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finagle-base-http: Decouple Cookie from Netty 3 Cookie
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Summary: Problem

In order to remove Netty 3, we need to decouple Cookie from
Netty 3 Cookie.


Cookie is no longer backed by a Netty 3 cookie. We are moving
towards making Cookie immutable, so we deprecate all set methods
(a "CookieBuilder" will be introduced in another commit). We add
bijections to go from one type to the other.

JIRA Issues: CSL-3669

Differential Revision:
  • Loading branch information
jcrossley authored and jenkins committed Sep 18, 2017
1 parent 484db84 commit 7176009
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Showing 6 changed files with 632 additions and 41 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions CHANGES
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,30 @@ Runtime Behavior Changes
validate loaded certificates in all cases to ensure that the current date
range is within the validity range specified in the certificate. ``PHAB_ID=D88664``


* finagle-base-http: With the intention to make `c.t.f.http.Cookie` immutable,
`set` methods on `c.t.f.http.Cookie` have been deprecated:
- `comment_=`
- `commentUrl_=`
- `domain_=`
- `maxAge_=`
- `path_=`
- `ports_=`
- `value_=`
- `version_=`
- `httpOnly_=`
- `isDiscard_=`
- `isSecure_=`
Use the `c.t.f.http.Cookie` to set `domain`, `maxAge`, `path`, `value`, `httpOnly`,
and `secure`. `comment`, `commentUrl`, `ports`, `version`, and `discard` have been removed
per RFC-6265. ``PHAB_ID=D82164``

* finagle-base-http: `c.t.f.http.Cookie.isSecure` and `c.t.f.http.Cookie.isDiscard`
have been deprecated. Use `` for `c.t.f.http.Cookie.isSecure`.
`isDiscard` has been removed per RFC-6265. ``PHAB_ID=D82164``


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,6 +106,9 @@ Breaking API Changes
* finagle-memcached: Remove deprecated method `BaseClient.release()`. Use
`BaseClient.close()` instead. ``PHAB_ID=D83168``


* finagle-memcached: Move `` to `c.t.f.memcached.JavaClient`,
`` to `c.t.f.memcached.JavaClientBase`, and
`` to `c.t.f.memcached.ResultWithCAS`. ``PHAB_ID=D83719``
Expand Down
320 changes: 285 additions & 35 deletions finagle-base-http/src/main/scala/com/twitter/finagle/http/Cookie.scala
Expand Up @@ -2,46 +2,296 @@ package com.twitter.finagle.http

import com.twitter.conversions.time._
import com.twitter.util.Duration
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.{Cookie => NettyCookie, DefaultCookie}
import java.util.{BitSet => JBitSet}
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.{Cookie => NettyCookie}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

/** Scala wrapper around Netty cookies. */
class Cookie(private[http] val underlying: NettyCookie) {
def this(name: String, value: String) = {
this(new DefaultCookie(name, value))

def comment: String = underlying.getComment
def commentUrl: String = underlying.getCommentUrl
def domain: String = underlying.getDomain
def maxAge: Duration = underlying.getMaxAge.seconds
def name: String = underlying.getName
def path: String = underlying.getPath
def ports: Set[Int] = underlying.getPorts.asScala.toSet map { i: Integer =>
def value: String = underlying.getValue
def version: Int = underlying.getVersion
def httpOnly: Boolean = underlying.isHttpOnly
def isDiscard: Boolean = underlying.isDiscard
def isSecure: Boolean = underlying.isSecure

def comment_=(comment: String) { underlying.setComment(comment) }
def commentUrl_=(commentUrl: String) { underlying.setCommentUrl(commentUrl) }
def domain_=(domain: String) { underlying.setDomain(domain) }
def maxAge_=(maxAge: Duration) { underlying.setMaxAge(maxAge.inSeconds) }
def path_=(path: String) { underlying.setPath(path) }
def ports_=(ports: Seq[Int]) { underlying.setPorts(ports: _*) }
def value_=(value: String) { underlying.setValue(value) }
def version_=(version: Int) { underlying.setVersion(version) }
def httpOnly_=(httpOnly: Boolean) { underlying.setHttpOnly(httpOnly) }
def isDiscard_=(discard: Boolean) { underlying.setDiscard(discard) }
def isSecure_=(secure: Boolean) { underlying.setSecure(secure) }
object Cookie {

private val DefaultMaxAge = Int.MinValue.seconds // Netty's DefaultCookie default.

private[this] val IllegalNameChars = Set('\t', '\n', '\u000b', '\f', '\r', ' ', ',', ';', '=')
private[this] val IllegalValueChars = Set('\n', '\u000b', '\f', '\r', ';')

private[this] val IllegalNameCharsBitSet: JBitSet = {
val bs = new JBitSet

private[this] val IllegalValueCharsBitSet: JBitSet = {
val bs = new JBitSet

private[this] def stringContains(string: String, chars: JBitSet): Boolean = {
var i = 0
val until = string.length
while (i < until && !chars.get(string.charAt(i))) {
i += 1
i != until

// These are the same checks made by Netty's DefaultCookie
private def validateName(name: String): String = {
val trimmed = name.trim
if (trimmed.isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cookie name cannot be empty")
else {
if (trimmed.head == '$')
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Cookie name starting with '$$' not allowed: $trimmed"
else if (stringContains(trimmed, IllegalNameCharsBitSet))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Cookie name contains one of the following prohibited characters: ${IllegalNameChars
.mkString(",")}: $trimmed"

