-2.7.1-JDK8 use the following commands:

git clone
cd hadoop-install
git checkout Hadoop-2.7.1-JDK8

Create and start the Hadoop VM

Run the Hadoop VM from the root directory of this repository. Use the following command to start the VM:

$ vagrant up

Customizing the Vagrant configuration

You might be prompted for your password when the hostmanager plug-in modifies the hosts file on your system.

If you would rather modify the hosts file manually change this assignment to false in the Vagrant file:


If you want to change the host name modify this line in the Vagrant file:

HOST_NAME = "borneo"

If you would like to allocate more memory to the VM then change this line in the Vagrant file:

VM_MEMORY = "2048"