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finagle-memcached: Use fixed number of connections for pipelining mem…
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…cache client


When memcache client use pipelining with singleton pool,
p9999 is worse than non pipelining with multiple
connections due to head of line blocking.


Using a samll fixed number of connections, and load
balance among those connections based on outstanding
requests and time.


A customized pipline memcache client, using ewma P2C
loadbalancer. With much fewer connections, Memcache
pipelining client achieve similar tail latency as non
pipelining client.

  • Loading branch information
blackicewei authored and jenkins committed May 18, 2015
1 parent ede2aff commit 9cd3d44
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Showing 16 changed files with 802 additions and 467 deletions.
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion CHANGES
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,17 @@


Breaking API Changes

* finagle-core: Define `WeightedSocketAddress` as a case class. Add
`WeightedSocketAddress.extract` method to extract weight.


Breaking API Changes
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ private class SyncInetResolver extends InetResolver {
val (hosts, ports, weights) = whp.unzip3
val hostports =
val addrs = resolveHostPortsSeq(hostports)
val weighted = collect {
val weighted: Seq[SocketAddress] = collect {
case (Seq(a, _*), w) => WeightedSocketAddress(a, w)

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -3,40 +3,37 @@ package com.twitter.finagle
import{SocketAddress, InetSocketAddress}

* A SocketAddress with a weight.
* A SocketAddress with a weight. `WeightedSocketAddress` can be nested.
object WeightedSocketAddress {
private case class Impl(
addr: SocketAddress,
weight: Double
) extends SocketAddress

* Create a weighted socket address with weight `weight`.
def apply(addr: SocketAddress, weight: Double): SocketAddress =
Impl(addr, weight)
case class WeightedSocketAddress(addr: SocketAddress, weight: Double) extends SocketAddress

object WeightedSocketAddress {
* Destructuring a weighted socket address is liberal: we return a
* weight of 1 if it is unweighted.
* Extract `SocketAddress` and weight recursively until it reaches
* an unweighted address instance. Weights are multiplied.
* If the input `addr` is an unweighted instance, return a weight of 1.0.
def unapply(addr: SocketAddress): Option[(SocketAddress, Double)] =
def extract(addr: SocketAddress): (SocketAddress, Double) =
addr match {
case Impl(addr, weight) => Some(addr, weight)
case addr => Some(addr, 1D)
case WeightedSocketAddress(sa, weight) =>
val (underlying, anotherW) = extract(sa)
(underlying, weight * anotherW)
case _ =>
(addr, 1.0)

object WeightedInetSocketAddress {
* Destructuring a weighted inet socket address is liberal: we
* return a weight of 1 if it is unweighted.
def unapply(addr: SocketAddress): Option[(InetSocketAddress, Double)] =
addr match {
case WeightedSocketAddress(ia: InetSocketAddress, weight) => Some(ia, weight)
case ia: InetSocketAddress => Some(ia, 1D)
def unapply(addr: SocketAddress): Option[(InetSocketAddress, Double)] = {
val (base, weight) = WeightedSocketAddress.extract(addr)
base match {
case sa: InetSocketAddress => Some(sa, weight)
case _ => None
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
package com.twitter.finagle.loadbalancer

import com.twitter.finagle._
import com.twitter.finagle.client.Transporter
import com.twitter.finagle.service.DelayedFactory
import com.twitter.finagle.stats._
import com.twitter.finagle.util.OnReady
import com.twitter.util.{Activity, Future}
import java.util.logging.Level
import scala.collection.mutable

* A load balancer module that operates over stacks and the
* stack parameters, and creates a WeightedServiceFactory for
* each resolved SocketAddress.
private[loadbalancer] trait BalancerStackModule[Req, Rep]
extends Stack.Module[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] {
import com.twitter.finagle.loadbalancer.LoadBalancerFactory._

* A tuple containing a [[com.twitter.finagle.ServiceFactory]] and its
* associated weight.
type WeightedFactory[Req, Rep] = (ServiceFactory[Req, Rep], Double)

* Allows implementations to process `addrs` before they are committed
* to the load balancer's active set.
* @param params stack parameters which may contain configurations about
* how to process the addresses.
* @param addrs input addresses
* @return processed addresses
protected def processAddrs(
params: Stack.Params,
addrs: Set[SocketAddress]
): Set[SocketAddress] = addrs

val role = LoadBalancerFactory.role

* Update a mutable Map of `WeightedFactory`s according to a set of
* active SocketAddresses and a factory construction function.
* `cachedFactories` are keyed by its unweighted address.
* When an active address has a new weight compared with its
* counterpart in the cache, the cached `WeightedFactory` is updated
* with the new weight; and the `ServiceFactory` is reused.
* A new `ServiceFactory` is created only when an active address
* does not have a unweighted counterpart in the cache. The newly
* created `ServiceFactory` along with the weight of the `SocketAddress`
* (if any) are cached. If no weight is provided from the `SocketAddress`,
* a default weight is used in `WeightedFactory`.
* If `activeAddrs` contains duplicated host socket addresses, only one
* such socket address and its weighted factory is cached. The weight in
* the last socket address wins.
* When `probationEnabled` is true, `ServiceFactory` is only removed from
* the active set when its status has changed to !Open. i.e. Removal may
* not happen in the current update.
def updateFactories[Req, Rep](
activeAddrs: Set[SocketAddress],
cachedFactories: mutable.Map[SocketAddress, WeightedFactory[Req, Rep]],
mkFactory: SocketAddress => ServiceFactory[Req, Rep],
probationEnabled: Boolean
): Unit = cachedFactories.synchronized {
val addrsWithWeight =

