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finagle-mysql: Add support for caching_sha2_password pluggable auth
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The default authentication method in MySQL 8 is `caching_sha2_password`, but
finagle-mysql doesn't support this method.

More information on caching_sha2_password can be found in the reference manual:


Provide a way to perform authentication negotiation through this complex
pluggable authentication method.

JIRA Issues: CSL-10684, CSL-10685

Differential Revision:
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dotordogh authored and jenkins committed Jul 13, 2021
1 parent 728aed0 commit 9a418a5
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Showing 14 changed files with 630 additions and 71 deletions.
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protoTracing modules in StackClient. Add descriptions to preparer and
protoTracing modules in StackServer. ``PHAB_ID=D685887``

* finagle-mysql: Add support for MySQL 8.0's default `caching_sha2_password` pluggable
authentication. ``PHAB_ID=D676015``

Breaking API Changes

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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package com.twitter.finagle.mysql

import com.twitter.finagle.stats.Counter

* Information needed at every step of authenticating with the
* `caching_sha2_password` method.
* @param serverVersion the version of the server being connected to
* @param settings the settings for the handshake, this includes the user's credentials
* @param fastAuthSuccessCounter a counter used during testing to verify fast authentication
* has successfully happened
* @param tlsEnabled true if tls is enabled for this connection
* @param salt the salt sent from the server for authentication
private[mysql] case class AuthInfo(
serverVersion: String,
settings: HandshakeSettings,
fastAuthSuccessCounter: Counter,
tlsEnabled: Boolean = false,
salt: Option[Array[Byte]] = None)
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
package com.twitter.finagle.mysql

import com.twitter.finagle.FailureFlags
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.transport.Packet
import com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport
import com.twitter.util.Future

import java.lang.IllegalStateException
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets

private object AuthNegotiation {

* Make the `AuthSwitchResponse` with the user's password or a phony
* password to cause a cache miss. We only use a phony password during testing.
private def makeAuthSwitchResponse(
seqNum: Short,
salt: Array[Byte],
authInfo: AuthInfo
): AuthSwitchResponse = {
withSha256 = true

* Get the password to send in the `AuthSwitchResponse`. This will return either a phony
* password to cause a cache miss during the `caching_sha2_password` authentication
* method, the password from the settings, or `None` if the user doesn't have a password.
* We only use a phony password during testing.
private def getPasswordForSwitchResponse(authInfo: AuthInfo): Option[String] =
authInfo.settings.password match {
// Sending a password when the user doesn't have one set doesn't invalidate the cache,
// instead, the server will throw an error. Here we make sure we only send the wrong password
// to invalidate the cache when the user has a non-null password.
case Some(_) if authInfo.settings.causeAuthCacheMiss =>
Some("wrong-password") // invalidate cache to perform full auth
case None => None // if the user doesn't have the password, don't send a password
case pw => pw

* Make the `AuthMoreData` packet that is the response to receiving
* the server's RSA key. Encrypt the password with the RSA key and
* send the password to the server.
private def makeAuthMoreDataWithServersSentRsaKey(
authMoreData: AuthMoreDataFromServer,
authInfo: AuthInfo
): PasswordAuthMoreDataToServer = authMoreData.authData match {
case Some(rsaKey) =>
new String(rsaKey, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
case None =>
throw new NegotiationFailure(
"RSA public key is missing from the AuthMoreData packet sent from the server.")

* Make the `AuthMoreData` packet that is sent when TLS is enabled.
* In this case we send the plaintext password to the server over
* an encrypted connection.
private def makeAuthMoreDataWithPlaintextPassword(
authMoreData: AuthMoreDataFromServer,
authInfo: AuthInfo
): PasswordAuthMoreDataToServer = authInfo.settings.password match {
case Some(password) =>
val passwordBytes = PasswordUtils.addNullByteToPassword(
(authMoreData.seqNum + 1).toShort,
case None =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Null passwords should complete authentication after sending the AuthSwitchResponse")

