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System Image Updater

This repository contains the client side tools for system image based upgrades. For more details, see:


To test locally run:

$ tox

This will run the test suite against all supported Python 3 versions.

You can also run a subset of tests by using a regular expression pattern. First you need to set up the local virtual environment. Running tox as above does this as a side-effect, but you can also set up (or update [1]_) the environment without running the test suite:

$ tox --notest -r

Once the environment is set up, you can run individual tests like so:

$ .tox/py35-curl/bin/python -m nose2 -P <pattern>

Multiple -P options can be given. The pattern matches the full test "name", so you can use a file name (without the .py extension), a test class, a test method, or various other combinations here. E.g.:

$ .tox/py35-curl/bin/python -m nose2 -P test_add_existing_key

Other options are available to help with debugging and verbosity. Try this to get full help:

$ .tox/py35-curl/bin/python -m nose2 --help

Project Information

(Old) Launchpad project page:

Filing Bugs

File bugs at

This is preferred rather than using the Ubuntu source package, but if you do file it against the source package, please also add the project as a bugtask. Also, please tag the bug with the client tag (since the project page above also refers to the server and other components of image based system upgrades).


You can contact the primary author/maintainer at