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v5.1.23 — Graham cracker stacktraces

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@eggplantzzz eggplantzzz released this 23 Apr 21:37
· 6988 commits to develop since this release

Hey again everyone! Judging from the number of PRs in this week's release, it sure looks like we had a lot of action on the Truffle front.

Well, first thing's first, we have a new feature for the debugger that we want to tell you about: we added stacktraces! This is relevant primarily when you are debugging a transaction that has reverted. At the end of stepping through you will now get a Solidity stacktrace! That should come in super handy the next time you have to debug a reverted transaction! Also related is that we added a new option (s). At any time during a debugging session you can use this option to print out a stacktrace for wherever you currently are in your code... neato! Props to @haltman-at for continuing to do good work on the debugger.👍

A second significant contribution came from @nicholasjpaterno who gave Truffle a little bit of a tuneup. 🔧 He went through and lubricated the hinges and changed the brakes (i.e. he removed some redundant or generally unnecessary code as well as optimizing some stuff, 🙂 but that doesn't sound as cool) to keep this machine running smoothly. We are very grateful sir, thanks for the help!

Besides that, we got rid of an unneeded dependency, made some fixes to the CI, and have some bug fixes sprinkled on top to make things a little sweeter.🍨 Shoutout to @wbt once again this week as well for lending a hand.

We hope you are all safe, healthy, and happy and that you enjoy the release!

How to upgrade

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Truffle by running:

npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle



  • Add stacktraces to debugger library and print them in CLI (#2965 by @haltman-at)

Internal improvements

Dependency updates
