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Code for training binary classifiers to maximize recall subject to a minimum precision constraint. Paper published at AISTATS '22.


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Optimizing Early Warning Classifiers to Control False Alarms Via a Minimum Precision Constraint

This repo contains code for training binary classifiers to maximize recall subject to a minimum precision constraint.

We have proposed a new method, formally described in Rath & Hughes AISTATS 2022.

The focus of this repo is currently a toy binary classification task described in our paper. This focus makes comparing different techniques simple and visually comparing their results easy.

We provide a notebook comparing 4 different methodologies:

  • BCE + threshold search
  • Eban et al's hinge bound
  • Fathony & Kolter's adversarial prediction bound
  • Our proposed sigmoid bound

All methods try to maximize recall subject to satisfying a precision constraint.


  1. Users are expected to installing the conda enviroment via the toy_false_alarm_control.yml file provided
>> conda env create --name toy_false_alarm_control --file=toy_false_alarm_control.yml
>> conda activate toy_false_alarm_control
  1. Open the notebook for reproducing and comparing multiple bounds on the toy example

  2. Run the cells to create the toy example. Our toy example is heavily imbalanced with 120 positive examples and 450 negative examples.

  1. Our goal is to train a linear classifier to find a decision boundary that maximizes recall subject to precision>=0.9.
  • BCE + Threshold search : We first try Binary cross entropy + post-hoc threshold search, which is commonly used in many applications for the meeting the desired precision-recall.

However, we see that even with post-hoc search, BCE cannot achieve the desired precision.

  • Eban et al's hinge bound : We then try Eban et al's proposed hinge bound.

Here again, the hinge bound falls short of the desired precision of 0.9, reaching 0.79 instead. We hypothesize that this is due to the looseness of the hinge bound.

  • Fathony & Kolter's adversarial prediction bound : Next, we try the optimizing our custom objective using an adversarial prediction framework recent proposed by Fathony & Kolter.

The adversarial prediction bound reached the desired precision of 0.9, and is able to achieve a recall of 0.11, without any post-hoc threshold search. However the total runtime is nearly 3000 seconds, which is 300x the training time required for the other 3 methods.

  • Our proposed sigmoid bound : Finally, we show the decision boundary of our proposed sigmoid bound, which is tight, differentiable, making gradient-based learning feasible.

Our proposed sigmoid bound reaches the desired precision of 0.9, without any post-hoc threshold search, and achieves a recall of 0.23, which is nearly 2x the recall achieved by Fathony & Kolter's adversarial prediction bound. Moreover our proposed bound requires a training time of ~15 seconds, which is $(1/300)^{th}$ of the training time required by Fathony & Kolter's adversarial prediction bound.

Experiments on EHR Data

We will be providing polished code for experiments on the EHR data as detailed in Rath & Hughes AISTATS 2022 by the end of April 2022. Users can replicate the results by running snakemake files in the following format :

Standardizing the dataset

>> snakemake --cores 1 --snakefile standardize_dataset_and_split_train_test.smk 

Training the logistic regression and neural network with multiple training objectives written with pytorch

>> snakemake --cores 1 --snakefile train_{model}.smk BCE_plus_threshold_search
>> snakemake --cores 1 --snakefile train_{model}.smk hinge_bound
>> snakemake --cores 1 --snakefile train_{model}.smk sigmoid_bound

Evaluating the performance of trained models

>> snakemake --cores 1 --evaluate_performance.smk

Expected output


If you use this code, please cite our manuscript, published in the proceedings of AISTATS 2022.

Optimizing Early Warning Classifiers to Control False Alarms via a Minimum Precision Constraint.
Preetish Rath and Michael C. Hughes
In Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2022.
PDF available:

    title = {Optimizing Early Warning Classifiers to Control False Alarms via a Minimum Precision Constraint},
    booktitle = {Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)},
    author = {Rath, Preetish and Hughes, Michael C.},
    year = {2022},
    url = {},


Code for training binary classifiers to maximize recall subject to a minimum precision constraint. Paper published at AISTATS '22.







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