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1. SDS מפרט תיכון תכנה

turner11 edited this page Apr 22, 2013 · 6 revisions

The goal of this page is to supply a snapshot of the intended system from multiple points of view, and to pose as a guideline during implementation and testing.

You can also read more about Main risk handling.

2. Deployment Diagram

The physical components are the client's PC and the server. The server is in charge of all logics and DB assignments. The client is in charge of collecting data from user, and displaying results of queries. Both sides has a communication component that is in charge of the communication between physical components.

This diagram complies to section 1.2 in the SRS document deployment diagram

3. Class Diagram

The class diagram is a preparation for the implementation. It describes the classes, their properties and functions.

In general, the goal was to build a flexible and easy to handle shop list.

This diagram complies to the request to keep the system maintainable and flexible. In specific, it allows to implement user case #1 which allows us to achive our main goal - getting a sorted shopping list. class diagram

CRC Cards

The CRC cards are used for modelling in a Object-Oriented environment to get a better understanding of the classes we chose to implement in our system.

CRC Cards

4. Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram describes the main user cases, and the way they will be handled in the system.

###getting sorted list This diagram describes what happens upon a user request for a sorted list, including gathering data, sending to server, saving to db, sending back to client and displaying result.

This diagram complies with use case #1 Sequence diagram

###Adding a product This diagram describes what happens upon adding a new product to the system, including inserting the data by user, sending to server, saving to db, sending back to and displaying acknowledgment.

This diagram complies with use case #2 Sequence diagram

5. Persistence

The data will be stored in an SQL relational database. The following is a draft of how we plan to store data in the DB


6. Documentation and testing

6.1 Testing plan.

The plan is to have a set of test for every significant component in the system. During the work, we will be following new issues using the github ticket system. our client will also have access to this system and he could add tickets if he has any comments \ requests.

Testing Plan

6.2 Documentation.

Along with the system, a document will be provided to the client. The content of the file will be also available in a Wiki page on the product's site. A link to this page will also be available via the Help > About menu in the software. The documentation will include:

  1. Installation guide.

  2. how to operate the system.

  3. FAQ.

  4. How to contact us.