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Spreadsheet library is intended to provide annotations for parsing spreadsheets and workbooks to java objects. This will handle the boilerplate code required while directly using libraries like Apache POI.

Sample excel:

Sample Excel

POJO with annotations to parse a Workbook

public class TestWorkbook {

    @Sheet(name = "info")
    private StudentInformationSheet testSheet2;

    private String name;

@Sheet(name = <String>) specifies that the given object will store a sheet with given name

POJO with annotations to parse a Sheet

public class StudentInformationSheet {

    private StudentInfoSheetHeader studentInfoSheetHeader;

    @Rows(start = 2)
    private List<StudentInformationRow> StudentInformationRows;

@Row(start = <Integer>) specifies the row to start the parsing from.

@Row() starts from the first position.

POJO with annotations to Parse a Row

public class StudentInformationRow {
    @Cell(position = 1)
    private Integer regNumber;
    @Cell(position = 2)
    private Integer rollNumber;
    @Cell(position = 3)
    private Integer grade;
    @Cell(position = 4)
    private String className;
    @Cell(position = 5)
    private String name;
    @Cell(position = 6)
    private String gender;
    @Cell(position = 7)
    private String fathersName;
    @Cell(position = 8)
    private String mothersName;
    @Cell(position = 9)
    private String guardiansName;
    @Cell(position = 10)
    private String surname;
    @Cell(position = 11)
    private Date dob;
    @Cell(position = 12)
    private String phoneNumber;
    @Cell(position = 13)
    private Date doj;
    @Cell(position = 14)
    private Boolean isActive;
    @Cell(position = 15)
    private Double average;  
    @Cell(position = 15, deserializer = AverageCheckCellDeserializer.class)
    private Boolean anAverage;

@Cell(position = <Integer>) specifies the index of a cell in the row

@Cell(position = 15, deserializer = AverageCheckCellDeserializer.class) A Custom Deserializer

Parse a workbook

    WorkBook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(filePath);
    WorkbookParser<TestWorkbook> workbookParser = new WorkbookParser<>();
    workbookParser.parse(workbook, TestWorkbook.class);

Parse a sheet

    Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("info")
    SheetParser<StudentInformationSheet> sheetParser = new SheetParser<>();
    sheetParser.parse(sheet, StudentInformationSheet.class);

Parse a Row

    Row row = sheet.getRow(0)
    RowParser<StudentInfoSheetHeader> rowParser = new RowParser<>();
    StudentInfoSheetHeader actual = rowParser.parse(headerRow, StudentInfoSheetHeader.class);


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