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Max Lee edited this page Apr 25, 2019 · 7 revisions


3.4.2 October 30, 2018

  • Fixed security issues

3.4.0 July 13, 2018

  • Accept PRs with bug fixes
  • Include ShareExtension project into TwitterKit

3.3.0 December 14, 2017

  • Open sourced on Github
  • Support for dynamic frameworks

3.2.2 November 28, 2017

  • Fixed various security issues

3.2.1 October 18, 2017

  • Fixed issue where with archiving
  • Made the completion block in TWTRComposer nullable

3.2.0 October 11, 2017

  • Added inline video player
  • Changed video open target to Twitter main app for non-embeddable tweets
  • Fixed scrollView bug on photo viewer in iOS 11

3.1.1 September 7, 2017

  • Added identifier for advertising and do_not_track flag for scribing events
  • Fixed issue where the app would sometimes crash when presenting media
  • Hide status bar when playing video and viewing images
  • Fixed issue with multiple navigation bars appearing when authenticating
  • Fixed issue with authentication
  • Fixed issue where usernames would not be formatted properly in quoted tweets

3.1.0 August 9, 2017

  • Added video upload with NSData.
  • Fixed bug when the twitter CGBundleURLScheme is not the first element
  • Fixed login completion bug for web login with no network
  • Updated TWTRTweetView with faster rendering speed
  • Fixed issue where image preview disappears on a 3G Network
  • Removed CFBundleExecutable key from TwitterShareExtensionUIResources.bundle/Info.plist

3.0.4: July 27, 2017

  • Update iOS composer with transparent background

3.0.3: June 2, 2017

  • Remove deprecation notice on TWTRComposer

3.0.2: May 30, 2017

  • Fix issue where Bitcode was missing from a subset of files

3.0.1: May 26, 2017

  • Removed CFBundleExecutable key from TwitterShareExtensionUIResources.bundle/Info.plist

3.0.0: May 25, 2017

  • Added support for OAuth via the Twitter for iOS mobile app in -[Twitter loginWithCompletion:] and TWTRLogInButton
  • Update TWTRComposerViewController to handle full compose functionality including image and video attachments
  • Added result_type to TWTRSearchTimelineDataSource. Removed boolean property topTweetsOnly
  • Removed TWTRLoginMethod in Twitter
  • Added sending methods: -[TWTRAPIClient sendTweetWithText:completion:]
  • Changed TWTRComposer to present TWTRComposerViewController instead built-in iOS composer
  • Deprecated support for Card
  • Removed TWTRComposerTheme
  • Deprecated TWTRComposer

2.8.1: February 27, 2017

  • Videos less than 6.5 seconds now loop
  • Fixed issue where quote Tweets with media showed both media and quote Tweet. Only media should be shown if both are included

2.8.0: January 23, 2017

  • Fixed quote Tweet bugs

2.7.0: December 8, 2016

  • Added support for timeline filtering

2.6.1: November 21, 2016

  • Improved display of quote Tweet in dark themes

2.6.0: November 14, 2016

  • Added support for quote Tweet display

2.5.0: September 29, 2016

  • Added multi-photo support for inline views and the fullscreen gallery view
  • Fixed bug where Retweets with photos did not layout correctly

2.4.0: August 22, 2016

  • Filter possibly sensitive Tweets from a TWTRSearchTimelineDataSource by default
  • Add a timelineDelegate property to TWTRTimelineViewController to easily display Tweet update state and loading messages
  • Add notifications when video begins playing, is paused, and finishes playing
  • Add notifications for presentation and dismissal of a full-screen video player
  • Make the tweet property of a TWTRTweetView public
  • Allow creation of custom TWTRTimelineDataSource classes
  • Fix issue where completion block would be called too early when returning from a SFSafariViewController login redirect

2.3.0: June 24, 2016

  • Display Vines for Tweet objects fetched using Twitter Kit
  • Support extended_tweet mode for Tweet objects. Display full Tweet text when total length of a Tweet exceeds 140 characters
  • Add methods for getting Tweets from TWTRTimelineViewController
  • Fix non-module header issue with CocoaPods and Swift

2.2.0: June 6, 2016

  • Add SFSafariViewController support for login
  • Add support for pre-populated hashtags when composing Tweets with App Cards
  • Fix bug when Tweet includes a newline character

