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File metadata and controls

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Configuring tsuru

Tsuru uses a configuration file in YAML format. This document describes what each option means, and how it should look like.


Tsuru uses a colon to represent nesting in YAML. So, whenever this document say something like key1:key2, it refers to the value of the key2 that is nested in the block that is the value of key1. For example, database:url means:

  url: <value>

Tsuru configuration

This section describes tsuru's core configuration. Other sections will include configuration of optional components, and finally, a full sample file.

HTTP server

Tsuru provides a REST API, that supports HTTP and HTTP/TLS (a.k.a. HTTPS). Here are the options that affect how tsuru's API behaves:


listen defines in which address tsuru webserver will listen. It has the form <host>:<port>. You may omit the host (example: :8080). This setting has no default value.


use-tls indicates whether tsuru should use TLS or not. This setting is optional, and defaults to "false".


tlscert-file is the path to the X.509 certificate file configured to serve the domain. This setting is optional, unless use-tls is true.


tls-key-file is the path to private key file configured to serve the domain. This setting is optional, unless use-tls is true.

Database access

Tsuru uses MongoDB as database manager, to store information about users, VM's, and its components. Regarding database control, you're able to define to which database server tsuru will connect (providing a MongoDB connection string). The database related options are listed below:


database:url is the database connection string. It is a mandatory setting and has no default value. Examples of strings include the basic "" and the more advanced "mongodb://user@password:". Please refer to MongoDB documentation for more details and examples of connection strings.


database:name is the name of the database that tsuru uses. It is a mandatory setting and has no default value. An example of value is "tsuru".

Git configuration

Tsuru uses Gandalf to manage git repositories. Gandalf exposes a REST API for repositories management, and tsuru uses it. So tsuru requires information about the Gandalf HTTP server.

Tsuru also needs to know where the git repository will be cloned and stored in units storage. Here are all options related to git repositories:


git:unit-repo is the path where tsuru will clone and manage the git repository in all units of an application. This is where the code of the applications will be stored in their units. Example of value: /home/application/current.


git:host is the host for the Gandalf API. It should include the host name only, not the schema nor the port. This setting is mandatory and has no default value. Examples of value: localhost and


git:port is the port for the Gandalf API. Its value must be a positive integer. This setting is optional and defaults to "80".


git:protocol is the protocol to communicate with Gandalf API. The value may be http or https, all lower cased. This setting is optional and defaults to "http".

Authentication configuration

Tsuru has its own authentication mechanism, that hashes passwords using SHA512, PBKDF2 and salt. It also uses SHA512 for hashing tokens, generated during authentication.

This mechanism requires three settings to operate: auth:salt, auth:token-expire-days and auth:token-key. Each setting is described below:


auth:salt is the salt used by tsuru when hashing password. This value is optional and defaults to "tsuru-salt". This value affects all passwords, so if it change at anytime, all password must be regenerated.


Whenever a user logs in, tsuru generates a token for him/her, and the user may store the token. auth:token-expire-days setting defines the amount of days that the token will be valid. This setting is optional, and defaults to "7".


auth:token-key is the key used for token hashing, during authentication process. If this value changes, all tokens will expire. This setting is optional, and defaults to "tsuru-key".

Amazon Web Services (AWS) configuration

Tsuru is able to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) to provide static storage for apps. Whenever bucket-support is true, Tsuru will create a S3 bucket and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) credentials to access this bucket during the app creation process. In order to be able to comunicate with AWS API's, tsuru needs some settings, listed below.

For more details on AWS authentication, AWS AIM and AWS S3, check AWS docs:


bucket-support is a boolean flag, that turns on the bucket per app feature. This field is optional, and defaults to false.


aws:access-key-id is the access key ID used by tsuru to authenticate with AWS API. Given that bucket-support is true, this setting is required and has no default value.


aws:secret-access-key is the secret access key used by tsuru to authenticate with AWS API. Given that bucket-support is true, this setting is required and has no default value.


aws:iam:endpoint is the IAM endpoint that tsuru will call to create credentials for its applications. This setting is optional, and defaults to You should change this setting only when using another service that also implements IAM's API.


aws:s3:region-name is the name of the region that tsuru will use to create S3 buckets. Given that bucket-support is true, this setting is required and has no default value.


aws:s3:endpoint is the S3 endpoint that tsuru will call to create buckets for its applications. Given that bucket-support is true, this setting is required and has no default value.


aws:s3:location-constraint indicates whether buckets should be stored in the selected region. Given that bucket-support is true, this setting is required and has no default value.

For more details, check the documentation for buckets and regions:


aws:s3:lowercase-bucket will be true if the region requires bucket names to be lowercase. Given that bucket-support is true, this setting is required and has no default value.


Tsuru support multiple provisioner. A provisioner is a Go type that satisfies an interface. By default, tsuru will use JujuProvisioner. To use other provisioner, that has been already registered with tsuru, one must define the setting provisioner. This setting is optional and defaults to "juju".


Tsuru uses beanstalkd as a work queue. queue-server is the TCP address where beanstalkd is listening. This setting is optional and defaults to "localhost:11300".


admin-team is the name of the administration team for the current tsuru installation. All members of the administration team is able to use the tsuru-admin command.

Juju provisioner configuration

PENDING. See Issue 263 for details.

Sample file

Here is a complete example, with S3, VPC, HTTP/TLS and load balacing enabled:

listen: ":8080"
use-tls: true
tls-cert-file: /etc/tsuru/tls/cert.pem
tls-key-file: /etc/tsuru/tls/key.pem
  name: tsuru
  unit-repo: /home/application/current
  port: 8000
  protocol: http
  salt: salt
  token-expire-days: 14
  token-key: key
bucket-support: true
  access-key-id: access-key
  secret-access-key: s3cr3t
    region-name: sa-east-1
    location-constraint: true
    lowercase-bucket: true
provisioner: juju
queue-server: ""
admin-team: admin
  charms-path: /etc/juju/charms
  use-elb: true
  elb-use-vpc: true
    - subnet-a1a1a1
    - sg-a1a1a1
  elb-collection: j_lbs
  units-collection: j_units