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Funkytown is an aggregate module that pulls the following libs together:

  • ramda (curry)
  • pointfree-fantasy (compose, map)
  • data.future (Future)

Into one lib

npm install funkytown
var _ = require('funkytown');



Curry takes a function and provides the ability to partially call the function and return another function waiting on the additional arguments, once all the arguments are set, then it executes the function.


var _ = require('funkytown');
var add = _.curry(function(a,b) { return a + b; });
var add2 = add(2);
var result5 = add2(3);
# result5 === 5

Use case:

This is a great feature for high order function replacement, often times we want to set some default options in a method before we apply the method on an array or object.

module.exports = function(opts) {
  return function(obj) {

This allows us to setup the options ahead of the actual execution of the function which will most likely occur in some sort of chain set of operations. Using the curry function shortens this and makes creating these functions cake.

var _ = require('funkytown');
module.exports = _.curry(function(opts,obj) {
  return obj;


Compose takes 2 or more functions as arguments and performs nested calls of the functions from the last to the first, passing the returned value to each function.

var foo = compose(g, f, e);
# => g(f(e()));

Compose is a great way to create pure continuation features.

map(fn, Functor)

What is a Functor? It is an object that has a private value and at least a map method that executes the passed in function on the value.

var functor = {
  val: 'foo',
  map: function(fn) {
    return fn(val);

The map method will take the function and pass it in the Functors map method so it may be executed inside the context of the object.

mjoin(Functor, Functor, ...)

mjoin will combine or join multiple Functors of the same type.

chain(Functor, Functor)


Functional JavaScript Helpers






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