2.1.1: May 17, 2016

  • Fixed non-modular import error in CocoaPods

2.1.0: May 17, 2016

  • Fixed bug where retweets are not filtered properly when using TWTRUserTimelineDataSource
  • Improved error handling around web auth
  • New convenience method for requesting a Twitter user’s email
  • New delegate methods on Tweet detail view controller
  • Linkification in Tweet detail view controller

2.0.2: March 28, 2016

  • Fixed issue using a TWTRTimelineViewController as the root view controller of a Storyboard

2.0.1: March 23, 2016

2.0.0 March 24, 2016

  • Note: Twitter Kit 2.0 includes a number of breaking changes which includes dropping support for iOS 7. Visit our guide for additional details and upgrade instructions.
  • Added new TWTRTweetDetailViewController to show a full-screen Tweet
  • Added TWTRLoginMethods enum to allow developers to decide which login method they would like to use
  • Added -[TWTRAPIClient uploadMedia:contentType:completion:] method
  • Automatically update the time since label on TWTRTweetView
  • Change TWTRTimelineViewController to use automatic cell heights. This fixes text overflow issue for several international character sets.
  • Support Dynamic Type for accessible text sizes in TWTRTweetView
  • Add geocode_specifier property to TWTRSearchTimelineDataSource to allow filtering by location
  • Add topTweetsOnly property to TWTRSearchTimelineDataSource to allow the default filtering of Tweets
  • Add TWTRTweetViewStyle parameter to TWTRTableViewCell height calculation method. This method now uses Auto Layout under the hood.
  • Updated default behavior when tapping a Tweet to present a TWTRTweetDetailViewController
  • Added new TWTRTweetViewDelegate method tweetView:shouldDisplayDetailViewController: allow customizing the presentation logic for the full-screen detail view (or overriding with your own logic)
  • Added notifications for several user actions:
  • TWTRDidSelectTweetNotification
  • TWTRDidShowTweetDetailNotification
  • TWTRWillShareTweetNotification
  • TWTRDidShareTweetNotification
  • TWTRCancelledShareTweetNotification
  • TWTRDidLikeTweetNotification
  • TWTRDidUnlikeTweetNotification
  • TWTRUserDidLogOutNotification
  • TWTRUserDidLogInNotification
  • Removed methods from TWTRTweetViewDelegate:
  • tweetView:didSelectTweet:
  • tweetView:willShareTweet:
  • tweetView:didShareTweet:withType:
  • tweetView:cancelledShareTweet
  • tweetView:didLikeTweet
  • tweetView:didUnlikeTweet
  • Dynamically chooses image size based on view width to support iPad with higher-quality images
  • Fix crash on ‘Share’ on iPad
  • Fix small pause when scrolling to the bottom of a TWTRTimelineViewController
  • Remove deprecated methods on Twitter class
  • logOut.session
  • Remove the TWTRShareEmailViewController

1.15.3: March 11, 2016

  • Improved image size selection logic for Tweets with attached media.

1.15.2: March 9, 2016

1.15.1: January 12, 2016

1.15.0: January 11, 2016

  • Updated video support including auto-looping GIF, media duration, and media type pill
  • Fixed right-to-left text Tweet text alignment
  • Fixed reload of timeline when image viewer is dismissed
  • Fixed for include non-modular header import

1.14.6: December 1, 2015

1.14.1: November 24, 2015

  • Added support to display video attachments in Tweet views
  • Updated translations for Likes

1.13.1: November 11, 2015

  • Fixed crash when there is no logged-in user on the system

1.13.0: November 11, 2015

  • Switched Favorite to Likes in Tweet views
  • Bug fixes for Tweet view height calculations
  • Expose convenient method for refreshing items in TWTRTimelineViewController
  • Tweet views in timelines now remember who the user is in the case of having multiple Twitter system accounts and will not prompt for login again after tapping like

1.12.0: October 19, 2015

  • Added support for composing Tweets with Twitter App Promo Card
  • Session store now automatically logs out users when the App consumer key/secret changes

1.11.4: October 6, 2015

  • Fixed issue with debugger crashing when importing Digits/Twitter Kit in Swift
  • Fixed cannot build ObjC module error for Twitter Kit/Digits

1.11.3: October 1, 2015

  • Added feature tutorials
  • 2.0 support

1.11.0: September 16, 2015

  • Bitcode support
  • Switched Tweet images to use HTTPS
  • Fixed issue in certain network errors leading to failure of refreshing guest tokens
  • Fixed issue where guest tokens were being activated excessively

1.10.1: September 11, 2015

  • Fixed issue where certain API client requests do not dispatch back to main as expected

