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The SendEmail PowerShell module is a simple module that can be used in PowerShell alone, or in SMA and Azure Automation. Users can either specify individual SMTP server parameters or leveraging the "SMTPServerConnection" connection asset in SMA and Azure Automation.

####Note: This module was previously published on Tao Yang's blog:


From GitHub Releases

  1. Download the file.
  2. Unblock the zip file (right click and select unblock).
  3. Extract zip contents file.
  4. Copy SendEmail sub folder with contents to a folder listed in PSModulePath environment variable (such as 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules').

From PowerShell Gallery

To install from PowerShell Gallery

  1. Open the PowerShell console as an administrator
  2. Run 'Install-Module SendEmail'


You can use 'Get-Command -Module SendEmail' to list the available commands within the "SendEmail" module. Currently, it has only one command: 'Send-Email'.

You man use "Get-Help Send-Email -Full" to access the full help file for the 'Send-Email' Command.

PS C:> Get-Help Send-Email -full

NAME Send-Email

SYNOPSIS Send email notification

SYNTAX Send-Email -SMTPServer -Port -UseSSL -AuthMethod [-Username ] [-Password ] -SenderName -SenderAddress -To [-Cc ] [-Bcc ] -Subject -Body -HTMLBody [-Attachments ] []

Send-Email -SMTPSettings <Object> -To <String> [-Cc <String>] [-Bcc <String>] -Subject <String> -Body <String> -HTMLBody <Boolean> [-Attachments <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

DESCRIPTION Send email notification using .Net System.Net.Mail namespace


    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Port <Int32>

    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value                0
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-UseSSL <Boolean>

    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value                False
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-AuthMethod <String>

    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Username <String>

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Password <String>

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-SenderName <String>

    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-SenderAddress <String>

    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-SMTPSettings <Object>

    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-To <String>

    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Cc <String>

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Bcc <String>

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Subject <String>

    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Body <String>

    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-HTMLBody <Boolean>

    Required?                    true
    Position?                    named
    Default value                False
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Attachments <String>

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
    about_CommonParameters (



-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

PS C:\># Send an email message by specifying each individual SMTP setting:

$SMTPServer = ""
$Port = 25
$AuthMethod = "Anonymous"
$UseSSL = $false
$SenderName = "Your System Name"
$SenderAddress = ""
$Recipient = ""
$Cc = ""
$Bcc = ""
$Subject = "Greeting from your Automated email script"
$Body = @"

this is a system generated message

Best Regards,
Your System
$HTMLBody = $false
$SendEmail = Send-Email -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -Port $Port -UseSSL $UseSSL -AuthMethod $AuthMethod -SenderName $SenderName -SenderAddress $SenderAddress -To $Recipient -Cc $Cc -Bcc $Bcc -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -HTMLBody

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

PS C:\># Send an email message by passing a hashtable containing SMTP settings:

$SMTPSettings = @{
                  "SMTPServer" = ""
                  "Port" = 25
                  "AuthMethod" = "Credential"
                  "UserName" = "domain\username"
                  "Password" = "password1234"
                  "UseSSL" = $false
                  "SenderName" = "Your System Name"
                  "SenderAddress" = ""
$Recipient = ""
$Cc = ""
$Bcc = ""
$Subject = "Greeting from your Automated email script"
$Body = @"

this is a system generated message

Best Regards,
Your System
$HTMLBody = $false
$SendEmail = Send-Email -SMTPSettings $SMTPSettings -To $Recipient -Cc $Cc -Bcc $Bcc -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -HTMLBody $HTMLBody


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