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Complete Ansible playbooks to deploy Elasticsearch + Kibana + Logstash + Packetbeat


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Ansible roles for Packetbeat + ELK

This repository contains automation scripts based on Ansible for deploying the full Packetbeat system. It is a quick way of getting everything up and running.

It will install the following components for you:

  • Packetbeat reads and parses network protocols on the fly, correlating the requests with the responses and measuring the response times.

  • Elasticsearch is a distributed search system that indexes semi-structured data (i.e. JSON documents) and can do ad-hoc analytics on them.

  • Logstash reads, ships and aggregates log files, but it can be used for other data as well.

  • Kibana is a UI application that offers various visualisations widgets which you can flexibly organize into dashboards.

  • Redis is an in-memory data structure server which can do a lot of things, here we just use it as a queue with multiple writers.

All these tools are not only able to work together, but they were designed to be composable and work together. So while the amount of projects involved might seem overwhelming, as a user you don't really have to care. Follow our tutorial to get everything up and running and then simply use the web interface.

Deploy steps (high level overview - more details below)

Step 1: Spin up one or more Virtual Machines that will host the monitoring system.

Step 2: Clone or download this GitHub project:

git clone

Step 3: Create an inventory file containing your servers. It looks something like this:



Step 4: Adjust the configuration files if you want to. The defaults should be good in most cases.

Step 5: Install Ansible and run one command to deploy everything:

ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml


The following sections cover in detail the steps you need to take to build your own packet analytics and log aggregation system.

Step 1: Decide on the architecture and get servers

In this tutorial, we'll give two examples:

  • an all-in-one installation, in which all components except the agents are running on a single server. This is useful for trying things and for applications without too much traffic. No redundancy is provided in this setup.

  • an installation on 3 servers. All servers run an Elasticsearch node and one of them also has the aggregator role and serves the Kibana web interface. In this setup the data is duplicated to one replica, so loosing one of the severs doesn't mean data loss. If the aggregator node is lost, the system doesn't record data for the time the aggregator is down, but the data that was already indexed is not lost.

Because the Deploy system itself is open-source, you can easily extend it later to more elaborate designs, including removing the single point of failure.

The servers running the Aggregator node and the Elasticsearch nodes currently need to be Debian 7 or newer. Extending this to support more operating system is easy, but for now we want to keep our testing efforts lower.

Most cloud providers offer Debian images. For example, on Digital Ocean, you can select the Debian 7.0 x64 image:

Select image

If you want to run the Packetbeat system on one or more physical servers, you need to install Debian 7 on all of them.

Note that the Debian 7 is a requirement only for the servers running the Packetbeat Monitoring System itself. Your applications servers can run any Debian based (e.g. Ubuntu) or RedHat based (e.g. CentOS, Oracle Linux) distribution. Running the Packetbeat agents is also possible on Windows, but Packetbeat Deploy currently doesn't support it.

We recommend using servers with at least 512 MB RAM each.

Step 2: Clone the Packetbeat Deploy repository

You should run this and the next steps on a computer that has SSH access to all the servers, ideally using key based authentication.

If you have Git installed on your computer, simply run:

git clone

If you plan to modify the deploy scripts and you are fine with storing the configuration files on GitHub, it might be a good idea to first fork this repository and then clone your fork.

Step 3: Create the inventory file

An Ansible inventory file is a simple configuration file defining your network. It typically groups hosts by their intended role in your system.

Let's start by creating an inventory file named hosts in the packetbeat-deploy folder.

For the all-in-one example, your inventory file should look something like this:

# packetbeat-deploy/hosts



In this example, the is the hostname of the system running the monitoring system. The rest of the servers are your application servers, on which Packetbeat Deploy will install the Packetbeat and Logstash agents.

Packetbeat all-in-one

You can also use IP addresses instead of hostnames, something like this:

# packetbeat-deploy/hosts



If you don't want to use Ansible for installing the Packetbeat and Logstash agents (for example, if you already do that via Chef or Puppet), you can simply remove the [app-servers] section from the inventory file, so you get something like this:

# packetbeat-deploy/hosts


For the installation on 3 severs, your inventory file should look something like this:

# packetbeat-deploy/hosts




Packetbeat on 3 servers

The inventory file can also contain configuration options on a per host basis. One usage for this is setting the interface on which the services bind to. The default is eth0, but in some cases you might want to use a different device. You can change the interface like this:

# packetbeat-deploy/hosts

[aggregator] main_iface=eth1

[esnodes] main_iface=eth1 main_iface=eth1


Another parameter that you might need to adjust is the SSH user that should be used by Ansible to connect to the servers. The parameter is named ansible_ssh_user and you can set it like this:

# packetbeat-deploy/hosts

[aggregator] ansible_ssh_user=root

Step 4: Adjust configuration files

Packetbeat Deploy generally uses sane defaults and uses environmental information to automatically set the right configuration parameters. For example, it automatically configures Elasticsearch to use half of the available memory on each node. So while you normally don't need to change any of the default configuration variables, you can have a look over the following files to see if you want anything different. Packetbeat Deploy keeps the options organized per role, so you have too look into the vars folder of each role:


In particular you might want to ship different log files from the logstash configuration:

# roles/logstash/vars/main.yml
            enabled: true
                    - "/var/log/syslog"
                    - "/var/log/messages"
            enabled: true
                    - "/var/log/nginx/access.log"
            enabled: true
                    - "/var/log/nginx/error.log"

You might also want to adjust the TCP ports that the Packetbeat agent sniffs on:

# roles/packetbeat/vars/main.yml
            enabled: true
                - 80
                - 8080
            enabled: true
                - 3306
            enabled: true
                - 5432
            enabled: true
                - 6379

If your application doesn't use some of the protocols above, simply set enabled to false to disable them.

Another important setting is the amount of history the Packetbeat Monitoring System stores. A nightly curator task will delete all indexes older than a given amount of days. The default is 3 days, which we think is usually enough for troubleshooting while keeping the disk requirements relatively low. You can change it from the Aggregator vars file:

# roles/aggregator/vars/main.yml
        days_of_history: 3

Step 5: Install Ansible and run the playbook

There are multiple ways to install Ansible, you should choose the one that makes the most sense on your operating system. However, if you have python already installed, the following steps should be enough:

    sudo easy_install pip
    pip install ansible

Now it's time to get everything up by running the following command:

    ansible-playbook  -i hosts site.yml

Where hosts is the inventory file you created in Step 3.

After the installation is finished, you can access the web interface by opening the Aggregator's URL in the browser.

Developing / Testing

Vagrant can be used for testing Packetbeat Deploy. The Vagrantfile contains definitions for 5 VMs that we use for testing.

To bring the test system up, do the following:

    vagrant up

Add the SSH connection information to your SSH config, from where Ansible can read it:

    vagrant ssh-config >> ~/.ssh/config

Now you are ready to run the Ansible roles:

    ansible-playbook -i hosts-vagrant site.yml

Or for the all-in-one version (installs the full Packetbeat System on the aggregator host):

    ansible-playbook -i hosts-vagrant-allinone site.yml


Complete Ansible playbooks to deploy Elasticsearch + Kibana + Logstash + Packetbeat







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