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#Orchestrations for Parliamentary Data Service

Problem: Previewing this page always jumps to the LogicApps heading which is unhelpful and unwanted. Its using an Anchor link. Any thoughts??

##Overview All artefacts are designed for the Azure Platform Repository consisting of LogicApps and Functions that are deployed using combinations of ARM templates and PowerShell scripts.

##Infrastructure Infrastructure sets up the platform on which these LogicApps (here) and Functions (here) operate. This is deployed using settings defined under Infrastructure, setting up:

  • the Virtual Machines (VMs) and clustered VMs
  • the Network components and Firewalls
  • Storage Devices
  • Schedules

Deplopment is initiated through Tasks defined within the Build and Release section in VSTS. These use ARM templates defined in the Infrastructure folder which are configured using JSON files, such as Scheduler.json which sets up the scheduled tasks required by the data collection functions.


Components of the infrastructure are organised into the following environments:

  • Staging
  • Live

The Staging environment hosts the platform used by the WebSite with their DevCI webite during its development. When complete the Data and Search platform is deployed to Live and utilised by the Beta webite at

Additional environments are created by the Data and Search Team to meet specific development objectives such as when migrating existing legacy services to the Azure platform.

###Components of the Infrastructure

LogicApps and Functions are executed on VMs. Multiple VMs provide a clustering facility which means processing should continue if one VM fails. This is to be expected if, for instance, Microsoft perform maintence on their physical hosts hosting these VMs.

####Network components

These components include:

  • Network Security Groups (NSGs), comprising of:
    • Inbound rules; and
    • Outbound rule
  • Virtual Networks
  • Network Clusters
  • Network Interface Cards

NSGs protect the components they are associated with by restricting the network traffic permitted to pass through them.
NSGs define inbound and outbound rules which allow (or deny) access to components. These rules follow Microsoft's recommendations for their associated components.

The network components show those connected to the Internet and those that aren't; NSGs are protecting those that are.


See also LogicApps

LogicApps (which can also be called Workflows) collect data from a variety of sources, including:

  • Government registers
  • data already published elsewhere by Parliament.

The data retrieved is stored in GraphDB by Functions. This data is stored in a consistent and predictable format, aiding its reuse. Processing follows the same pattern across all LogicApps.

For example:

  • The LogicApp getlist-membermnis reads the list of Members from here ...
  • ... and processes each of the Members returned from this data source.
  • getlist-membermnis sends a message to the MessageBus for each Member ...
  • ... which are subscribed to by processlist-membermnis, found in the latest data-orchestration_yyyymmdd_ Resource Group
  • For each Member message the processlist-membermnis LogicApp is triggered and reads this message ...
  • ... which writes or updates each Member's data in GraphDB.
  • If an error occurs then the Member message is pushed back to the MessageBus.

The deployment of these components can be seen under Deploy Logic Apps code, here. The script generates task variables that are used by ARM templates (in the <name>loop.json files) to create each LogicApp. The name property is reused accross:

  • the LogicApps
  • the scheduler jobs and
  • the Azure Functions.

There are some additional workflows that override these default behaviours. Default LogicApps are created using the Orchestration\LogicApps\Settings.ps1 file. Any LogicApp can then by overriden, as happens with the getlist-departmentmnis LogicApp which is overriden by the Orchestration\LogicApps\DepartmentMnis\GetList.json LogicApp. The override occurs through the deployment by deploying the all of the defaults followed by deploying an override.

Control of execution is controlled by LogicApp defined and editable in Azure, resulting in a JSON file which uses an ARM template to implement the prescribed functionality. The LogicApp is exported from Azure using the Logic App Code View operation. This JSON file is stored in VSTS and deployed to Azure within a Step of a deployment.


Nearly of works - I get my diagram but not my "MMMMMMMMMMy NSGs" label. Good enough.


These are insert picture tests - without success so don't use this style - use the one above

Rel Path My picture label A Abs Path My picture label B Abs Path My picture label C

##Functions Functions may be associated with a variety of areas, including:

  • the infrastructure, as with GraphDBBackup;
  • helping to process the data retrieved, as with JsonKeyToArrayConverter;
  • providing a consistent way tasks are performed, as with LogicAppsErrorMessageLog or QueueMessagesRetrieval
  • the data, as with TransformationTerritory.

C# code extends functionality of LogicApps. In order to run it locally local.settings.json file has to be added to the project. Below is the layout of the file:

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "CUSTOMCONNSTR_Data": "",
    "SubscriptionKey": "",
    "ApiVersion": "",
    "IdNamespace": "",
    "SchemaNamespace": "",
    "ApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey": "",
    "CUSTOMCONNSTR_BackupStorage": "",


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