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tz committed Jan 25, 2010
0 parents commit 217231d
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Showing 52 changed files with 4,356 additions and 0 deletions.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Original file line Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
all: fat32lib booter dcimmer fat32cli hyperlog i2cperiph
make -C fat32lib
make -C booter
make -C dcimmer
make -C fat32cli
make -C hyperlog
make -C i2cperiph
make -C fat32lib

make -C fat32lib all

make -C booter

dcimmer: fat32lib
make -C dcimmer

fat32cli: fat32lib
make -C fat32cli

hyperlog: fat32lib
make -C hyperlog

i2cperiph: fat32lib
make -C i2cperiph

make -C fat32lib clean
make -C booter clean
make -C dcimmer clean
make -C fat32cli clean
make -C hyperlog clean
make -C i2cperiph clean
make -C fat32lib clean
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions booter/Makefile
Original file line number Original file line Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
all: booter.hex

.SUFFIXES: .elf .hex .eep .lss .sym .upload .dsm .c .s .S .o .l

#Note: -O will break something, it won't output characters
CFLAGS=-g -Os -Wall -mmcu=$(CPU) -DF_CPU=16000000 -combine -fwhole-program -fno-inline-small-functions -fmerge-constants -fmerge-all-constants -funsigned-char -fpack-struct -fshort-enums

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -S $< -o $@

avr-objdump --disassemble -S $^ >$@

MAP=-Wl,"-Map" -Wl,"$" -Wl,"--cref"

avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom $^ $@

make -f Makefile.linux clean
touch setforavr
rm -f setforlinux

rm -f *.hex *.eep *.elf *.lss *.sym *.dsm *.o *.a *.d *.map

flash: all
avrdude -c stk500v1 -b 57600 -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -p m328p -U booter.hex

booter.elf: booter.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(MAP)
313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions booter/booter.c
Original file line number Original file line Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned u16;
typedef unsigned long u32;
#include <avr/io.h>

static u8 sdhcbuf[512 + 16];
static u8 *filesectbuf = &sdhcbuf[4];

static void sendspiblock(u8 * buf, u16 len)
while (len--) {
SPDR = *buf++;
while (!(SPSR & 0x80));
SPSR &= 0x7f;

static void sendffspi(u16 len)
while (len--) {
SPDR = 0xff;
while (!(SPSR & 0x80));
SPSR &= 0x7f;

static inline void waitforspi(u8 val)
for (;;) {
SPDR = 0xff;
while (!(SPSR & 0x80));
SPSR &= 0x7f;
if (val == SPDR)

static u8 waitnotspi(u8 val)
u8 timeout = 8, got; // 8 from sd spec.
while (timeout--) {
SPDR = 0xff;
while (!(SPSR & 0x80));
SPSR &= 0x7f;
got = SPDR;
if (val != got)
return got;

static void recvspiblock(u16 len)
u8 *buf = filesectbuf;
while (len--) {
SPDR = 0xff;
while (!(SPSR & 0x80));
SPSR &= 0x7f;
*buf++ = SPDR;

static void csact()
PORTB &= ~4;
sendffspi(1); // startup cycles

static void csinact()
PORTB |= 4;
sendffspi(1); // close clock cycles

static u8 goidle[6] = { 0 + 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x95 }; // R1
static u8 sendifcond[6] = { 8 + 0x40, 0, 0, 1, 0xaa, 0x87 }; //
static u8 readocr[6] = { 58 + 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xff }; // R3
static u8 doapp[6] = { 55 + 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xff }; // R1
static u8 sendopcond[6] = { 41 + 0x40, 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0xff }; // R1 - activate init

// send command to SPI card, wait for response
static u8 sendcommand(u8 * cmd)
sendffspi(1); // needed to insure card is ready
sendspiblock(cmd, 6);
return waitnotspi(0xff); // return first status byte

static u8 rw1bcmd[6];
static u8 ishccard;

static u8 readsec(u32 blkaddr)
u8 ret = 1, *c;
if (!ishccard)
blkaddr <<= 9;
c = rw1bcmd;
*c++ = 0x51; // read
*c++ = blkaddr >> 24;
*c++ = blkaddr >> 16;
*c++ = blkaddr >> 8;
*c++ = blkaddr;
*c = 0xff;
if (!sendcommand(rw1bcmd)) {
// CRC16 appended H,L
ret = 0;
return ret;

