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A ruby gem that encapsulates the Relais D2D API for interlibrary loan among members of a borrowing consortium.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'd2d-client',  git: ''

And then execute:

$ bundle

To run tests:

$ bundle exec rspec

Or install it yourself as:

$ bundle exec rake install


The D2D API is organized around the idea that queries are always being made on behalf of a patron. After an initial 'authentication' request that establishes the patron's identity and permissions, subsequent requests use a temporary authorization ID. This has been encapsulated in this gem as a D2D::Client::Session object, which can be used to make multiple requests on a patron's behalf.

In the context of a Rails application, where objects in a Rails session may be serialized, you'll need to take some extra steps to serialize and deserialize the D2D session in the Rails session. To serialize, call .to_json on a live Session object, and call D2D::Client::Session.from_json(JSON.parse(serialized_session_object)) to deserialize.

Since one primary use case for this gem is within a long-running, multi-user application such as Rails, we have further broken out a separate D2D::Client::Configuration class and provided a way to initialize a template configuration to be used as needed to create new Session objects. Here is a sample usage:

# in config/initializers/d2d_client.rb

require 'd2d/client'

D2D:Client.configure do |c|
  c.api_key = # institutional API key
  c.library_symbol = # institutional library identifier
  c.partnership_id = 'TRLN' # e.g.
  c.base_url = ''

# in some rails controller, where you know the patron ID and are making a
request on their behalf; note assumes we've require'd the gem already

d2d_session = patron_id)
result = d2d_session.find_item(isbn: 'foo')
# is the patron able to request the item with the supplied ISBN from a 
# TRLN library *other than their own?* 

render :ill_not_available unless result.available?

All methods on the D2D::Client::Session instances (find_item and request_item being the most prominent) that make a request to the D2D API accept a block, to which they yield the appropriate D2D::Client::Response instance. All response objects support a problem? method, which echoes the Problem key that is returned by responses from the D2D API itself that indicate the request could not be completed. In this case, usually the error_message method will return the error message.

D2D API and TRLN Direct

When providing parameters to a 'FindItem' or 'RequestItem' request, according to the best information we currently have, D2D can only match on the ISBN. You may specify more than one value for the :isbn parameter, and D2D will match by OR-ing them. This means you should probably exercise some caution when making requests or checking availability, depending on how confident you are that the ISBNs you use to make the request match the ISBNs of the items you want to request.

As of 2018-12-16, with TRLN Direct, the :oclc parameter used in find_item and make_request calls does not appear to match at all, and we did no testing with :issn (which is not relevant for our use case anyhow) or :lccn. Pending further investigation, use isbn: exclusively.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.

Rubocop enforcment is in place, so please run rubocop and address any issues it raises over the directory before pushing any commits.

To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags.

(once we have it set up) you may push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

This gem is not endorsed by Relais International, or OCLC.