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Code review checklist

When reviewing Haskell code, do watch out for the following points.

Copyright notices at the top of every module

If required by the product owner, check for a copyright notice.

-- |
-- Copyright: (C) <YEARS> <COPYRIGHT_HOLDER>
-- Module description

{-# LANGUAGE ... #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC ... #-}
module M where


Inverted boolean conditions

Functions like

filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
break :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
when :: Monad m => Bool -> m ()

take a boolean predicate. Ensure the boolean predicate must not compute the opposite of what's intended. For instance, if the intention is to remove from a list all the occurrences of 0, a wrong solution is filter (==0) [0,1,0,1] the correct one being filter (/=0) [0,1,0,1].

Boundaries of enumerations and recursive functions

The limits in expressions of the form [x,x-1..y], [x..], [x..y] must be checked to be correct.

Termination of recursive functions

Check that all recursive functions terminate (well-foundedness). The arguments of each recursive call must ensure progress towards the base case, and the base case has to be defined!

Race conditions solved by locks

When MVars are used as a locking mechanisms it should be checked that the resources for which the MVar is intended are really protected, and furthermore that such protection is not redundant with other locks/MVars.

Unrevertable changes under MVar

When an exception is thrown during an MVar action (modifyMVar, withMVar..) the MVar is reverted to its previous state. However, this behaviour may lead to an inconsistent state in the presence of other side effects, e.g. network actions or changes in other mutable variables.

Laziness when copying non-garbage-collected data

If the program manipulates memory which is released regardless of the references that exist to it, care must be taken to ensure that references do not exist after the memory is released.

This happens often in Haskell bindings to OS or hardware resources which the garbage collector does not manage. Say we have a list of bytestrings xs :: [ByteString] where the memory pointed by the bytestrings can be released before the bytestrings are garbage collected. Attempting to copy the data before the memory is released is not well done with map copy xs since it defers copying until the result of the map is needed. The good solution would be more strict: mapM (evaluate . copy) xs.

foldl: just say no - use foldl'

foldl is approximately never appropriate. See here for a longer discussion. Executive summary: foldl f z xs leads to space leaks, even when f is strict in both arguments.

Use strict versions of containers where appropriate

In most cases strict version of containers (e.g. Data.Map.Strict) are prefered over the lazy version - they perform better in most cases and make space leaks less likely.

List prefix memory leaks

Evaluating say

case take n xs of
  (_:xs') -> ... xs' ...

may keep all of xs in memory until the end of xs' is evaluated.

This memory leak can be fixed with

case Control.DeepSeq.force $ take n xs of
  (_:xs') -> ... xs' ...

though the above also forces evaluation of the list elements, which is often overkill. The following can be enough:

forceSpine xs = length xs `seq` xs

case forceSpine $ take n xs of
  (_:xs') -> ... xs' ...

Or use seqList from the parallel package. Or better yet, use a strict list datatype rather than the standard lazy one.

Names of intermediate computations

When reviewing code like

let  x' = f x
    x'' = g x'
 in x''

ensure that the arguments given to the intermediate computations f and g are the intended ones. Thus we could catch uses of, say, x where x' was intended.

Note: the above is bad style. Such code should be written pointlessly, with f and g chained. Or pointfully, but then with meaningful names for the intermediate state rather than chains of apostrophes.


Use of catamorphisms (e.g. foldr, foldl) and other special case higher-order functions (such as map) is preferable to writing structurally recursive functions with explicit recursion. This is because a fold makes it a type error to forget the base case - a problem with the code that could otherwise go undetected. It also documents the fact that the function is supposed to be structurally recursive, as opposed to functions that use general recursion.

Data types

Constructor fields should be strict, unless there's an explicit reason to make them lazy. This avoids many common pitfalls caused by too much laziness and reduces the number of brain cycles the programmer has to spend thinking about evaluation order.

-- Good
data Point = Point
  { pointX :: !Double  -- ^ X coordinate
  , pointY :: !Double  -- ^ Y coordinate

-- Bad
data Point = Point
  { pointX :: Double  -- ^ X coordinate
  , pointY :: Double  -- ^ Y coordinate

Additionally, unpacking simple fields often improves performance and reduces memory usage:

data Point = Point
  { pointX :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double  -- ^ X coordinate
  , pointY :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double  -- ^ Y coordinate


Have function arguments be lazy unless you explicitly need them to be strict.

The most common case when you need strict function arguments is in recursion with an accumulator:

mysum :: [Int] -> Int
mysum = go 0
    go !acc []    = acc
    go acc (x:xs) = go (acc + x) xs