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Rofi: Apps Launcher

ulises-jeremias edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 1 revision

We use Rofi for our Apps Launcher with a setup inspired by macOS Launchpad aesthetics, leveraging Rofi for a powerful and customizable launcher experience that integrates seamlessly with your desktop environment.

Rofi Launcher Preview

Configuration Overview

Our Rofi configuration is designed to be both visually appealing and highly functional. Key features include:

  • Font: Hack Nerd Font Mono 10 for clear text rendering.
  • Appearance: Fullscreen mode with center alignment and real transparency for an immersive experience.
  • Dynamic Theming: Integration with pywal for automatic color scheme adjustments based on your wallpaper, ensuring a consistent look across your desktop.

Editing the Configuration

To tailor the Rofi launcher to your preferences:

  1. Access the configuration file within chezmoi:

    chezmoi edit ~/.config/rofi/apps.rasi
  2. This command opens the apps.rasi file in your preferred editor, allowing you to adjust settings such as font, layout, and color.

Dynamic Color Theming with Wal

pywal automatically updates your theme colors based on your current wallpaper. After setting a new wallpaper and running pywal, the Rofi launcher will adapt its colors accordingly, providing a cohesive aesthetic across your desktop.

For further customization and troubleshooting, refer to the Rofi documentation and the chezmoi documentation.