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Allows you to partially (for example, only models) or completely generate a native (without dependencies) C# client sdk according to the OpenAPI specification.
Inspired by NSwag ❤️.


  • Uses Incremental Source Generators for efficient generation and caching.
  • Detects your TargetFramework and generates optimal code for it (including net6.0/net7.0/net8.0 improvements)
  • Supports .Net Framework/.Net Standard
  • Does not contain dependencies for modern versions of dotnet
  • Only System.Text.Json dependency for .Net Framework/.Net Standard
  • Any generated methods provide the ability to pass a CancellationToken
  • Allows partial generation (models only) or end points filtering
  • Available under MIT license for general users and most organizations
  • Uses for parsing OpenAPI specification
  • Supports nullable enable/trimming/native AOT compilation/CLS compliance
  • Tested on GitHub 220k lines OpenAPI specification
  • Supports OneOf/AnyOf/AllOf/Not schemas
  • Supports Enums for System.Text.Json
  • Efficient O(n) implementation, fully suitable for large/super large OpenAPI specifications
  • Used in 10+ real SDKs and adapted to solve various problems

🚀Quick start🚀

CLI (Recommended)

You can use the CLI to generate the code.

dotnet tool install --global autosdk.cli --prerelease
rm -rf Generated
autosdk generate openapi.yaml \
    --namespace Namespace \
    --clientClassName YourApi \
    --targetFramework net8.0 \
    --output Generated

It will generate the code in the "Generated" subdirectory.
It also will include polyfills for .Net Framework/.Net Standard TargetFrameworks.

Source generator

  • Install the package
dotnet add package AutoSDK
  • Add the following optional settings to your csproj file to customize generation. You can check all settings here:
<!-- This generator automatically detects all .yaml files in the project directory and adds them to the generation -->
<!-- If your yaml file is not in the project directory, you can specify it manually -->
<ItemGroup Label="AutoSDK">
    <AdditionalFiles Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)../../../docs/openapi.yaml" />

<!-- All settings optional -->
<PropertyGroup Label="AutoSDK">

    <!-- By default, it generates all models/methods. You can disable this behavior using these properties -->
  • It's all! Now you can build your project and use the generated code. You also can use IDE to see the generated code in any moment, this is a example for Rider:

Trimming support


CLI generates Trimming/NativeAOT compatible code by default.

Source generator

Since there are two source generators involved, we will have to create a second project so that the generator for the JsonSerializerContext will “see” our models

  • Create new project for your models. And disable methods/constructors generation:
<PropertyGroup Label="AutoSDK">
  • Reference this project in your main project.
  • Add SourceGenerationContext.cs file to your main project with the following content:
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

namespace Namespace;

[JsonSourceGenerationOptions(DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull)]
internal sealed partial class SourceGenerationContext : JsonSerializerContext;
  • Add the following settings to your main csproj file:
<PropertyGroup Label="AutoSDK">
  • Add these settings to your new and main csproj file to enable trimming(or use Directory.Build.props file):
<PropertyGroup Label="Trimmable" Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsTargetFrameworkCompatible('$(TargetFramework)', 'net6.0'))">
  • It's all! Now you can build your project and use the generated code with full trimming/nativeAOT support.

📚Examples of use in real SDKs📚