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OS Dashboards Round Up

Bogdan Sandulescu edited this page Dec 23, 2013 · 11 revisions
  • Create a table of OS dashboards
Dashboard Demo Technology Bound
Kibana Live ElasticSearch
FnordMetric Screenshots FnordMetric Enterprise
Dashing Live Yes
Team Dashboard Live No
Graphene Live Graphite
Giraffe Live Graphite


Before adding a new dashboard we ask ourselves:

  • Did we use it? Unless we use it, we can't know for sure how easy it is to build something with it

  • Does it support multiple data sources?

  • Is the data tied with the visualization?

  • How easy it is to add a new visualization (see Team Dashboard's Source Plugins)?

  • If I were to use it with another data source, how easy would it be to plug it in?

  • TODO

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