* Make the `AuthMoreData` packet with the password encrypted
* with the server's RSA public key.
private def makeAuthMoreDataWithRsaKeyEncryptedPassword(
authMoreData: AuthMoreDataFromServer,
authInfo: AuthInfo,
rsaKey: String
): PasswordAuthMoreDataToServer = authInfo.settings.password match {
case Some(password) =>
(authMoreData.seqNum + 1).toShort,
case None =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Null passwords should complete authentication after sending the AuthSwitchResponse")

* Request the server's RSA public key.
private def makePublicKeyRequestToServer(
authMoreData: AuthMoreDataFromServer
): PlainAuthMoreDataToServer =
PlainAuthMoreDataToServer((authMoreData.seqNum + 1).toShort, NeedPublicKey)

* The exception that is thrown if something goes awry during the authentication process.
* This exception has the [[FailureFlags.NonRetryable]] flag because this error is
* thrown only in cases when the server is sent bad authentication information, or the
* server sends the client bad authentication information.
private class NegotiationFailure(
message: String,
caughtException: Throwable,
val flags: Long)
extends Exception(
s"Failed to authenticate the client with the MySQL server. $message",
with FailureFlags[NegotiationFailure] {

def this(caughtException: Throwable) = this("", caughtException, FailureFlags.NonRetryable)

def this(message: String) = this(message, null, FailureFlags.NonRetryable)

protected def copyWithFlags(flags: Long): NegotiationFailure =
new NegotiationFailure(message, caughtException, flags)

private sealed trait State
private object State {
case class Init(msg: HandshakeResponse, info: AuthInfo) extends State
case class Switch(msg: AuthSwitchRequest, info: AuthInfo) extends State
case class MoreData(msg: AuthMoreDataFromServer, info: AuthInfo) extends State

* The class that handles negotiating authentication. Both the `mysql_native_password`
* and the `caching_sha2_password` auth method terminate here, though the
* `native_mysql_password` terminates in [[com.twitter.finagle.mysql.AuthNegotiation.State.Init]]
* whereas `caching_sha2_password` in either the [[com.twitter.finagle.mysql.AuthNegotiation.State.Switch]]
* or [[com.twitter.finagle.mysql.AuthNegotiation.State.MoreData]] state.
* Authentication happens during the connection phase, which means [[doAuth()]] should
* be called during the handshake after receiving the InitialHandshake packet from the Server.
* @param transport the [[Transport]] used to send messages
* @param resultDecoder the decoder to use to decode the messages
private class AuthNegotiation(
transport: Transport[Packet, Packet],
resultDecoder: Packet => Future[Result]) {
import AuthNegotiation._

* Start the authentication process.
* @param initMessage the message to send to the server
* @param initAuthInfo extra information needed at every step
def doAuth(initMessage: HandshakeResponse, initAuthInfo: AuthInfo): Future[Result] = step(
State.Init(initMessage, initAuthInfo))

* Dispatch a message, then read and return the result.
private def dispatch(msg: ProtocolMessage): Future[Result] =

* The state machine that determines which sends the correct message
* depending on the state (Init, Switch, or MoreData) it is passed.
private def step(state: State): Future[Result] = state match {
// dispatch(Init Message) -> AuthSwitchRequest | <terminate>
case State.Init(msg, info) =>
dispatch(msg).flatMap {
// Change state to Switch.
case res: AuthSwitchRequest => step(State.Switch(res, info))
// Or terminate the state machine with OK, Error, or an Exception.
case ok: OK => Future.value(ok)
case error: Error => Future.value(error)
case m =>
new NegotiationFailure(s"Unrecognized or unexpected message from server: $m"))

// dispatch(AuthSwitchResponse) -> AuthMoreData | <terminate>
case State.Switch(msg, info) =>
val req = makeAuthSwitchResponse((msg.seqNum + 1).toShort, msg.pluginData, info)
dispatch(req).flatMap {
// Change state to MoreData.
case res: AuthMoreDataFromServer =>
val nextInfo = info.copy(salt = Some(msg.pluginData))
step(State.MoreData(res, nextInfo))
// Or terminate the state machine with OK, Error, or an Exception.
case ok: OK => Future.value(ok)
case error: Error => Future.value(error)
case m =>
new NegotiationFailure(s"Unrecognized or unexpected message from server: $m"))

