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Money to Prisoners

A Django app containing utilities and assets common to all Money to Prisoners services/applications.


  • Build pipeline with actions that depend on others
  • Base SCSS, JS and static assets
  • Base templates for staff and public apps
  • Reusable templates for form fields and errors
  • Authentication utilities and views for connecting to money-to-prisoners-api
  • User account management forms and views
  • REST utilities for retrieving information from money-to-prisoners-api
  • Utility for communicating with NOMIS api
  • Integration and accessibility testing with selenium
  • Python code style testing
  • Log formatting for shipping to ELK


Add money-to-prisoners-common==<version> to the Money to Prisoners application’s requirements base.txt. There is an additional variant installed as a setuptools extra: Use money-to-prisoners-common[testing]==<version> for environments requiring testing; this is placed into the application’s requirements dev.txt.

Add url patterns:

from django.conf.urls import url

from mtp_common.auth import views

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^login/$', views.login, {
        'template_name': 'login.html',
        }, name='login'),
        r'^logout/$', views.logout, {
            'template_name': 'login.html',
            'next_page': reverse_lazy('login'),
        }, name='logout'

Configure Django settings:

    # instead of django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware
    # instead of django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware


CSRF_FAILURE_VIEW = 'mtp_common.auth.csrf.csrf_failure'

If you wish for additional interface methods, you can extend mtp_common.auth.models.MojUser, and specify your subclass as MOJ_USER_MODEL. An example would be adding a property to access a key in the user_data dict.

MOJ_USER_MODEL = 'myapp.models.MyCustomUser'

Specify the parameters of the API authentication. API_CLIENT_ID and API_CLIENT_SECRET should be unique to your application.

API_CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ.get('API_CLIENT_SECRET', 'xxx')
API_URL = os.environ.get('API_URL', 'http://localhost:8000')


  • Make code changes and add any tests necessary
  • Test using ./ test or python test
  • Update the package version with ./ set_version --version [?.?.?]
  • Commit and push changes to Github
  • Submit to PyPi by:
    • making a new release on Github (package version comes from the code, not Github release title)
    • or ./ upload locally (if release cannot be made on Github for some reason)


Update translation files with ./ make_messages – you need to do this every time any translatable text is updated.

Compile messages ./ compile_messages – only needed during local testing or development, it happens automatically during build or upload.

Pull updates from Transifex with ./ translations --pull. You'll need to update translation files afterwards and manually check that the merges occurred correctly.

Push latest English to Transifex with ./ translations --push. NB: you should pull updates before pushing to merge correctly.

Common assets

All shared assets used for money-to-prisoners-cashbook, money-to-prisoners-bank-admin, money-to-prisoners-noms-ops and money-to-prisoners-send-money are kept in this package.

Each application’s build scripts install this package automatically.

SCSS, JavaScript, images

Assets that need compiling are in mtp_common/assets-src/(images|javascripts|scss). The base sass file, _mtp.scss, is used to include the sass includes from this packge into each frontend app.

Static assets are in mtp_common/static/(images|javascripts|css).

There is a separate guide to the various visual elements defined in this repository and used by the various MTP apps.

Django templates

Common templates used by the client applications are kept in mtp_common/templates.

Development environment

There is a docker-compose for building and setting up the development environment. Steps are as follows:

  1. Clone money-to-prisoners-common (if you haven't already):
git clone money-to-prisoners-common
  1. Change directory to the money-to-prisoners-common root directory (if you haven't already)
cd money-to-prisoners-common
  1. Clone the above directories as sibling directories to money-to-prisoners-common:
git clone ../money-to-prisoners-api
git clone ../money-to-prisoners-cashbook
git clone ../money-to-prisoners-bank-admin
git clone ../money-to-prisoners-noms-ops
git clone ../money-to-prisoners-send-money
git clone ../money-to-prisoners-start-page
git clone ../money-to-prisoners-transaction-uploader
  1. Create a file called .env in money-to-prisoners-common root directory, add the variable ECR_ENDPOINT to this file in the format <key>=<value>
  2. Authenticate with the docker repository
git clone ../money-to-prisoners-deploy
cd ../money-to-prisoners-deploy
./ config docker-login
cd -
  1. From money-to-prisoners-common root directory run docker-compose up
  2. (Optional) If you have not generated any data for the development environement, or if you have removed the docker volume associated with the database container, you will need to populate the database to be able to log into the services successfully. It will also create a minimal set of fake data to allow you to develop against existing data. However if you already have an existing docker volume with existing data, this command will delete that data.

To populate your database with fake data, run the following command from money-to-prisoners-common root directory, once the api container has started successfully

docker-compose exec api ./ load_test_data

You should then be able to access the services at the following URLs


  • You can only log into one service at a time, this is because the cookies within which the session is stored are namespaced to domain only (which is the desired behaviour for test/prod)
  1. (Optional) If you want to set up some virtualenv's for money-to-prisoners, to help with things like running tests outside docker containers (e.g. as part of githooks), I would very much recommend using virtualenvwrapper. It's essentially a set of aliases that make managing virtualenv's a lot easier. See for installation instructions. Once you've got that installed, it's just a matter of running this command from the parent directory, that contains all of your checked-out money-to-prisoners-* repos:
repos=(money-to-prisoners-api  money-to-prisoners-bank-admin  money-to-prisoners-cashbook  money-to-prisoners-deploy money-to-prisoners-noms-ops  money-to-prisoners-send-money  money-to-prisoners-transaction-uploader)
for d in ${repos[@]}; do cd $d && mkvirtualenv -a . $d && pip install -r requirements/base.txt  -r requirements/dev.txt && cd -; done

Once you've run the above commands successfully, then to enter a virtual environment and at the same time cd into the directory of that repository, you can just run, for example:

workon money-to-prisoners-api

Troubleshooting Development Environement

If you run into issues with the dockeriesd development environment, the following troubleshooting steps should reset the state.

  • Shutdown existing docker-compose containers, and remove volumes/networks/images with docker-compose down -v --rmi all from money-to-prisoners-common root directory (note this will wipe your local database, omit the -v to prevent this)
  • Pull fresh base images via ./ config docker-login && ./ image pull-ecr from from money-to-prisoners-deploy root directory
  • Rebuild the service images without cache via docker-compose --no-cache build from money-to-prisoners-common root directory
  • Restart the services in the background via docker-compose up -d from money-to-prisoners-common root directory,
  • Tail the logs at your leisure via docker-compose logs <service_name> from money-to-prisoners-common root directory, where <service_name> is an optional argument corresponding to a services key in the docker-compose.yml (e.g. api, noms-ops etc)

Additional Bespoke Packages

There are several dependencies of the money-to-prisoners-common python library which are maintained by this team, so they may require code-changes when the dependencies (e.g. Django) of the money-to-prisoners-common python library, or any of the Prisoner Money services are incremented.

There are additional bespoke dependencies defined as python dependencies within the Prisoner Money Services.


Common assets for the money-to-prisoners applications







No packages published


  • Python 56.2%
  • JavaScript 23.8%
  • HTML 14.6%
  • SCSS 5.1%
  • Dockerfile 0.3%