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Free OS2 Software Encrypt Encode

T.W.Se edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 18 revisions

Encode / Decode

OS2MD — OS/2 MIME message decoder.

Package contains C source code.

Author: Richard Curry (1994).

1994-07-28: v1.0. Free under GPL 1.0 license.

Find (29.3K) in the Hobbes archive: util/archiver.


"REXX_MD5 contains several OS/2 REXX tools that allow you to compute the MD4 and MD5 digests of any string."

Package contains Fortran source code.

Author: Daniel Hellerstein (2000).

2000-04-10: Unnumbered release.

Find (107.9K) in the Hobbes archive: dev/rexx.

TNEF — Decode Microsoft's Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format.

"TNEF is a program for unpacking MIME attachments of type "application/ms-tnef". This is a Microsoft only attachment.

Due to the proliferation of Microsoft Outlook and Exchange mail servers, more and more mail is encapsulated into this format.

The TNEF program allows one to unpack the attachments which were encapsulated into the TNEF attachment. Thus alleviating the need to use Microsoft Outlook to view the attachment."

OS/2 port contains docs in English & Russian.

2011-04-17: v1.4.8 - Last version for OS/2. Free under GPL 2.0 license.

Authors: Mark Simpson (2000-2018); originally by Thomas Boll, Switzerland (2000); OS/2 ports by Team OS/2 Russia (2000), Alex Samorukov, Russia (2004), Mentore Siesto, Italy (2012).

Go to the GitHub repository for TNEF for the latest source code and downloads for releases for other OSes.

Encryption / Password


"Aarni is a small and easy-to-use file encryptor. It's based on Qt 4.

Currently, AES-128 in the XTS mode (approved as the IEEE 1619 Standard) is used to encrypt data. SHA-384 is used to generate the encryption key and the initial tweak value from the password inputed by the user. All files are compressed before encryption."

Authors: Xizhi Zhu, China (2009); OS/2 port by Salvador Parra Camacho, Spain (2011).

2009-09-11: v0.2.0.2. Free under LGPL 2.1 license.

Find (102K) in the Hobbes archive: util/encrypt.

AES Crypt

Package contains C source code.

Authors: Glenn Washburn, Paul E. Jones, Mauro Gilardi (2007-2009); OS/2 port by Mentore Siesto, Italy (2011).

2009-08-12: v3.0.5.

Find (57.5K) in the Hobbes archive: util/encrypt.


"The DIGEST program is a utility for creating message digests for files. Its main purpose is that it can be extended for new message digest algorithms by simply creating a special Dynamic Link Library. Currently included are the popular MD5 and SHA-1 so OS/2 users now have a native program for SHA-1. The idea is based on JACKSUM which is a Java program for many message digests."

Package contains C source code.

Author: Axel Meiss, Germany (2004-2006).

2006-03-20: Unnumbered release.

Downloads available in the Hobbes archive in util/encrypt

  • OS/2 WARP 3.0 - (85.4K)
  • OS/2 WARP 4.5 - (87.2K)

GnuPG — The Universal Crypto Engine.

GnuPG is a command line tool without any graphical user interface. It is an universal crypto engine which can be used directly from a command line prompt, from shell scripts, or from other programs. Therefore GnuPG is often used as the actual crypto backend of other applications.

Even when used on the command line it provides all functionality needed - this includes an interactive menu system. The set of commands of this tool will always be a superset of those provided by any frontends.

  • Full OpenPGP implementation (see RFC4880 at RFC Editor).
  • Full CMS/X.509 (S/MIME) implementation.
  • Ssh-agent implementation
  • A full replacement of PGP; written from scratch.
  • Does not use any patented algorithms.
  • Can be used as a filter program.
  • Better functionality than PGP with state of the art security features.
  • Decrypts and verifies PGP 5, 6 and 7 messages.
  • Supports RSA, ECDH, ECDSA, EdDSA, Elgamal, DSA, AES, Camellia, 3DES, Twofish, SHA2, and many more algorithms.
  • Language support for a load of languages.
  • Online help system.
  • Optional anonymous message receivers.
  • Integrated support for HKP keyservers (
  • and many more things….

Authors: Werner Koch et al. (1998-2020); OS/2 port by Tobias Hürlimann, Germany (2008).

2008-03-26: v1.4.9 - Last version for OS/2. Free under GPL 2.0 license.

Go to the GnuPG website for compilations for other OSes, source code, docs and more.

Krypto — a file encrypter/decrypter based on the Frog algorithm.

"Krypto is a file encrypter/decrypter OS/2 and eComStation that uses the public domain Frog algorithm. At the moment it uses Frog in CBC mode with a 256-bit key, but it can easily be modified to use keys up to 1000-bit."

Package contains Pascal source code.

Author: Daniël de Kok, Belgium (2001-2003).

2003-10-03: v0.41. Free under 'Simplified' BSD License.

Find (23.2K) in the Hobbes archive: util/encrypt.

