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Polymorphise the type of some functions
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What I've done is take the prelude functions that we use all the time
and polymorphise the higher-order arrows.

I left the first order arrow to multiplicity 1 whenever possible
- We can cast them to any multiplicity by a simple 𝜂-expansion
- Any multiplicity involving multiplicity multiplication will hit the
  limitations of the type checker currently (it doesn't know that
  multiplication is associative, typically), so I really wanted a
  single multiplicity variable per type.

This does leave composition fully linear, unfortunately, because there
are two (independent) higher-order arrow, and there is no most general
choice of one to polymorphise.

It didn't work last time I tried, but @monoidal made a [cleverly short
patch]( to
9.0 prior to release, and as he hinted to me last week, it does make
this polymorphisation possible.

Closes #309 .
  • Loading branch information
aspiwack committed May 7, 2021
1 parent 28fcd2c commit f3aff2f
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Showing 7 changed files with 30 additions and 42 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions examples/Test/Foreign.hs
Expand Up @@ -63,30 +63,30 @@ instance Exception InjectedError

invertNonGCList :: Property
invertNonGCList = property Prelude.$ do
invertNonGCList = property $ do
xs <- forAll list
let xs' = unur $
Manual.withPool (\p -> move $ List.toList $ List.ofList xs p)
xs === xs'

mapIdNonGCList :: Property
mapIdNonGCList = property Prelude.$ do
mapIdNonGCList = property $ do
xs <- forAll list
let boolTest = unur $ Manual.withPool $ \p ->
dup3 p & \(p0,p1,p2) ->
eqList (List.ofList xs p0) ( id (List.ofList xs p1) p2)
assert boolTest

testExecptionOnMem :: Property
testExecptionOnMem = property Prelude.$ do
testExecptionOnMem = property $ do
xs <- forAll list
let bs = xs ++ (throw InjectedError)
let writeBadList = Manual.withPool (move . List.toList . List.ofRList bs)
let ignoreCatch = \_ -> Prelude.return ()
evalIO (catch @InjectedError (void (evaluate writeBadList)) ignoreCatch)

nonGCHeapSort :: Property
nonGCHeapSort = property Prelude.$ do
nonGCHeapSort = property $ do
xs <- forAll list
let ys :: [(Int,())] = zip xs $ Prelude.replicate (Prelude.length xs) ()
(Heap.sort ys) === (reverse $ sort ys)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Data/Array/Destination/Internal.hs
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ data DArray a where
-- module. @`alloc` n k@ must be called with a non-negative value of @n@.
alloc :: Int -> (DArray a %1-> ()) %1-> Vector a
alloc n writer = (\(Ur dest, vec) -> writer (DArray dest) `lseq` vec) $
unsafeDupablePerformIO Prelude.$ do
unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
destArray <- MVector.unsafeNew n
vec <- Vector.unsafeFreeze destArray
Prelude.return (Ur destArray, vec)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ mirror v f arr =

-- | Fill a destination array using the given index-to-value function.
fromFunction :: (Int -> b) -> DArray b %1-> ()
fromFunction f (DArray mvec) = unsafeDupablePerformIO Prelude.$ do
fromFunction f (DArray mvec) = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
let n = MVector.length mvec
Prelude.sequence_ [MVector.unsafeWrite mvec m (f m) | m <- [0..n-1]]
-- The use of the mutable array is linear, since getting the length does not
Expand Down
40 changes: 16 additions & 24 deletions src/Prelude/Linear/Internal.hs
Expand Up @@ -17,60 +17,52 @@ import Data.Functor.Identity
-- simply reimplemented here. For harder function, we reuse the Prelude
-- definition and make an unsafe cast.

-- | Beware: @($)@ is not compatible with the standard one because it is
-- higher-order and we don't have multiplicity polymorphism yet.
($) :: (a %1-> b) %1-> a %1-> b
-- XXX: Temporary as `($)` should get its typing rule directly from the type
-- inference mechanism.
-- XXX: Add runtime-representation polymorphism such that
-- `($)`+`-XImpredicativeType` (starting with 9.2) has the complete behaviour of
-- GHC's native `($)` rule.
($) :: (a %p-> b) %q-> a %p-> b
($) f x = f x
infixr 0 $

(&) :: a %1-> (a %1-> b) %1-> b
(&) :: a %p-> (a %p-> b) %q-> b
x & f = f x
infixl 1 &

id :: a %1-> a
id :: a %q-> a
id x = x

const :: a %1-> b -> a
const :: a %q-> b -> a
const x _ = x

asTypeOf :: a %1-> a -> a
asTypeOf :: a %q-> a -> a
asTypeOf = const

-- | @seq x y@ only forces @x@ to head normal form, therefore is not guaranteed
-- to consume @x@ when the resulting computation is consumed. Therefore, @seq@
-- cannot be linear in it's first argument.
seq :: a -> b %1-> b
seq x = Unsafe.toLinear (Prelude.seq x)
seq :: a -> b %q-> b
seq x y = Unsafe.toLinear (Prelude.seq x) y

($!) :: (a %1-> b) %1-> a %1-> b
($!) :: (a %p-> b) %q-> a %p-> b
($!) f !a = f a

-- | Beware, 'curry' is not compatible with the standard one because it is
-- higher-order and we don't have multiplicity polymorphism yet.
curry :: ((a, b) %1-> c) %1-> a %1-> b %1-> c
curry :: ((a, b) %p-> c) %q-> a %p-> b %p-> c
curry f x y = f (x, y)

