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Node.js module to access ucoin server through its HTTP API.


var vucoin = require('vucoin');

// Wether we want authentified responses, or not (as it is costly)
var authentication = true;

// If we want authentified responses, give response signature in callbacks too
var giveSignatures = true;

vucoin('localhost', '8081', authentication, giveSignatures, function (err, node){

  // Public key imported, exchanges are signed
  node.pks.lookup('John Carter', function(err, keys, signature){
    // Results

Here, vucoin will ask remote his public key for authentication, but it can be manually given too:

var pubkey = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/', 'utf8');
vucoin('localhost', '8081', pubkey, function (err, node){
  // Public key imported, exchanges are signed

Public keys

var key = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/', 'utf8');
var sig = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/signature', 'utf8');

node.pks.add(key, sig, function(err, key){
  // Key is now updated
  var fpr = key.fingerprint;
  var name =;

node.pks.lookup('John Carter', function(err, keys){
  // Results

var merkleOpts = {};

node.pks.all(merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results


node.ucg.peering.get(function(err, json){
  // Results
node.ucg.peering.peers.get(function(err, json){
  // Results

node.ucg.peering.peers.upstream.get(function(err, json){
  // Results

node.ucg.peering.peers.upstream.of('0124A69D94F4101EFAD727A73A8A49A2960C6826', function(err, json){
  // Results

node.ucg.peering.peers.downstream.get(function(err, json){
  // Results

node.ucg.peering.peers.downstream.of('0124A69D94F4101EFAD727A73A8A49A2960C6826', function(err, json){
  // Results

var subscriptionData  = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/subscription', 'utf8');

node.ucg.peering.subscribe(subscriptionData, function(err, json){
  // Results

var statusData  = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/status', 'utf8');

node.ucg.peering.subscribe(statusData, function(err, json){
  // Results

Trust Hash Table

var entryData  = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/entry', 'utf8');

node.ucg.tht.get(function(err, json){
  // Results
});, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.ucg.tht.of('0124A69D94F4101EFAD727A73A8A49A2960C6826', function(err, json){
  // Results


var amendmentNumber = 25;
var amendmentHash = '0124A69D94F4101EFAD727A73A8A49A2960C6826';
var merkleOpts = {};

node.hdc.amendments.current(function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.amendments.currentVotes(merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.amendments.promoted(amendmentNumber, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.amendments.view.self(amendmentNumber, amendmentHash, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.amendments.view.members(amendmentNumber, amendmentHash, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.amendments.view.voters(amendmentNumber, amendmentHash, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.amendments.view.signatures(amendmentNumber, amendmentHash, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.amendments.votes.get(function(err, json){
  // Results

var vote = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/vote', 'utf8');, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.amendments.votes.of(amendmentNumber, amendmentHash, function(err, json){
  // Results


var fingerprint = '93B49E9719BABF7EB33C28B9BDFC901EF6358E9C';
var coinNumber = 2;

node.hdc.coins.list(fingerprint, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.coins.view(fingerprint, coinNumber, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.coins.history(fingerprint, coinNumber, function(err, json){
  // Results


var fiveLasts = 5;

node.hdc.transactions.all(function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.keys(function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.last(function(err, json){
  // Results


var issuanceData  = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/issuance', 'utf8');

node.hdc.transactions.lasts(fiveLasts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.process(issuanceData, function(err, json){
  // Results


var senderFPR = '93B49E9719BABF7EB33C28B9BDFC901EF6358E9C';
var recipientFPR = 'F01B40DA4962D094F9BFB70A386BCD02789E64C1';
var merkleOpts = {};
var lastsFive = 5;
var amendmentNumber = 25;

node.hdc.transactions.sender.last(senderFPR, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.sender.lasts(senderFPR, lastsFive, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.sender.get(senderFPR, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.sender.issuance.get(senderFPR, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.sender.issuance.last(senderFPR, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.sender.issuance.dividend.get(senderFPR, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.sender.issuance.dividend.amendment(senderFPR, amendmentNumber, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.sender.fusion(senderFPR, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.sender.transfert(senderFPR, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

node.hdc.transactions.recipient(recipientFPR, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results

var txNumber = 96;

node.hdc.transactions.view(senderFPR, txNumber, merkleOpts, function(err, json){
  // Results


Command Line


vucoin may be installed globally via

$ sudo npm install vucoin -g


uforge is a CLI to forge HDC documents, ready-to-send data for uCoin servers.



uforge is relying on vucoin CLI, itself powered by Node.js v0.10+, so you need it installed first. Here is an example for Ubuntu installation:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install mongodb nodejs

You can find the installation of Node.js for other distribution on this GitHub document.


uforge also relies on gpg, as uCoin software uses it almost everywhere.

Here is an example for Ubuntu installation:

$ sudo apt-get install gpg


usage: uforge [options] command

This script allow to forge HDC documents in accordance with a uCoin server data.

  forge-join  Forge and sign a joining membership
  forge-actu  Forge and sign an actualizing membership
  forge-leave Forge and sign a leaving membership

  -s  uCoin server to look data in
  -p  uCoin server port
  -u  PGP key to use for signature
  -h  Help


$ vucoin --help

  Usage: vucoin [options] [command]


    pks [add|lookup]       Add or search for public keys.
    peer                   Show remote peering informations.
    am [current|contract]  View current amendment or list all amendments of the contract.
    join                   Send join membership request.
    vote                   Send vote request.
    forge [join|actu|leave] Forge HDC data.


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -V, --version              output the version number
    --key <keyFile>            File of the key to submit.
    --search <search>          Search string
    --membership <request>     Signed membership request file to send.
    --votefile <voteFile>      Vote file to send.
    -s, --signature <sigFile>  File of a signature to append.
    -h, --host <address>       DNS, IPv4 or IPv6 address of the node to contact.
    -p, --port <port>          Port of the node to contact.


This software is provided under MIT license.