// These are the same checks made by Netty's DefaultCookie
private def validateField(field: String): String = {
if (field == null) field
else {
val trimmed = field.trim
if (trimmed.isEmpty) {
} else if (stringContains(trimmed, IllegalValueCharsBitSet))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Cookie field contains one of the following prohibited characters: ${IllegalValueChars
.mkString(",")}: $trimmed"
else trimmed

private[this] val invalidPort: Int => Boolean = p => p <= 0 || p > '\uffff'

// These are the same checks made by Netty's DefaultCookie
private def validatePorts(ports: Set[Int]): Set[Int] = {
val p = ports.find(invalidPort)
if (p.isDefined)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cookie port out of range: " + p.get);

// A small amount of naming hopscotch is needed while we deprecate the `set` methods in preparation
// for removal; the param names can't conflict with the `get` method names, hence the underscored
// param names.
// `_forDeprecation` is an unused param; it's needed so we can offer a unique constructor (below)
// that takes all fields with the proper names while we deprecate the `set` methods. Once we remove
// the `set` methods, we can clean this up.
class Cookie private (
private[this] var _name: String,
private[this] var _value: String,
private[this] var _domain: String,
private[this] var _path: String,
private[this] var _comment: String,
private[this] var _commentUrl: String,
private[this] var _discard: Boolean,
private[this] var _ports: Set[Int],
private[this] var _maxAge: Duration,
private[this] var _version: Int,
private[this] var _secure: Boolean,
private[this] var _httpOnly: Boolean,
private[this] var _forDeprecation: Boolean
) {

* Create a cookie.
def this(
name: String,
value: String,
domain: Option[String] = None,
path: Option[String] = None,
maxAge: Option[Duration] = Some(Cookie.DefaultMaxAge),
secure: Boolean = false,
httpOnly: Boolean = false
) = this(
_name = Cookie.validateName(name),
_value = value,
_domain = Cookie.validateField(domain.orNull),
_path = Cookie.validateField(path.orNull),

def this(
name: String,
value: String
) = this(

@deprecated("Use Bijections.from to create a Cookie from a Netty Cookie")
def this(underlying: NettyCookie) = {
underlying.isDiscard, { i: Integer =>

* Get the comment.
* @note May be null.
def comment: String = _comment

* Get the commentUrl.
* @note May be null.
def commentUrl: String = _commentUrl

* Get the domain.
* @note May be null.
def domain: String = _domain

* Get the path.
* @note May be null.
def path: String = _path
def name: String = _name
def value: String = _value
def maxAge: Duration = _maxAge
def ports: Set[Int] = _ports
def version: Int = _version
def httpOnly: Boolean = _httpOnly
def discard: Boolean = _discard
def secure: Boolean = _secure

@deprecated("Removed per RFC-6265", "2017-08-16")
def isDiscard: Boolean = _discard

@deprecated("Use secure instead", "2017-08-16")
def isSecure: Boolean = _secure

* Set the comment.
* @note `comment` may be null.
@deprecated("Removed per RFC-6265", "2017-08-16")
def comment_=(comment: String): Unit =
_comment = Cookie.validateField(comment)

* Set the commentUrl.
* @note `commentUrl` may be null.
@deprecated("Removed per RFC-6265", "2017-08-16")
def commentUrl_=(commentUrl: String): Unit =
_commentUrl = Cookie.validateField(commentUrl)

* Set the domain.
* @note `domain` may be null.
@deprecated("Set domain in the Cookie constructor", "2017-08-16")
def domain_=(domain: String): Unit =
_domain = Cookie.validateField(domain)

@deprecated("Set maxAge in the Cookie constructor", "2017-08-16")
def maxAge_=(maxAge: Duration): Unit =
_maxAge = maxAge

* Set the path.
* @note `path` may be null.
@deprecated("Set path in the Cookie constructor", "2017-08-16")
def path_=(path: String): Unit =
_path = Cookie.validateField(path)

@deprecated("Removed per RFC-6265", "2017-08-16")
def ports_=(ports: Seq[Int]): Unit =
_ports = Cookie.validatePorts(ports.toSet)

* Set the value.
* @note `value` must not be null.
@deprecated("Set value in the Cookie constructor", "2017-08-16")
def value_=(value: String): Unit =
_value = value

@deprecated("Removed per RFC-6265", "2017-08-16")
def version_=(version: Int): Unit =
_version = version

@deprecated("Set httpOnly in the Cookie constructor", "2017-08-16")
def httpOnly_=(httpOnly: Boolean): Unit =
_httpOnly = httpOnly

@deprecated("Removed per RFC-6265", "2017-08-16")
def isDiscard_=(discard: Boolean): Unit =
_discard = discard

@deprecated("Set secure in the Cookie constructor", "2017-08-16")
def isSecure_=(secure: Boolean): Unit =
_secure = secure

// Helper method for `equals` that returns true if two strings are both null, or have the
// same value (ignoring case)
private[this] def stringsEqual(s0: String, s1: String): Boolean = {
if (s0 == null) {
if (s1 == null) true
else false
} else {
if (s1 == null) false
else s0.equalsIgnoreCase(s1)

* Returns true if `obj` equals `this`. Two cookies are considered equal if their names,
* paths, and domains are the same (ignoring case). This mimics the `equals` method on Netty's
* DefaultCookie.
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case c: Cookie => underlying.equals(c.underlying)
case c: Cookie =>
name.equalsIgnoreCase( && stringsEqual(path, c.path) && stringsEqual(domain, c.domain)
case _ => false

override def hashCode(): Int = underlying.hashCode()
* From Netty 3's DefaultCookie
override def hashCode(): Int =

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