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Polybar Modules: jgmenu

Ulises Jeremias edited this page Jul 16, 2023 · 3 revisions

Jgmenu Module

The Jgmenu module displays a button that allows you to open a menu using the jgmenu application. Jgmenu provides a customizable and feature-rich menu system for your desktop environment.


The Jgmenu module supports the following events:

  • Left-click: Clicking on the module with the left mouse button displays the jgmenu menu. You can use this menu to access various applications, system settings, and other menu items.
  • Right-click: Clicking on the module with the right mouse button opens the jgmenurc file in your default text editor. This file contains the configuration for the jgmenu application, allowing you to customize the menu appearance, behavior, and content.

By interacting with the Jgmenu module, you can conveniently access and navigate through your menu items using the powerful jgmenu application.

Please ensure that you have jgmenu installed and properly configured on your system to make use of this module. You may refer to the jgmenu documentation for more information on how to configure and customize your menu.

Feel free to customize the appearance and behavior of the Jgmenu module according to your preferences to enhance your menu experience.