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ufrisk edited this page Dec 7, 2020 · 1 revision


Most functionality in the Memory Process File System is made available in a C# API for the use by developers. The C# API is a wrapper for the C/C++ API. Since the MemProcFS native library is 64-bit only the C# process must be running in 64-bit mode to be able to make use of the C# library.

The C# API is located in vmm_example.cs in the vmmsharp project.

The basic read/write physical memory exported by the LeechCore library is also implemented in the vmmsharp project.

The complete documentation is found in cmmsharp.cs. This wiki entry contains an overview of the C# API.


An example file containing a lot of use cases are found in the file vmm_example.cs in the vmmsharp project in the visual studio solution.


The functionality mirror the functionality of the C/C++ API at large. Please consult the C# API sources or the C/C++ API documentation for information and guidance.

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