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Improved Global Dead Code Elimination (#549)
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Performs DCE by constructing a global dependency graph starting with top-level
outputs, external module ports, and simulation constructs as circuit sinks.
External modules can optionally be eligible for DCE via the

Dead code is eliminated across module boundaries. Wires, ports, registers, and
memories are all eligible for removal. Components marked with a
DontTouchAnnotation will be treated as a circuit sink and thus anything that
drives such a marked component will NOT be removed.

This transform preserves deduplication. All instances of a given DefModule are
treated as the same individual module. Thus, while certain instances may have
dead code due to the circumstances of their instantiation in their parent
module, they will still not be removed. To remove such modules, use the
NoDedupAnnotation to prevent deduplication.
  • Loading branch information
jackkoenig committed May 12, 2017
1 parent fba12e0 commit cf22636
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Showing 9 changed files with 813 additions and 25 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/firrtl/LoweringCompilers.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class LowFirrtlOptimization extends CoreTransform {
new firrtl.transforms.DeadCodeElimination)

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/scala/firrtl/WIR.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ case class WSubField(expr: Expression, name: String, tpe: Type, gender: Gender)
object WSubField {
def apply(expr: Expression, n: String): WSubField = new WSubField(expr, n, field_type(expr.tpe, n), UNKNOWNGENDER)
def apply(expr: Expression, name: String, tpe: Type): WSubField = new WSubField(expr, name, tpe, UNKNOWNGENDER)
case class WSubIndex(expr: Expression, value: Int, tpe: Type, gender: Gender) extends Expression {
def serialize: String = s"${expr.serialize}[$value]"
Expand Down
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/firrtl/transforms/DeadCodeElimination.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@

package firrtl.transforms

import firrtl._
import firrtl.passes._
import firrtl.annotations._
import firrtl.graph._
import firrtl.analyses.InstanceGraph
import firrtl.Mappers._
import firrtl.WrappedExpression._
import firrtl.Utils.{throwInternalError, toWrappedExpression, kind}
import firrtl.MemoizedHash._
import wiring.WiringUtils.getChildrenMap

import collection.mutable
import{File, FileWriter}

/** Dead Code Elimination (DCE)
* Performs DCE by constructing a global dependency graph starting with top-level outputs, external
* module ports, and simulation constructs as circuit sinks. External modules can optionally be
* eligible for DCE via the [[OptimizableExtModuleAnnotation]].
* Dead code is eliminated across module boundaries. Wires, ports, registers, and memories are all
* eligible for removal. Components marked with a [[DontTouchAnnotation]] will be treated as a
* circuit sink and thus anything that drives such a marked component will NOT be removed.
* This transform preserves deduplication. All instances of a given [[DefModule]] are treated as
* the same individual module. Thus, while certain instances may have dead code due to the
* circumstances of their instantiation in their parent module, they will still not be removed. To
* remove such modules, use the [[NoDedupAnnotation]] to prevent deduplication.
class DeadCodeElimination extends Transform {
def inputForm = LowForm
def outputForm = LowForm

/** Based on LogicNode ins CheckCombLoops, currently kind of faking it */
private type LogicNode = MemoizedHash[WrappedExpression]
private object LogicNode {
def apply(moduleName: String, expr: Expression): LogicNode =
WrappedExpression(Utils.mergeRef(WRef(moduleName), expr))
def apply(moduleName: String, name: String): LogicNode = apply(moduleName, WRef(name))
def apply(component: ComponentName): LogicNode = {
// Currently only leaf nodes are supported TODO implement
val loweredName = LowerTypes.loweredName('.'))
apply(, WRef(loweredName))
/** External Modules are representated as a single node driven by all inputs and driving all
* outputs
def apply(ext: ExtModule): LogicNode = LogicNode(,

/** Expression used to represent outputs in the circuit (# is illegal in names) */
private val circuitSink = LogicNode("#Top", "#Sink")

/** Extract all References and SubFields from a possibly nested Expression */
def extractRefs(expr: Expression): Seq[Expression] = {
val refs = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Expression]
def rec(e: Expression): Expression = {
e match {
case ref @ (_: WRef | _: WSubField) => refs += ref
case nested @ (_: Mux | _: DoPrim | _: ValidIf) => nested map rec
case ignore @ (_: Literal) => // Do nothing
case unexpected => throwInternalError

// Gets all dependencies and constructs LogicNodes from them
private def getDepsImpl(mname: String,
instMap: collection.Map[String, String])
(expr: Expression): Seq[LogicNode] =
extractRefs(expr).map { e =>
if (kind(e) == InstanceKind) {
val (inst, tail) = Utils.splitRef(e)
LogicNode(instMap(, tail)
} else {
LogicNode(mname, e)