#define clus2sec(x) (fatdata0 + fatspc * x )
#define get4todw(x) { x = (c[2] | c[3] << 8); x <<= 16; x |= (*c | c[1] << 8); c += 4; }
#define get2tow(x) { x = *c++; x |= *c++ << 8; }
// from boot sector
static u32 fatfat0; // sec address of start of FAT(s)

static inline u8 tzfncmp(u8 * d, char *s)
u8 *xd = (void *) d, *xs = (void *) s;
u16 lx = 12;
while (--lx)
if (*xd++ != *xs++)
return lx;

static u32 nextclus(u32 clus)
readsec(fatfat0 + (clus >> 7)); // read sector with cluster
clus &= 127; // index within sector
u8 *c = &filesectbuf[clus << 2];
get4todw(clus); // get linked cluster
return clus;

int main()
u32 addr, partlen;

unsigned acc, count, centibaud = 576;
// we don't do this often, and it should be more accurate than divides
#define BCLK (F_CPU/800)
acc = 0;
count = 0;
while (acc < BCLK)
acc += centibaud, count++;
if (acc - BCLK > centibaud >> 1)
UBRR0 = count - 1;
UCSR0C = 0x06; //8N1 (should be this from reset)
UCSR0A = 0xE0 | 2; // clear Interrupts, UART at 2x (xtal/8)
UCSR0B = 0x18; // oring in 0x80 would enable rx interrupt

DDRB = 0x2c; // set port for SPI
PORTB |= 4;
SPCR = 0x50; // At least with SDHC, you can max out from the betginning
// the spec acutally says 400kHz until the CSD is read with the max freq.
// FIXME if there is a problem
SPSR = 1; // but the timeouts need to be increased proportionately

sendffspi(10); //SD cards need 74 clocks to start properly
u8 needretry, nov2card;
u16 i;

#define MAXTRIES1 50
for (i = 0; i < MAXTRIES1; ++i)
if (1 == sendcommand(goidle)) //R1
if (i >= MAXTRIES1)
return 1;

/* check for version of SD card specification */
i = sendcommand(sendifcond);
nov2card = 0;
if (!(4 & i)) { //legal command - 2.0 spec
if (!(filesectbuf[2] & 0x01)
|| (filesectbuf[3] != 0xaa)) /* wrong voltage or test pattern */
return 2;
} else
nov2card = 1;

// technically optional
ishccard = 0;
needretry = 0;
i = sendcommand(readocr);
// should verify not illegal command, if so, it is not this kind of card
// Should verify voltage range here, bit 23 is 3.5-3.6, .1v lower going down
// maybe later wait until not busy, but get the sdhc flag here if set
if (filesectbuf[0] & 0x80)
ishccard = (filesectbuf[0] & 0x40); // has CCS
needretry = 1;
// most take only a few if already inited
#define MAXTRIES2 30000
for (i = 0; i < MAXTRIES2; ++i) {
doapp[1] = ishccard;
sendcommand(doapp); // not for MMC or pre-1, but ignored
if (!(1 & sendcommand(sendopcond)))
if (i >= MAXTRIES2)
return 3;
while (needretry && i++ < MAXTRIES2) { // card was busy so CCS not valid
i = sendcommand(readocr); // 0x3f, then 7 more
ishccard = (filesectbuf[0] & 0x40); // has CCS
needretry = !(filesectbuf[0] & 0x80);
if (i >= MAXTRIES2)
return 4;
if (!ishccard) { // set block to 512 for plain SD card
u8 setblocklen[6] = { 16 + 0x40, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0xff };
// sdnumsectors = cardsize();

if (readsec(0))
return -1;
if (filesectbuf[510] != 0x55 || filesectbuf[511] != 0xaa)
return -1;
u8 *c = &filesectbuf[0x1be + 4];
if (*c != 0xb && *c != 0xc)
return -1;
c += 4;
if (readsec(addr))
return -1;
if (filesectbuf[510] != 0x55 || filesectbuf[511] != 0xaa)
return -2;

u32 iclus;
u32 fatdata0; // sec address of cluster 0 (not 2!)
u8 fatspc; // data sectors per cluster
// 3-a OEM name
u16 rsv; // reserved sectors - first fat starts just after
u8 fatnft; // number of FATs
u32 fatspf; // sectors per FAT
c = &filesectbuf[0xd];
fatspc = *c++;
fatnft = *c++;
c = &filesectbuf[0x24];
c += 4;
fatfat0 = addr + rsv;
fatdata0 = fatfat0 + fatnft * fatspf - (fatspc << 1);
u16 secinclus;
do { // more clusters
for (secinclus = 0; secinclus < fatspc; secinclus++) { // sector within cluster
if (readsec(clus2sec(iclus) + secinclus))
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
c = &filesectbuf[i << 5];
if (!*c)
return 1;
if (*c == 0xe5) // deleted
if (c[11] & 0x18) // label, long, or dir
if (!tzfncmp(c, "ATMELOADBIN"))
goto found;
iclus = nextclus(iclus);
} while (iclus < 0xffffff0);
return 1;

u32 totfsiz;
u32 fdisplacement = 0; // stop reads, writes
u16 chf;
c += 20;
iclus = chf;
iclus <<= 16;
c += 4;
iclus += chf;
secinclus = 0;
do {
while (secinclus < fatspc) {
readsec(clus2sec(iclus) + secinclus++);

for (i = 0; i < 512 && fdisplacement++ < totfsiz; i++) {
while (!(UCSR0A & 0x20));
UDR0 = filesectbuf[i];

if (fdisplacement >= totfsiz)
return 0;
secinclus = 0;
iclus = nextclus(iclus);
} while (iclus < 0xffffff0);
return 0;

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