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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Jan 8, 2017 · 1 revision

On Windows, omegalib includes an internal copy of Python 2.7. Sometime, it is desirable to use another version of python, like an installed version of special distributions like Anaconda. This allows you to use another distribution python modules in an Omegalib application.

To force Omegalib to use another distribution do the following (we assume omegaroot is the root of your Omegalib binary or source copy)

  • create an environment variable PYTHONHOME pointing to the python distribution root (eg. set PYTHONHOME=C:\Anaconda2)
  • create an environment variable PYTHONPATH pointing to the python distribution library root (eg. set PYTHONHOME=C:\Anaconda2\Lib)
  • delete or rename omegaroot/modules/python/Lib. Renaming instead of deleting is helpful if you want to re-enable the internal python copy in the future.
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