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temporary fix replace (game) in code woth the Directory for game so like this edit to what you have C:\Users\twitchplays\Desktop\Emuchat-master\game alt tag


You are now ready to start the bot. Now it will ask you a bunch of questions to help generate a settings file. The answers to those questions are outside the scope of this readme however knowing how to setup sunshinekitty's bot will help a LOT with knowing how to configure my bot as my bot uses sunshinekitty's code as a base.

Don't worry all of these settings can be changed later in the "settings.txt" file and as a bonus the "BUTTON_DELAY" setting can even be changed while the bot is running for on the fly fine tuning. (This is the only setting that can be adjusted without restarting


Please configure your emulator so that when the command is typed in chat the correct key on the emulator will be pressed.

For example; When a user types "up" or "u" in chat the bot will press "i" the emulator needs to know that "i" is the key for "D-Pad Up"

DPad Up: Key Pressed = i Chat Commands: 'up', 'u'

DPad Right: Key Pressed = l Chat Commands: 'right', 'r'

DPad Down: Key Pressed = k Chat Commands: 'down', 'd'

DPad Left: Key Pressed = j Chat Commands: 'left', 'l'

X: Key Pressed = z Chat Commands: 'x', 'cross'

A: Key Pressed = a Chat Commands: 'a'

O or B: Key Pressed = x Chat Commands: 'b', 'o', 'circle'

Square or Z: Key Pressed = s Chat Commands: 's', 'square', 'z'

Triangle or Y: Key Pressed = d Chat Commands: 't', 'triangle', 'y'

L1 or Lb: Key Pressed = q Chat Commands: 'l1', 'lb'

L2: Key Pressed = w Chat Commands: 'l2'

L3: Key Pressed = n Chat Commands: 'l3'

R1 or Rb: Key Pressed = e Chat Commands: 'r1', 'rb'

R2: Key Pressed = r Chat Commands: 'r2'

R3: Key Pressed = m Chat Commands: 'r3'

Start: Key Pressed = v Chat Commands: 'start' Select: Key Pressed = c Chat Commands: 'select'

Left Stick Up: Key Pressed = t Chat Commands: 'lsup', 'lsu', 'lup', 'lu', 'su', 'stickup'

Left Stick Right: Key Pressed = h Chat Commands: 'lsright', 'lsr', 'lright', 'lr', 'sr', 'stickright'

Left Stick Down: Key Pressed = g Chat Commands: 'lsdown', 'lsd', 'ldown', 'ld', 'sd', 'stickdown'

Left Stick Left: Key Pressed = f Chat Commands: 'lsleft', 'lsl', 'lleft', 'll', 'sl', 'stickleft'

Right Stick Up or C Up: Key Pressed = 7 Chat Commands: 'rsup', 'rsu', 'rup', 'ru', 'cup', 'cu'

Right Stick Right or C Right: Key Pressed = u Chat Commands: 'rsright', 'rsr', 'rright', 'rr' 'cright', 'cr'

Right Stick Down or C Down: Key Pressed = y Chat Commands: 'rsdown', 'rsd', 'rdown', 'rd' 'cdown', 'cd'

Right Stick Left or C Left: Key Pressed = 6 Chat Commands: 'rsleft', 'rsl', 'rleft', 'rl' 'cleft', 'cl'

Other Commands: Chat Commands:

'cl' Other Commands: 	Chat Commands: 
 		'!pausingon', '!pon', #Turns pausing on between key presses 
	 		'!pausingoff', '!poff', #Turns pausing off between key presses 
	 		Anarchy Only Commands: 
	 			'!smoothon', '!son', #Turns Smooth Movement on (i.e. Instead of pressing a button multiple times the bot will hold the button down.) 
		 			'!smoothoff', '!soff', #Turns Smooth Movement off (i.e. Instead of holding a button down the bot will press the button multiple times.) 
		 			'!autosmoothon', '!ason', #Auto smoothing will smooth or unsmooth a button automatically based on the "auto_smooth_settings" config file. 
		 			'!autosmoothoff', '!asoff', #Turns auto smoothing off. 
		 			'!hold <button>', '!h <button>' #Holds a button until the "release" command is pressed.
		 			'!release <button>', '!r <button>', #Releases a button if it is currently being held down. 
		 			'!r all', #Releases all buttons currently being held down.