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Mihnea Dobrescu-Balaur edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 13 revisions

Ideas for what insights we would like elasticboard to provide.

Overdue / poorly estimated issues

Find out why this happened:

  • maybe the issue was estimated for a different skill level
  • maybe the assignee had to shift their attention to a more important, outstanding issue

Bonus - try to find patterns among overdue issues (i.e. maybe they are all related to a particular component).

Time to first deploy on master

How long did it take from the time a person joined the main repo until their first commit/deploy.

Repositories you might be interested in

Suggest repos (from the org or from the opensource community) that might be a good fit for a person's skill set (computed from past activity).

[implemented] Issues you haven't touched in a while ++

If someone is assigned to an issue and they haven't touched it in, say, 2 weeks, something must be going on. Maybe they forgot about this issue.

Also worth correlating the amount of "forgotten about" issues relative to their priority labels (i.e. how many critical issues did we forget about?).

Open pull requests you haven't touched in a while ++

Maybe someone reviewed your code and you forgot about that pull request.

Better structured issues

It's hard to find older issues, you have to find the exact set of keywords, otherwise you are looking for a needle in a haystack. Issues should be better structured (use [more] labels, for example). We could also provide a way to search through both issues and their comments.

[implemented] Burndown of issues ++

Is a team creating more issues that it's closing/merging? It's interesting for a given period of time to see what the burndown of issues looks like. It might signal an issue cleanup is needed or the team is struggling to accomplish everything that it proposes to accomplish.

Time to assign for client-reported issues

How long does it take from the time support opens an issue on github until it gets assigned to someone on the dev team.

Active Issues

Why? To provide visibility into what are we working on right now How? By iterating through the last unique commits of the past working day / week