MCrypt — REXX routine to encrypt/decrypt files.

"MCrypt encrypts a specified file with a password and code without deleting the source file."

Author: André Doff, Netherlands (2001-2017).

2017-12-29: v1.12.

Find (42.8K) in the Hobbes archive: util/encrypt.

Password/2 — OS/2 PM and REXX program.

"Password/2 is a simple PM application that you can call from a REXX script. It shows a PM window with an entry field and an OK button. If you entry something in the entry field, Password/2 put the password in a QUEUE called PASSWORD so you can get this info from your REXX script."

Author: Salvador Parra Camacho, Spain (2002).

2002-10-03: v0.1.

Find (81.6K) in the Hobbes archive: dev/rexx.

PCHASH — Display 16/32-bit CRC values for files.

"PCHASH and PCHASH2 are programs to display both 16- and 32-bit Cylic Redundancy (CRC) values (Hash totals) of files specified on the command line."

Author: Donna Campanella (1992).

1992-07-25: v2.0.

Find (25K) in the Hobbes archive: util/disk.


Author: Thomas Bohn, Germany (2004).

2004-04-10: v1.01. Free under GPL 2.0 license.

Find (548K) in the Hobbes archive: util/encrypt.


"This is a simple PM application that will encode and decode base-64 files. The program is multi-threaded and was written using the Borland C++ compiler and the Borland OWL. It does occasionally crash but this is because of bugs in OWL. The program is REAL simple and menu driven. The only thing to note is that the base-64 file to be decoded must be stripped of any header information. The first line of the file MUST be the actual data or else your binary file will be garbage."

Author: Cliff DeCarlo (1996-04-01).

1996-04-01: v1.0.

Find (144.7K) in the Hobbes archive: util/convert.

Pwd/2 — A /etc/passwd emulator for OS/2.

"Pwd/2 is designed to emulate the functionality of pwd on Unix systems, to provide basic multiple user authentication for OS/2, and to ease porting of Unix applications that require /etc/passwd."

Package contains C source code.

Author: Nicholas Sheppard, Australia (2003-2007).

2007-12-22: Beta 1. Free under MIT License.

Find (48K) in the Hobbes archive: util/system.

rxBlFish — A REXX interface for Blowfish.

"RxBlFish provides an OS/2 REXX interface to BlowFish — with RxBlFish, you can use REXX to encrypt strings and files."

Authors: Michal Nečásek, Daniel Hellerstein (1999-2003).

2003-02-28: v1.02.

Find (17.8K) in the Hobbes archive: util/encrypt.

RxCRC32 — A REXX extension DLL for efficiently calculating CRC-32 checksums of files/buffers/strings.

Author: Mads Orbesen Troest / SIRIUS Cybernetics, Denmark (1998-2000).

1998-01-24: v1.00.

Find (36.1K) in the Hobbes archive: dev/rexx.

RXGWA1 — EBCDIC to ASCII REXX functions.

"The included Dynamic Link Library (RXGWA.DLL) contains functions to convert ASCII to EBCDIC - a2e() and EBCDIC to ASCII - e2a().

They are particularly useful in writing APPC & CPI-C REXX applications on OS/2 computer for communications with mainframes."

Package contains C source code.

Author: Gerald W. (Jerry) am Ende, Germany (1993).

1993-03-13: v1.00.

Find (14.1K) in the Hobbes archive: dev/rexx.

RxHash — Associative arrays for REXX.

"Associative arrays are indexed data structures which use arbitrary data as keys. Where a ‘normal’ array idenifies a value by its location in the array structure, associative arrays associate values with their keys, which are often useful application-specific data in themselves. This concept is widely used in scripting applications; for instance, Rexx’s stem variables are a form of associative array.

While they are a form of associative array, stem variables in ANSI Rexx don’t provide two useful features: an operation to enumerate the keys in use in the array, and operations which act on the array as a whole, especially copying and passing to a function. The RxHash package is a set of routines for manipulating associative arrays which can be copied and passed as function arguments. It includes functions to convert between RxHash arrays and stem variables, and C language functions which can be used by other Rexx loadable libraries to generate and modify RxHash arrays."

Package contains C source code.

Author: Patrick TJ McPhee (2003).

2003-05-26: v1.0.0. Free under Mozilla Public License.

Find (68K) in the Hobbes archive: dev/rexx.

TeaTime — File encrypter/decrypter.

"TeaTime/2 is a file encryption program for OS/2 based on the simple, fast and secure XTea cipher (which is an improved version of the Tiny Encryption Algorithm). XTea is a block cipher with an 128-bit key, primarily using 32-bit operations making it fast on 386 and later processors. TeaTime/2 is compiled using the Mill Hill & Canterbury Modula-2 compiler for OS/2."

Package contains Modula-2 source code.

Author: Daniël de Kok, Belgium (2001-2002).

2002-11-28: v0.06. Free under 'Simplified' BSD License.

Find (22.4K) in the Hobbes archive: util/encrypt.