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Javascript class for cordova app caching using file system api


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cordova cache

Javascript class for cordova app caching using file system api.

$ bower install cordovaCache --save

usage - with cryption

    SI.cordovaCache('', function(cache, crypto){
        var DoSuccess = function(){
                var MyCrypt = cache.container('MyCrypt', true); // true means to encrypt the data , defaults to false
                MyCrypt.put( JSON.stringify( { secretKey : 'acbef12345' } ) );
                    console.log('All data from cache');
                MyCrypt.get();  // return the value held within the container
            DoFailure = function(){
                // inform user of wrong password -> try again ?
                crypto.init('WrongPassword', DoSuccess, DoFailure);

            // crypto has been set with a password , now we need to verify
            crypto.init('password', DoSuccess, DoFailure);
            // crypto setup is required, obv you would have a user form & view with PWD vs PWD etc
            crypto.setPwd('password', DoSuccess);

Usage - no cryption

// initiate the class which will create your caching file
try {
    SI.cordovaCache('io.cordova.cordovaCache', function(cache){
        console.log(cache.list()); // array of created container

        var myContainer = cache.container('containerName');
        myContainer.get(); // return the value held within the container
        myContainer.put('Hello world'); // add to the container , overwrites previous data; // save the data to the cache file, callback option param{
            // all content from the cache file in JSON string format
        myContainer.details(); // object { created & updated } times
        var myOtherContainer = cache.container('myOtherContainer');
        var another = cache.container('another');
} catch(e){

window.SI , jQuery, angular , requirejs

  • .cordovaCache : 2 params { 1 - string(id of your cordova app) , 2 - callback with cache and crypto:(optional) objects } throws exceptions on errors
    SI.cordovaCache('io.hellocordova.cache', function(cache){// etc });
    $.cordovaCache('io.hellocordova.cache', function(cache, crypto){// etc});
    // angular factory
    angular.module('app', ['SI.cordova'])
    .controller('home', function($scope, cordovaCache){
        cordovaCache('io.hellocordova.cache', function(cache){// etc });
    requirejs(['cordovaCache'], function(cordovaCache){
        cordovaCache('io.hellocordova.cache', function(cache, crypto){// etc });

cache methods

  • .list : 0 params , returns array of container available
  • .container : 2 param { 1 - string, 2 - boolean (optional) } throws exception if $1 is not a string or $2 is given but isnt a boolean
  • .rmAll : 1 param:optional { 1-function , calls when complete }
  • example might be :
    if( cache.list().indexOf('myContainer') < 0 ){
        // display to the user maybe to make a name for it?
        $('#create').on('click' , function(){
            var Container = cache.container('myContainer');
                $('#feedback').html('<h3> Saved </h3>');
            }); //chained saved

container methods

  • .get : 0 param
  • .put : 1 param { 1 - string } throws exception if not a string
  • .save : 1 param , optional { 1 - function } completes when files is written to and saved , has param of file data in JSON string format
  • .details : 0 params , return array of created container available to use
  • .rm : 0 params , deletes the container from the cache file
  • Example could be :
    var UserPoints = cache.container('UserPoint');
    if (UserPoints.get() == ''){
        UserPoints.put(JSON.stringify({ strength : 0, speed : 0, flight : 0 }));;
    $('#Load').on('click' , function(){
        var _data = JSON.parse( UserPoints.get() );
        $('#strength').text( _data.strength );
        $('#speed').text( _data.speed );
        $('#flight').text( _data.flight );
        $('#updated').text( UserPoint.details().updated );

crypto methods

  • .isset : 0 params , return boolean ( password has previously been set for the user )
  • .setPwd : 2 params { 1 string, 2 - function:success callback } ( set the users password ) // it's up to you to validate before running this method
  • .init : 3 params { 1 - string, 2 - function, 3 - function }

    ( 1:try a password for the users crypto key ) ( 2:success callback - password can decrypt data ) ( 3:failure callback - password cannot decrypt data )

  • Example could be : note that it's up to you to validate the password before setting it for the user, also inform the user that only they will know the password.
  • You could use a general password ( but that's not really secure )
  • Or use a password from a server request
    // password was previously set
    if( crypto.isset() ){
        $.somEvent {
            crypto.init( $('#someInput').val(), function(){
                $('#feedback').html('<p class="success">Success</p>');
            } , function(){
                $('#feedback').html('<p class="notice">Error</p>');
            } );
    // no password set ?
    if( ! crypto.isset() ){
        // Form displayed to user and validated before running setPwd method
        crypto.setPwd( $('#someInput').val() , doSuccess );
    // using crypto in a container
    var SensitiveData = cache.container('SomeName', true); // true sets it to use crypto : defaults false
    SensitiveData.put( JSON.stringify( { APIkey : 'abc123' } ) );;

    SensitiveData.details().crypt; // = true, otherwise false


  • make delete method for container
  • make clearAll method for cache object
  • try to get the app id automatically {Anyone know how to get this?}
  • make test suites
  • attach for other libs : jQuery , requirejs & angular
  • add secure data saving logic for containers


Javascript class for cordova app caching using file system api







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