addrsWithWeight.foreach { case (unweightedAddr, weight) =>
cachedFactories.get(unweightedAddr) match {
case Some((f, oldWeight)) if weight != oldWeight =>
// update factory with weight
cachedFactories += unweightedAddr -> (f, weight)
case None =>
// add new factory
cachedFactories += unweightedAddr -> (mkFactory(unweightedAddr), weight)
case _ =>
// nothing to do

// remove a serviceFactory only when its status is !open with probationEnabled enabled
(cachedFactories.keySet &~ { sa =>
cachedFactories.get(sa) match {
case Some((factory, _)) if !probationEnabled || factory.status != Status.Open =>
cachedFactories -= sa

case _ => // nothing to do

def make(
params: Stack.Params,
next: Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]]
): Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] = {
val ErrorLabel(errorLabel) = params[ErrorLabel]
val Dest(dest) = params[Dest]
val Param(loadBalancerFactory) = params[Param]
val EnableProbation(probationEnabled) = params[EnableProbation]

* Determine which stats receiver to use based on `perHostStats`
* flag and the configured `HostStats` param. Report per-host stats
* only when the flag is set.
val hostStatsReceiver =
if (!perHostStats()) NullStatsReceiver
else params[LoadBalancerFactory.HostStats].hostStatsReceiver

val param.Stats(statsReceiver) = params[param.Stats]
val param.Logger(log) = params[param.Logger]
val param.Label(label) = params[param.Label]
val param.Monitor(monitor) = params[param.Monitor]
val param.Reporter(reporter) = params[param.Reporter]

val noBrokersException = new NoBrokersAvailableException(errorLabel)

def mkFactory(sockaddr: SocketAddress): ServiceFactory[Req, Rep] = {
val stats = if (hostStatsReceiver.isNull) statsReceiver else {
val scope = sockaddr match {
case WeightedInetSocketAddress(addr, _) =>
"%s:%d".format(addr.getHostName, addr.getPort)
case other => other.toString
val host = hostStatsReceiver.scope(label).scope(scope)
BroadcastStatsReceiver(Seq(host, statsReceiver))

val composite = reporter(label, Some(sockaddr)) andThen monitor

val underlying = next.make(params +
Transporter.EndpointAddr(SocketAddresses.unwrap(sockaddr)) +
param.Stats(stats) +

new ServiceFactoryProxy(underlying) {
override def toString = sockaddr.toString

val cachedFactories = mutable.Map.empty[SocketAddress, WeightedFactory[Req, Rep]]
val endpoints = Activity( {
case Addr.Bound(sockaddrs, metadata) =>
processAddrs(params, sockaddrs.toSet), cachedFactories, mkFactory, probationEnabled)

case Addr.Neg =>"$label: name resolution is negative")
Set.empty, cachedFactories, mkFactory, probationEnabled)

case Addr.Failed(e) =>
log.log(Level.INFO, s"$label: name resolution failed", e)

case Addr.Pending =>
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
log.fine(s"$label: name resolution is pending")

val rawStatsReceiver = statsReceiver match {
case sr: RollupStatsReceiver => sr.self
case sr => sr

val lb = loadBalancerFactory.newWeightedLoadBalancer(

val lbReady = lb match {
case onReady: OnReady =>
onReady.onReady before Future.value(lb)
case _ =>
log.warning("Load balancer cannot signal readiness and may throw "+
"NoBrokersAvailableExceptions during resolution.")

val delayed = DelayedFactory.swapOnComplete(lbReady)
Stack.Leaf(role, delayed)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package com.twitter.finagle.loadbalancer

import com.twitter.finagle._
import com.twitter.util.Activity
import java.util.logging.Level

* A load balancer that balances among multiple connections,
* useful for managing concurrency in pipelining protocols.
* Each endpoint can open multiple connections. For N endpoints,
* each opens M connections, load balancer balances among N*M
* options. Thus, it increases concurrency of each endpoint.
private[finagle] object ConcurrentLoadBalancerFactory {
import LoadBalancerFactory._

* A class eligible for configuring the number of connections
* a single endpoint has.
case class Param(numConnections: Int) {
def mk(): (Param, Stack.Param[Param]) = (this, Param.param)
object Param {
implicit val param = Stack.Param(Param(4))

def module[Req, Rep]: Stackable[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] =
new BalancerStackModule[Req, Rep] {
val description = "Balance requests across multiple connections on a single endpoint, used for pipelining protocols"
val parameters = Seq(

override protected def processAddrs(
params: Stack.Params,
addrs: Set[SocketAddress]
): Set[SocketAddress] = {
val n = params[Param].numConnections

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