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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Jan 18, 2015 · 5 revisions

module omega

Actors can be used to modularize interaction and animation in an omegalib script. Each actor has its own update, event and command handler callbacks and can be derived from a python class to define custom behaviors.


Method(s) Description
kill() Kills this actor. The dispose() callback will be invoked as part of the kill process.
setSceneNode(SceneNode node) SceneNode getSceneNode() Gets or sets the scene node this actor will control. Actors do not need to be attached to a scene node, this method is optional and just here for convenience.
setUpdateEnabled(bool enabled), bool isUpdateEnabled() Gets or sets the update enabled flag. When set to true, this Actor update callback will be called for each frame.
setEventsEnabled(bool enabled), bool areEventsEnabled() Gets or sets the events enabled flag. When set to true, this Actor event callback will be called for each received event.
setCommandsEnabled(bool enabled), bool areCommandsEnabled() Gets or sets the commands enabled flag. When set to true, this Actor event callback will be called for each received quick command. See the QuickCommands page for more information.
onUpdate(int frame, float time, float dt) The frame update callback
onEvent(Event e) The event handling callback
onCommand(string command) The command handling callback
dispose() Called after this actor is killed.


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