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update the benchmark input and result files
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Change the roughness of pipe to avoid the WARNING message in TESPy new version (0.1.3)
format the python scripts
update the benchmark test results

relax the error tolerance

[py] Formatted HeatTransportBHE_3D_3BHEs_array files.

Manually and with yapf.

[py] Removed duplicated instruction.
modify benchmark input

change the imported module; fixed local variables

change the imported pandas module to only csv_read; import the local variables from the network csv files;
Add comments in the Benchmark input file
Delete the unused variables in the script
  • Loading branch information
ShuangChen88 authored and endJunction committed Jan 3, 2020
1 parent a2e7197 commit fafb637
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Showing 14 changed files with 229 additions and 198 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions ProcessLib/HeatTransportBHE/Tests.cmake
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ AddTest(
3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu 3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu temperature_soil temperature_soil 1e-12 1e-13
3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu 3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu temperature_BHE1 temperature_BHE1 1e-12 1e-14
3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu 3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu temperature_BHE2 temperature_BHE2 1e-12 1e-14
3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu 3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu temperature_BHE3 temperature_BHE3 1e-12 1e-14
3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu 3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu temperature_BHE1 temperature_BHE1 1e-10 1e-13
3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu 3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu temperature_BHE2 temperature_BHE2 1e-10 1e-13
3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu 3bhes_1U_pcs_0_ts_10_t_7200.000000.vtu temperature_BHE3 temperature_BHE3 1e-10 1e-13
Git LFS file not shown
234 changes: 131 additions & 103 deletions Tests/Data/Parabolic/T/3D_3BHEs_array/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012-2019, OpenGeoSys Community (
# Copyright(c) 2012 - 2019, OpenGeoSys Community(
# Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
Expand All @@ -9,185 +9,213 @@
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import read_csv
import OpenGeoSys
from tespy import cmp, con, nwk, hlp, cmp_char
from tespy import cmp, con, nwk, hlp, cmp_char
from tespy import nwkr

###User setting++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#refrigerant parameters
refrig_density = 992.92 #kg/m3
# %% switch for special boundary conditions
switch_dyn_demand = 'on'# 'on','off', switch of the function for dynamic thermal demand from consumer
switch_dyn_frate = 'off'# 'on','off', switch of the function for dynamic flowrate in BHE
# User setting +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# parameters
# refrigerant parameters
refrig_density = 992.92 # kg/m3
# switch for special boundary conditions
# 'on','off', switch of the function for dynamic thermal demand from consumer
switch_dyn_demand = 'on'
# 'on','off', switch of the function for dynamic flowrate in BHE
switch_dyn_frate = 'off'

# %% timecurve setting

# timecurve setting
def timerange(t):
#month for closed network
timerange_nw_off_month = [-9999]#No month for closed network
# month for closed network
timerange_nw_off_month = [-9999] # No month for closed network
nw_status = 'on'
t_trans = int((t-1)/86400/30) + 1#t-1 to avoid the calculation problem at special time point,e.g. t = 2592000.
# t-1 to avoid the calculation problem at special time point,
# e.g. t = 2592000.
t_trans = int((t - 1) / 86400 / 30) + 1
t_trans_month = t_trans
if t_trans_month > 12:
t_trans_month = t_trans - 12*(int(t_trans/12))
t_trans_month = t_trans - 12 * (int(t_trans / 12))
if t_trans_month in timerange_nw_off_month:
nw_status = 'off'
return t_trans, t_trans_month, nw_status

# %% consumer thermal load
#month demand
def consumer_demand(t):#dynamic thermal demand from consumer
#thermal demand in each month, assumed specific heat extraction rate * lenth of BHE * number of BHE
month_demand = [-25*50*3,-25*50*3,-25*50*3,-25*50*3,-25*50*3,-25*50*3,-25*50*3,-25*50*3,-25*50*3,-25*50*3,-25*50*3,-25*50*3]
return month_demand[t -1]

# %% dynamic hydraulic flow rate
#month demand
def dyn_frate(t):#dynamic flowrate in BHE
#flow rate in kg/s time curve in month

# consumer thermal load
# month demand
def consumer_demand(t): # dynamic thermal demand from consumer
# thermal demand in each month (assumed specific heat extraction rate*
# length of BHE* number of BHE)
month_demand = [
-25 * 50 * 3, -25 * 50 * 3, -25 * 50 * 3, -25 * 50 * 3, -25 * 50 * 3,
-25 * 50 * 3, -25 * 50 * 3, -25 * 50 * 3, -25 * 50 * 3, -25 * 50 * 3,
-25 * 50 * 3, -25 * 50 * 3
return month_demand[t - 1]