// AuthMoreData -> AuthMoreData | <terminate>
case State.MoreData(msg, info) =>
val nextState: Result => Future[Result] = {
// Stay in the MoreData state.
case more: AuthMoreDataFromServer => step(State.MoreData(more, info))
// Or terminate the state machine with OK, Error, or an Exception.
case ok: OK => Future.value(ok)
case error: Error => Future.value(error)
case m =>
new NegotiationFailure(s"Unrecognized or unexpected message from server: $m"))

// The server sends three AuthMoreDataTypes, and the PerformFullAuth
// type is handled differently depending on if TLS is enabled or not.
// If TLS is not enabled, then we perform full auth with the server's
// RSA public key.
msg.moreDataType match {
// The user is already cached in the server so we get a fast auth success.
case FastAuthSuccess =>
info.fastAuthSuccessCounter.incr() // Server sends separate OK packet

// We previously sent the server the request for the RSA public key
// This AuthMoreData packet contains the server's public key.
case NeedPublicKey =>
dispatch(makeAuthMoreDataWithServersSentRsaKey(msg, info)).flatMap(nextState)

// When TLS is enabled, we send the password as plaintext.
case PerformFullAuth if info.tlsEnabled =>
dispatch(makeAuthMoreDataWithPlaintextPassword(msg, info)).flatMap(nextState)

// When TLS is not enabled we either request the RSA public key from the
// server or send the AuthMoreData packet with the password encrypted with
// the locally stored RSA public key of the server. We determine if we need
// to send the request for the RSA public key to the server by checking if a
// path to the locally stored key is provided through the
// PathToServerRsaPublicKey param.
case PerformFullAuth if !info.tlsEnabled =>
if (info.settings.pathToServerRsaPublicKey.nonEmpty) {
val rsaKey = PasswordUtils.readFromPath(info.settings.pathToServerRsaPublicKey)
val req = makeAuthMoreDataWithRsaKeyEncryptedPassword(msg, info, rsaKey)
} else {
// Public key unknown to client, request the public key from the server.
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package com.twitter.finagle.mysql
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.transport.{MysqlBuf, Packet}
import com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport
import com.twitter.finagle.Stack
import com.twitter.finagle.param.Stats
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.{Counter, Verbosity}
import com.twitter.util.{Future, Return, Throw, Try}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +50,11 @@ private[mysql] abstract class Handshake(

protected final val settings = HandshakeSettings(params)

// To test that fastAuthSuccess has been achieved when
// connecting to mysql with a user that has a password
protected val fastAuthSuccessCounter: Counter =
params[Stats].statsReceiver.counter(Verbosity.Debug, "fast_auth_success")

private[this] def isCompatibleVersion(init: HandshakeInit): Try[Boolean] =
if (init.serverCapabilities.has(Capability.Protocol41)) Return.True
else Throw(IncompatibleVersion)
Expand All @@ -61,16 +68,18 @@ private[mysql] abstract class Handshake(
LostSyncException.const(isCompatibleCharset(handshakeInit)).map(_ => handshakeInit)

protected final def messageDispatch(msg: ProtocolMessage): Future[Result] =
transport.write(msg.toPacket).flatMap(_ =>

protected final def decodeSimpleResult(packet: Packet): Future[Result] =
MysqlBuf.peek(packet.body) match {
case Some(Packet.OkByte) => LostSyncException.const(OK(packet))
case Some(Packet.ErrorByte) =>
LostSyncException.const(Error(packet)).flatMap { err =>
Future.exception(ServerError(err.code, err.sqlState, err.message))
// During the handshake this is the AuthSwitchRequest
case Some(Packet.EofByte) =>
case Some(Packet.AuthMoreDataByte) =>
case _ => LostSyncException.AsFuture

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