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tftags or terraform tags is a helper package which can use for parse given terraform state to a struct as well as set all computed fields into state file. tftags library contains two functions Get and Set. Get used to parse schema values into struct and Set used to set schema data into state file

Where to use tftags?

  • If your API request schema is similar to terraform schema.
  • If your schema is quite bigger and hard to manage. Rather than storing values in maps, you can store in structs

How to use tftags

Assume you had a resource as following

    Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
        "id": {
            Type:     schema.TypeInt,
            Computed: true,
        "class": {
            Type:     schema.TypeString,
            Computed: true,
            Optional: true,
        "subject": {
            Type:     schema.TypeList,
            Required: true,
            Elem: &schema.Resource{
                Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
                    "name": {
                        Type:     schema.TypeString,
                        Required: true,
                    "id": {
                        Type:     schema.TypeInt,
                        Computed: true,
        "mark": {
            Type:     schema.TypeSet,
            Computed: true,
            Elem: &schema.Resource{
                Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
                    "subject": {
                        Type:     schema.TypeString,
                        Computed: true,
                    "id": {
                        Type:     schema.TypeInt,
                        Computed: true,
        "rank": {
            Type:     schema.TypeInt,
            Computed: true,

To parse above schema you need to create new struct with tags or if you already had one add tf tags to it

Here we created struct for parsing. Please note you can include other tags such as json or bson etc along with tf.

    type Subject struct {
		Name string `tf:"name"`
		// Eventhough ID is computed we don't need to mark it
		// as computed since top level field is marked as computed
		ID int `tf:"id"`

	type Mark struct {
		Subject string `tf:"subject"`
		// Eventhough ID is computed we don't need to mark it
		// as computed since top level field is marked as computed
		ID int `tf:"id"`

	// This is the top level struct. All the computed fields should mark here
	type Student struct {
        // id to denotes the resource or datasource. This should be computed as
        // well as string type
		ID    string `tf:"id,computed"`
		Class string `tf:"class,computed"`
		// since is computed the top level field should mark as computed
		Subject []Subject `tf:"name,computed"`
		// sub is used here since we only expects only elements in Mark and it is a set as well
		// You can also use Mark []Mark as well. Both will work
		Mark Mark `tf:"mark,sub,computed"`

	var studentModel Student
    // Parse to student model
	err := tftags.Get(d, &studentModel)
	if err != nil {
		return err

ID in the struct will considered as the ID of the resource/data-source and Id() will be called if top level id tag is found. Nested structs are supported for nested terraform resources.

Note: Please note that, you need to provide tf tags for every fields to parse, any fields without tf tags will be omitted

You can use Set function to set computed fields of a resource. To denote computed field use computed in the tags.


    if err:= tftags.Set(d,studentModel);err!=nil{
        return err

Top level tf:"id" with computed tag will consider as id of the resource and tftags will call SetId() function for the same. This will panics if the ID type is not string

Note: You need to set computed on top level field of the struct, otherwise it won't work

where to use sub in tf tag

If you have request json like following

    "name": "test",
    "data": {
        "id": 1

and struct model looks like

    type IDModel struct{
        ID int `json:"id" tf:"id,computed"`

    type Model struct{
        ID string `json:"id" tf:"id,computed"`
        Name string  `json:"name" tf:"name"`
        Data IDModel `json:"data" tf:"data,sub,computed"`

Since terraform doesn't support child object like json do.So using sub will helps to mock child struct. For using sub the corresponding entry in terraform schema should be schema.TypeSet or schema.TypeList.