# dynamic hydraulic flow rate
# month demand
def dyn_frate(t): # dynamic flowrate in BHE
# flow rate in kg / s time curve in month
month_frate = [-9999]
return month_frate[t -1]
###End User setting+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
return month_frate[t - 1]

# End User setting+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

# %% create network dataframe
# create network dataframe
def create_dataframe():
#return dataframe
df_nw = pd.read_csv('./pre/bhe_network.csv', delimiter=';',
index_col=[0], dtype={'data_index':str})
# return dataframe
df_nw = read_csv('./pre/bhe_network.csv',
dtype={'data_index': str})
return (df_nw)

# %% TESPy hydraulic calculation process

# TESPy hydraulic calculation process
def get_hydraulics(t_trans):
#if network exist dynamic flowrate
# if network exist dynamic flowrate
if switch_dyn_frate == 'on':
cur_frate = dyn_frate(t_trans)
localVars['con_inflow'].set_attr( m = cur_frate)
#solve imported network
# solve imported network
#get flowrate #kg/s
# get flowrate #kg / s
for i in range(n_BHE):
for c in nw.conns.index:
if c.t.label == data_index[i]:#t:inlet comp, s:outlet comp
df.loc[df.index[i],'flowrate'] = c.get_attr('m').val_SI
#convert flowrate to velocity: #m^3/s
if c.t.label == data_index[i]: # t:inlet comp, s:outlet comp
df.loc[df.index[i], 'flowrate'] = c.get_attr('m').val_SI
# convert flowrate to velocity : #m ^ 3 / s
for i in range(n_BHE):
df.loc[df.index[i],'f_velocity'] = df.loc[df.index[i],'flowrate']/refrig_density
'f_velocity'] = df.loc[df.index[i], 'flowrate'] / refrig_density
return df

# %% TESPy Thermal calculation process

# TESPy Thermal calculation process
def get_thermal(t):
#bhe network thermal re parametrization
# bhe network thermal re parametrization
if switch_dyn_demand == 'on':
#consumer thermal load:
# consumer thermal load:
cur_month_demand = consumer_demand(t)
nw.busses[bus_name].set_attr(P= cur_month_demand)
# print('cur_month_demand', cur_month_demand)
# T_out:
for i in range(n_BHE):
localVars['outlet_BHE'+ str(i+1)].set_attr( T= df.loc[data_index[i],'Tout_val'])
localVars['outlet_BHE' + str(i + 1)].set_attr(T=df.loc[data_index[i],
# print('Tout=', df.loc[data_index[i], 'Tout_val'])
# solving network
#get Tin_val
# get Tin_val
for i in range(n_BHE):
df.loc[df.index[i],'Tin_val'] = localVars['inlet_BHE'+ str(i+1)].get_attr('T').val_SI
'Tin_val'] = localVars['inlet_BHE' +
str(i + 1)].get_attr('T').val_SI
# print('Tin=', df.loc[df.index[i], 'Tin_val'])
return df['Tin_val'].tolist()

# %% OGS setting

# OGS setting
# Dirichlet BCs
class BC(OpenGeoSys.BHENetwork):
def initializeDataContainer(self):
#convert dataframe to column list
t = 0#'initial time'
data_col_1 = df['Tin_val'].tolist()#'Tin_val'
data_col_2 = df['Tout_val'].tolist()#'Tout_val'
data_col_3 = df['Tout_node_id'].astype(int).tolist()#'Tout_node_id'
# convert dataframe to column list
t = 0 # 'initial time'
data_col_1 = df['Tin_val'].tolist() # 'Tin_val'
data_col_2 = df['Tout_val'].tolist() # 'Tout_val'
data_col_3 = df['Tout_node_id'].astype(int).tolist() # 'Tout_node_id'
data_col_4 = df['f_velocity'].tolist()#'BHE flow rate'
return (True, t, data_col_1,data_col_2,data_col_3, data_col_4)
data_col_4 = df['f_velocity'].tolist() # 'BHE flow rate'
return (t, data_col_1, data_col_2, data_col_3, data_col_4)