/** Construct the dependency graph within this module */
private def setupDepGraph(depGraph: MutableDiGraph[LogicNode],
instMap: collection.Map[String, String])
(mod: Module): Unit = {
def getDeps(expr: Expression): Seq[LogicNode] = getDepsImpl(, instMap)(expr)

def onStmt(stmt: Statement): Unit = stmt match {
case DefRegister(_, name, _, clock, reset, init) =>
val node = LogicNode(, name)
Seq(clock, reset, init).flatMap(getDeps(_)).foreach(ref => depGraph.addEdge(node, ref))
case DefNode(_, name, value) =>
val node = LogicNode(, name)
getDeps(value).foreach(ref => depGraph.addEdge(node, ref))
case DefWire(_, name, _) =>
depGraph.addVertex(LogicNode(, name))
case mem: DefMemory =>
// Treat DefMems as a node with outputs depending on the node and node depending on inputs
// From perpsective of the module or instance, MALE expressions are inputs, FEMALE are outputs
val memRef = WRef(, MemPortUtils.memType(mem), ExpKind, FEMALE)
val exprs = Utils.create_exps(memRef).groupBy(Utils.gender(_))
val sources = exprs.getOrElse(MALE, List.empty).flatMap(getDeps(_))
val sinks = exprs.getOrElse(FEMALE, List.empty).flatMap(getDeps(_))
val memNode = getDeps(memRef) match { case Seq(node) => node }
sinks.foreach(sink => depGraph.addEdge(sink, memNode))
sources.foreach(source => depGraph.addEdge(memNode, source))
case Attach(_, exprs) => // Add edge between each expression
exprs.flatMap(getDeps(_)).toSet.subsets(2).map(_.toList).foreach {
case Seq(a, b) =>
depGraph.addEdge(a, b)
depGraph.addEdge(b, a)
case Connect(_, loc, expr) =>
// This match enforces the low Firrtl requirement of expanded connections
val node = getDeps(loc) match { case Seq(elt) => elt }
getDeps(expr).foreach(ref => depGraph.addEdge(node, ref))
// Simulation constructs are treated as top-level outputs
case Stop(_,_, clk, en) =>
Seq(clk, en).flatMap(getDeps(_)).foreach(ref => depGraph.addEdge(circuitSink, ref))
case Print(_, _, args, clk, en) =>
(args :+ clk :+ en).flatMap(getDeps(_)).foreach(ref => depGraph.addEdge(circuitSink, ref))
case Block(stmts) => stmts.foreach(onStmt(_))
case ignore @ (_: IsInvalid | _: WDefInstance | EmptyStmt) => // do nothing
case other => throw new Exception(s"Unexpected Statement $other")

// Add all ports as vertices
mod.ports.foreach {
case Port(_, name, _, _: GroundType) => depGraph.addVertex(LogicNode(, name))
case other => throwInternalError

// TODO Make immutable?
private def createDependencyGraph(instMaps: collection.Map[String, collection.Map[String, String]],
doTouchExtMods: Set[String],
c: Circuit): MutableDiGraph[LogicNode] = {
val depGraph = new MutableDiGraph[LogicNode]
c.modules.foreach {
case mod: Module => setupDepGraph(depGraph, instMaps(
case ext: ExtModule =>
// Connect all inputs to all outputs
val node = LogicNode(ext)
ext.ports.foreach {
case Port(_, pname, _, AnalogType(_)) =>
depGraph.addEdge(LogicNode(, pname), node)
depGraph.addEdge(node, LogicNode(, pname))
case Port(_, pname, Output, _) =>
val portNode = LogicNode(, pname)
depGraph.addEdge(portNode, node)
// Don't touch external modules *unless* they are specifically marked as doTouch
if (!doTouchExtMods.contains( depGraph.addEdge(circuitSink, portNode)
case Port(_, pname, Input, _) => depGraph.addEdge(node, LogicNode(, pname))
// Connect circuitSink to ALL top-level ports (we don't want to change the top-level interface)
val topModule = c.modules.find( == c.main).get
val topOutputs = topModule.ports.foreach { port =>
depGraph.addEdge(circuitSink, LogicNode(c.main,


private def deleteDeadCode(instMap: collection.Map[String, String],
deadNodes: Set[LogicNode],
moduleMap: collection.Map[String, DefModule],
renames: RenameMap)
(mod: DefModule): Option[DefModule] = {
def getDeps(expr: Expression): Seq[LogicNode] = getDepsImpl(, instMap)(expr)

var emptyBody = true

def onStmt(stmt: Statement): Statement = {
val stmtx = stmt match {
case inst: WDefInstance =>
moduleMap.get(inst.module) match {
case Some(instMod) => inst.copy(tpe = Utils.module_type(instMod))
case None =>
case decl: IsDeclaration =>
val node = LogicNode(,
if (deadNodes.contains(node)) {
else decl
case con: Connect =>
val node = getDeps(con.loc) match { case Seq(elt) => elt }
if (deadNodes.contains(node)) EmptyStmt else con
case Attach(info, exprs) => // If any exprs are dead then all are
val dead = exprs.flatMap(getDeps(_)).forall(deadNodes.contains(_))
if (dead) EmptyStmt else Attach(info, exprs)
case block: Block => block map onStmt
case other => other
stmtx match { // Check if module empty
case EmptyStmt | _: Block =>
case other => emptyBody = false