1.10.0: September 10, 2015

  • Fixed issue where some OAuth POST URL requests were dropping parameters
  • New authentication stack for TwitterCore and Twitter Kit
  • Fixed issue where TWTRTweetView was showing links that were not tappable
  • Fixed a crash on Landscape iPhone 6 Plus when tapping the Share button
  • Added tweetView:didTapImage:withURL: method to TWTRTweetViewDelegate protocol
  • Fixed issue where TWTRTweetViews are crashing on iOS7 due to missing -[super layoutSubviews] call
  • Cleaning up cookies on logOut so users can log in as another user
  • Fix bug that made TWTRTimelineViewController not work with interface builder
  • Remove need to call -[Twitter logInGuestWithCompletion:]
  • Remove shared APIClient from Twitter and allow developers to create instances with specific user context

1.9.0: August 5, 2015

  • Added presenterViewController to TWTRTweetView to allow specifying parent view controller when presenting new UI
  • Fixed crash in loginWithCompletion: on iOS 7 when user cancels the action sheet
  • Added action buttons to TWTRTweetView

1.8.0: June 22, 2015

  • Support for list timelines. See TWTRListTimelineDataSource
  • Fixed issue where “Retweeted by” and “Twitter Bird” logo were missing in Tweet views
  • Added ability to import your existing Twitter OAuth sessions. See logInWithExistingAuthToken:authTokenSecret:completion:

1.7.0: June 10, 2015

  • Pull-to-refresh in Timelines
  • Compact Tweets now respect original image aspect ratios
  • Better error checking for cached images on disk
  • Twitter Kit no longer includes Digits

1.5.1: May 7, 2015

1.5.0: April 2, 2015

  • Timelines
  • User timelines to show tweets from a particular user
  • Search timeline to show tweets that match a given search query
  • Retweet Support
  • Shows the original tweet with proper name and profile picture with a “Retweeted By” label above it

1.4.2: February 26, 2015

  • Digits: Find Friends service
  • Digits: New method to access DGTSession

1.3.0: January 29, 2015

  • Fixed crash when trying to retweet an already retweeted Tweet
  • Fixed issue logging in on iPad when multiple system Twitter accounts exist
  • Added new +[TWTRTweetTableViewCell heightForTweet:width:] class method to calculate the height without requiring a cell instance
  • Deprecated old -[TWTRTweetTableViewCell calculatedHeightForWidth:] method
  • Fixed issue of being unnecessarily rate limited when trying to activate new guest auth token
  • Better support for handling guest auth token expiration and automatically refreshing it
  • Better performance and reliability when trying to get a guest session
  • Fixed issue of TWTRComposer not showing up when called from a UIActionSheet or UIAlertView
  • Digits: Remove Login with Twitter fallback
  • Digits: Added more error codes to indicate where in the authentication flow the user failed

1.2.0: December 15, 2014

  • Digits: Add theming support

1.1.0: November 21, 2014

  • OAuth echo support
  • Allow the use of TWTRTweetTableViewCell and TWTRLoginButton in InterfaceBuilder
  • Change English text on TWTRLogInButton from “Sign in” to “Log in”
  • Bug fixes


3.0.0: May 25, 2017

2.8.0: January 23, 2017

2.7.0: December 8, 2016

2.6.1: November 21, 2016

2.6.0: November 14, 2016

2.5.0: September 29, 2016

2.4.0: August 22, 2016

2.3.0: June 24, 2016

2.2.0: June 6, 2016

2.1.1: May 17, 2016

2.1.0: May 17, 2016

2.0.2: March 28, 2016

2.0.1: March 23, 2016

2.0.0 March 24, 2016

1.15.3: March 11, 2016

1.15.2: March 9, 2016

1.15.1: January 12, 2016

  • Fixed a logging issue

1.15.0: January 11, 2016

  • Updated to include non-modular header import

1.14.6: December 1, 2015

1.14.1: November 24, 2015

  • Added a prompt when encountering -1012 error to tell the user to update their system Twitter credentials

1.11.4: October 6, 2015

  • Fixed issue with debugger crashing when importing Digits/Twitter Kit in Swift
  • Fixed cannot build ObjC module error for Twitter Kit/Digits

1.11.0: September 16, 2015

  • Bitcode support

1.10.1: September 11, 2015

1.10.0: September 10, 2015

1.9.0: August 5, 2015

1.8.0: June 22, 2015

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