def tespyThermalSolver(self, t, Tin_val, Tout_val):
#current time, network status:
# current time, network status:
t_trans, t_trans_month, nw_status = timerange(t)
#if network closed:
#print('nw_status = ', nw_status)
# if network closed:
# print('nw_status = ', nw_status)
if nw_status == 'off':
return (True, True, Tout_val)
#if network works:
#read Tout_val to dataframe
# read Tout_val to dataframe
for i in range(n_BHE):
df.loc[df.index[i],'Tout_val'] = Tout_val[i]
#TESPy solver
df.loc[df.index[i], 'Tout_val'] = Tout_val[i]
# TESPy solver
cur_cal_Tin_val = get_thermal(t_trans_month)
#check norm if network achieves the converge
# check norm if network achieves the converge
if_success = False
pre_cal_Tin_val = Tin_val
norm = np.linalg.norm(abs(np.asarray(pre_cal_Tin_val)-np.asarray(cur_cal_Tin_val)))
norm = np.linalg.norm(
abs(np.asarray(pre_cal_Tin_val) - np.asarray(cur_cal_Tin_val)))
if norm < 10e-6:
if_success = True
#return to OGS
# return to OGS
return (True, if_success, cur_cal_Tin_val)

def tespyHydroSolver(self, t):
if_dyn_frate = False
data_f_velocity = df['f_velocity'].tolist()#'f_velocity'
data_f_velocity = df['f_velocity'].tolist()
if switch_dyn_frate == 'on':
if_dyn_frate = True
#current time, network status:
# current time, network status:
t_trans, t_trans_month, nw_status = timerange(t)
if nw_status == 'off':
for i in range(n_BHE):
df.loc[df.index[i],'f_velocity'] = 0
data_f_velocity = df['f_velocity'].tolist()#'f_velocity'
df.loc[df.index[i], 'f_velocity'] = 0
data_f_velocity = df['f_velocity'].tolist()
dataframe = get_hydraulics(t_trans)
data_f_velocity = dataframe['f_velocity'].tolist()#'f_velocity'
#return to OGS
data_f_velocity = dataframe['f_velocity'].tolist()
# return to OGS
return (if_dyn_frate, data_f_velocity)

# %% main
#initialize the tespy model of the bhe network
#load path of network model:
#loading the TESPy model
# main
# initialize the tespy model of the bhe network
# load path of network model:
# loading the TESPy model
project_dir = os.getcwd()
print("Project dir is: ", project_dir)
nw = nwkr.load_nwk('./pre/tespy_nw')
#set if print the information of the network
# set if print the information of the network

#create bhe dataframe of the network system from bhe_network.csv
# create bhe dataframe of the network system from bhe_network.csv
df = create_dataframe()
n_BHE = np.size(df.iloc[:,0])
#bhes name
data_index = df.index.tolist()
n_BHE = np.size(df.iloc[:, 0])

#create local variables of the components label and connections label in network
# create local variables of the components label and connections label in
# network
localVars = locals()
data_index = df.index.tolist()
for i in range(n_BHE):
for c in nw.conns.index:
#bhe inlet and outlet conns
if c.t.label == data_index[i]:# inlet conns of bhe
localVars['inlet_BHE'+ str(i+1)] = c
if c.s.label == data_index[i]:# outlet conns of bhe
localVars['outlet_BHE'+ str(i+1)] = c
# bhe inlet and outlet conns
if c.t.label == data_index[i]: # inlet conns of bhe
localVars['inlet_BHE' + str(i + 1)] = c
if c.s.label == data_index[i]: # outlet conns of bhe
localVars['outlet_BHE' + str(i + 1)] = c

#time depended consumer thermal demand
# time depended consumer thermal demand
if switch_dyn_demand == 'on':
#name of bus in the network
bus_name = 'consumer heat demand'
assert 'consumer heat demand' in bus_name, "bus name should be named with 'consumer heat demand'"
# import the name of bus from the network csv file
bus_name = read_csv('./pre/tespy_nw/comps/bus.csv',

#time depended flowrate
# time depended flowrate
if switch_dyn_frate == 'on':
con_infow = 'from consumer inflow'
assert 'from consumer inflow' in con_infow, "con_infow should be named with 'from consumer inflow'"
# import the name of inlet connection from the network csv file
inlet_name = read_csv('./pre/tespy_nw/conn.csv',
for c in nw.conns.index:
#bhe inflow conns
if c.s.label == con_infow:# inlet conns of bhe
localVars['con_inflow'] = c
# bhe inflow conns
if c.s.label == inlet_name: # inlet conns of bhe
localVars['inlet_name'] = c

# instantiate BC objects referenced in OpenGeoSys
bc_bhe = BC()
bc_bhe = BC()

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