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Cell intrinsic differences between human airway epithelial cells from children and adults

This GitHub repository accompanies the above named paper by Maughan et al., iScience 2022. It is made public to allow reproducibility of analysis. Gene expression analysis and visualisation is included; other experimental methods are described in the manuscript. It is assumed that a count matrix has been generated from raw sequencing files as described in the manuscript.

Analysis was run using R version 4.0.2. Package versions for libaries used in this analysis are included in this repository in the file package.versions.csv.

Included files are described below:

run.analysis.R - runs a full analysis to generate figures and results presented in the paper.

In the paper we present a method for identifying candidate marker genes for basal, secretory and ciliated cells. We do this as follows:

  • parse_travaglini_cell_markers.R generates candidate lists of marker genes from single cell datasets, taken from supplementary table 4 of Travaglini et al 2020.
  • filter_genes_lumgmap.R uses these genes applied to LUNGMAP data from different age groups to identify genes which co-correlate consistently in different age-groups (using the method generated by Danaher et al for immune deconvolution).

Other utility functions included are:

  • geomean.R - calculates the geometric mean of a list of numbers.
  • do.danaher.R - implements immune deconvolution as described in Danaher et al.
  • rankOrderPlot.R - visualisation tool to highlight overrepresented genes


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