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1 - Presentation

This project is an implementation of XCNV ( to an AWS Lambda image. It is used at to compare score to AChro-Puce, ACMG-Franklin and CNV-Hub computed scores.

2 - Configuring AWS S3

The project is designed to upload results in S3 bucket. Add your S3 credentials in cloud/credentials.config (copy the template file cloud/ and rename it). The results will be stored in /xcnv folder in your S3 bucket.

3 - Configuring AWS Lambda

Once you have uploaded the image to your AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR), you can use it in AWS Lambda. The image requires 2 GB of ephemere storage, 6-7 GB of RAM and 5-7 minutes timeout (the firsts run are very slow in AWS Lambda).

The image receive queries in ["headers"]["queries"] as a tab separeted comma (.tsv) string which represents a 4 columns table.

Columns :

  • Chromosome ( 1 to 22 or X or Y )
  • Start
  • End
  • Variation type ( gain or loss )

Example with 1 query :

1  1000000 2000000 gain

Your Test event/Test JSON will looks like :

  "headers": {
    "queries": "1  1000000 2000000 gain",

Example with 2 queries :

1  1000000 2000000 gain
1  1000000 2000000 loss

To write several query in one string, use the '\n' character such as :

1  1000000 2000000 gain\n1  1000000 2000000 loss

Your Test event/Test JSON will looks like :

  "headers": {
    "queries": "1  1000000 2000000 gain\n1  1000000 2000000 loss",

4 - Local Usage

You can directly use or install XCNV by unzipping XCNV.tar.gz. Then follow the installation instructions given at And then, collect the results which are in xcnv_data in