-- | Beware, 'uncurry' is not compatible with the standard one because it is
-- higher-order and we don't have multiplicity polymorphism yet.
uncurry :: (a %1-> b %1-> c) %1-> (a, b) %1-> c
uncurry :: (a %p-> b %p-> c) %q-> (a, b) %p-> c
uncurry f (x,y) = f x y

-- | Beware: @(.)@ is not compatible with the standard one because it is
-- higher-order and we don't have multiplicity polymorphism yet.
(.) :: (b %1-> c) %1-> (a %1-> b) %1-> a %1-> c
-- higher-order and we don't have sufficient multiplicity polymorphism yet.
(.) :: (b %1-> c) %q-> (a %1-> b) %m-> a %n-> c
f . g = \x -> f (g x)

-- XXX: temporary: with multiplicity polymorphism functions expecting a
-- non-linear arrow would allow a linear arrow passed, so this would be
-- redundant
-- | Convenience operator when a higher-order function expects a non-linear
-- arrow but we have a linear arrow.
forget :: (a %1-> b) %1-> a -> b
forget f a = f a

-- XXX: Temporary, until newtype record projections are linear.
runIdentity' :: Identity a %1-> a
runIdentity' :: Identity a %p-> a
runIdentity' (Identity x) = x

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Streaming/Internal/Produce.hs
Expand Up @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ enumFromThen :: forall e m. (Control.Monad m, Enum e) =>
e -> e -> AffineStream (Of e) m ()
enumFromThen e e' = iterate e enumStep where
enumStep :: e -> e
enumStep enum = toEnum Prelude.$
enumStep enum = toEnum $
(fromEnum enum) + ((fromEnum e') - (fromEnum e))
-- Think: \enum -> enum + stepSize where stepSize = (e1 - e0)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/System/IO/Resource.hs
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
-- >>> import qualified Prelude
-- >>> :{
-- linearWriteToFile :: IO ()
-- linearWriteToFile = Prelude.$
-- linearWriteToFile = $
-- handle1 <- Linear.openFile "/home/user/test.txt" Linear.WriteMode
-- handle2 <- Linear.hPutStrLn handle1 (Text.pack "hello there")
-- () <- Linear.hClose handle2
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/System/IO/Resource/Internal.hs
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ run (RIO action) = do
(restore (Linear.withLinearIO (action rrm)))
(do -- release stray resources
ReleaseMap releaseMap <- System.readIORef rrm
safeRelease Prelude.$ Ur.fmap snd Prelude.$ IntMap.toList releaseMap))
safeRelease $ Ur.fmap snd $ IntMap.toList releaseMap))
-- Remarks: resources are guaranteed to be released on non-exceptional
-- return. So, contrary to a standard bracket/ResourceT implementation, we
-- only release exceptions in the release map upon exception.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ newtype Handle = Handle (UnsafeResource System.Handle)
openFile :: FilePath -> System.IOMode -> RIO Handle
openFile path mode =
h <- unsafeAcquire
(Linear.fromSystemIOU Prelude.$ System.openFile path mode)
(Linear.fromSystemIOU $ System.openFile path mode)
(\h -> Linear.fromSystemIO $ System.hClose h)
Control.return $ Handle h

Expand Down
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions test/Test/Data/Mutable/HashMap.hs
Expand Up @@ -279,25 +279,22 @@ refLookup = defProperty $ do
kvs <- forAll keyVals
k <- forAll key
let listLookup = List.lookup k (List.reverse kvs)
let (#.) = (Linear..)
let hmLookup = HashMap.fromList kvs (getFst #. HashMap.lookup k)
let hmLookup = HashMap.fromList kvs (getFst Linear.. HashMap.lookup k)
listLookup === unur hmLookup

refMap :: Property
refMap = defProperty $ do
let f k v = if mod k 5 < 3 then Just (show k ++ v) else Nothing
let f' (k,v) = fmap ((,) k) (f k v)
kvs <- forAll keyVals
let (#.) = (Linear..)
let mappedList = mapMaybe f' (nubOrdOn fst (List.reverse kvs))
let mappedHm = HashMap.fromList kvs (HashMap.toList #. HashMap.mapMaybeWithKey f)
let mappedHm = HashMap.fromList kvs (HashMap.toList Linear.. HashMap.mapMaybeWithKey f)
sort mappedList === sort (unur mappedHm)

refSize :: Property
refSize = defProperty $ do
kvs <- forAll keyVals
let (#.) = (Linear..)
length (nubOrdOn fst kvs) === unur (HashMap.fromList kvs (getFst #. HashMap.size))
length (nubOrdOn fst kvs) === unur (HashMap.fromList kvs (getFst Linear.. HashMap.size))

refToListFromList :: Property
refToListFromList = defProperty $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,7 +379,6 @@ refIntersectionWith = defProperty $ do
shrinkToFitTest :: Property
shrinkToFitTest = defProperty $ do
kvs <- forAll keyVals
let (#.) = (Linear..)
let shrunk = (HashMap.fromList kvs (HashMap.toList #. HashMap.shrinkToFit))
let shrunk = (HashMap.fromList kvs (HashMap.toList Linear.. HashMap.shrinkToFit))
sort (nubOrdOn fst (List.reverse kvs)) === sort (unur shrunk)

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