val (deadPorts, portsx) = mod.ports.partition(p => deadNodes.contains(LogicNode(,
deadPorts.foreach(p => renames.delete(

mod match {
case Module(info, name, _, body) =>
val bodyx = onStmt(body)
if (emptyBody && portsx.isEmpty) None else Some(Module(info, name, portsx, bodyx))
case ext: ExtModule =>
if (portsx.isEmpty) None
else {
if (ext.ports != portsx) throwInternalError // Sanity check
Some(ext.copy(ports = portsx))


def run(state: CircuitState,
dontTouches: Seq[LogicNode],
doTouchExtMods: Set[String]): CircuitState = {
val c = state.circuit
val moduleMap = => -> m).toMap
val iGraph = new InstanceGraph(c)
val moduleDeps = { case (k,v) =>
k.module -> => -> i.module).toMap
val topoSortedModules = iGraph.graph.transformNodes(_.module)

val depGraph = {
val dGraph = createDependencyGraph(moduleDeps, doTouchExtMods, c)
for (dontTouch <- dontTouches) {
dGraph.getVertices.find(_ == dontTouch) match {
case Some(node) => dGraph.addEdge(circuitSink, node)
case None =>
val (root, tail) = Utils.splitRef(dontTouch.e1)
DontTouchAnnotation.errorNotFound(root.serialize, tail.serialize)

val liveNodes = depGraph.reachableFrom(circuitSink) + circuitSink
val deadNodes = depGraph.getVertices -- liveNodes
val renames = RenameMap()

// As we delete deadCode, we will delete ports from Modules and somtimes complete modules
// themselves. We iterate over the modules in a topological order from leaves to the top. The
// current status of the modulesxMap is used to either delete instances or update their types
val modulesxMap = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, DefModule]
topoSortedModules.foreach { case mod =>
deleteDeadCode(moduleDeps(, deadNodes, modulesxMap, renames)(mod) match {
case Some(m) => modulesxMap += -> m
case None => renames.delete(ModuleName(, CircuitName(c.main)))

// Preserve original module order
val newCircuit = c.copy(modules = c.modules.flatMap(m => modulesxMap.get(

state.copy(circuit = newCircuit, renames = Some(renames))

def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = {
val (dontTouches: Seq[LogicNode], doTouchExtMods: Seq[String]) =
state.annotations match {
case Some(aMap) =>
// TODO Do with single walk over annotations
val dontTouches = aMap.annotations.collect {
case DontTouchAnnotation(component) => LogicNode(component)
val optExtMods = aMap.annotations.collect {
case OptimizableExtModuleAnnotation(ModuleName(name, _)) => name
(dontTouches, optExtMods)
case None => (Seq.empty, Seq.empty)
run(state, dontTouches, doTouchExtMods.toSet)
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/firrtl/transforms/OptimizationAnnotations.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@

package firrtl
package transforms

import firrtl.annotations._
import firrtl.passes.PassException

/** A component that should be preserved
* DCE treats the component as a top-level sink of the circuit
object DontTouchAnnotation {
private val marker = "DONTtouch!"
def apply(target: ComponentName): Annotation = Annotation(target, classOf[Transform], marker)

def unapply(a: Annotation): Option[ComponentName] = a match {
case Annotation(component: ComponentName, _, value) if value == marker => Some(component)
case _ => None

class DontTouchNotFoundException(module: String, component: String) extends PassException(
s"Component marked DONT Touch ($module.$component) not found!\n" +
"Perhaps it is an aggregate type? Currently only leaf components are supported.\n" +
"Otherwise it was probably accidentally deleted. Please check that your custom passes are not" +
"responsible and then file an issue on Github."

def errorNotFound(module: String, component: String) =
throw new DontTouchNotFoundException(module, component)

/** An [[]] that can be optimized
* Firrtl does not know the semantics of an external module. This annotation provides some
* "greybox" information that the external module does not have any side effects. In particular,
* this means that the external module can be Dead Code Eliminated.
* @note Unlike [[DontTouchAnnotation]], we don't care if the annotation is deleted
object OptimizableExtModuleAnnotation {
private val marker = "optimizableExtModule!"
def apply(target: ModuleName): Annotation = Annotation(target, classOf[Transform], marker)

def unapply(a: Annotation): Option[ModuleName] = a match {
case Annotation(component: ModuleName, _, value) if value == marker => Some(component)
case _ => None

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