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Creates a Network Load Balancer (NLB) for serving an ECS backed service.

Creates the following resources:

  • NLB associated with 3 Elastic IP addresses xor 3 IPv4 addresses.
  • TCP listener.
  • Target group for the TCP listener over the specified container port.

Upgrade from 3.x to 4.0.0

Version 4.0.0 added the ability to specify IPv4 addresses instead of elastic IPs. The nlb_ipv4_addrs option was added.

As part of this upgrade, the output variable nlb_elastic_ips was renamed to nlb_ips. Therefore, if you use that output variable in your code, you will need to rename it to nlb_ips.


This module requires attachment to either 3 EIPs (defined with nlb_eip_ids) xor 3 IPv4 addresses (nlb_ipv4_addrs), but not both EIPs and IPv4 addresses at the same time. If neither option is defined, the module will fail.

With EIPs:

module "app_nlb" {
  source = "trussworks/nlb-containers/aws"

  name           = "app"
  environment    = "prod"
  logs_s3_bucket = "my-aws-logs"

  container_port           = "8443"
  enable_proxy_protocol_v2 = true

  nlb_eip_ids = [
  nlb_subnet_ids = "${module.vpc.public_subnets}"
  nlb_vpc_id     = "${module.vpc.vpc_id}"

With IPv4 addresses:

module "app_nlb" {
  source = "trussworks/nlb-containers/aws"

  name           = "app"
  environment    = "prod"
  logs_s3_bucket = "my-aws-logs"

  container_port           = "8443"
  enable_proxy_protocol_v2 = true

  nlb_ipv4_addrs = [
  nlb_subnet_ids = "${module.vpc.public_subnets}"
  nlb_vpc_id     = "${module.vpc.vpc_id}"


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws >= 3.0


Name Version
aws >= 3.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_lb.main resource
aws_lb_listener.main resource
aws_lb_target_group.main resource
aws_eip.nlb_eip1 data source
aws_eip.nlb_eip2 data source
aws_eip.nlb_eip3 data source


Name Description Type Default Required
container_port The port on which the container will receive traffic. string 443 no
enable_cross_zone_load_balancing If true, cross-zone load balancing of the load balancer will be enabled. string true no
enable_deletion_protection If true, deletion of the load balancer will be disabled via the AWS API. This will prevent Terraform from deleting the load balancer string false no
enable_proxy_protocol_v2 Boolean to enable / disable support for proxy protocol v2. string "true" no
environment Environment tag, e.g prod. string n/a yes
health_check_interval The approximate amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target. Minimum value 5 seconds, Maximum value 300 seconds. Default 30 seconds. string 30 no
health_check_path When using a HTTP(S) health check, the destination for the health check requests to the container. string "/" no
health_check_port The port on which the container will receive health checks. string 443 no
health_check_protocol The protocol that will be used for health checks. Options are: TCP, HTTP, HTTPS string "TCP" no
logs_s3_bucket S3 bucket for storing Network Load Balancer logs. Access logs are created only if the load balancer has a TLS listener and they contain information only about TLS requests. string n/a yes
name The service name. string n/a yes
nlb_eip_ids Use either this or nlb_ipv4_addrs, but not both. List of Elastic IP allocation IDs to associate with the NLB. Requires exactly 3 IPs. Not compatible with the nlb_ipv4_addrs variable. list(string) [] no
nlb_ipv4_addrs Use either this or nlb_eip_ids, but not both. List of private IPv4 addresses to associate with the NLB. Requires exactly 3 IPs. Not compatible with the nlb_eip_ids variable. list(string) [] no
nlb_listener_port The port on which the NLB will receive traffic. string "443" no
nlb_subnet_ids Subnets IDs for the NLB. list(string) n/a yes
nlb_vpc_id VPC ID to be used by the NLB. string n/a yes
target_group_name Override the default name of the NLB's target group. Must be less than or equal to 32 characters. Default: ecs-[name]-[environment]-[port]. string "" no


Name Description
nlb_arn The ARN of the NLB.
nlb_dns_name DNS name of the NLB.
nlb_ips List of IP addresses associated with the NLB.
nlb_listener_arn The ARN associated with the listener on the NLB.
nlb_target_group_arn ARN of the NLB target group.
nlb_target_group_id ID of the NLB target group.
nlb_zone_id The canonical hosted zone ID of the load balancer.

Developer Setup

Install dependencies (macOS)

brew install pre-commit go terraform terraform-docs