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VaspInteractive: a stream-based calculator for VASP

VASP Patch coverage version docker image

Cori Haswell Cori KNL Cori Shifter Perlmutter GPU test Perlmutter Shifter (CPU)


VaspInteractive is a faster yet fully-compatible replacement for the original Vasp calculator from the Atomic Simulation Environment (ase) by leveraging the interactive mode of Vienna Ab Initio Package (VASP). Up to 75% reduction of DFT electronic self-consistent cycle compared with the original Vasp implementation can be achieved (see Benchmark section). It can be used both as a file I/O calculator and to communicate with an external server via the socket interface.


pip install git+

After setting proper environmental variables (e.g. $VASP_COMMAND, $VASP_PP_PATH, etc.), download the script and run the compatibility test with your local VASP setup:


If the compatibility test fails, your VASP build may truncate output. See the Troubleshooting section for more details.

Basic usage

Existing code written with ase's Vasp calculator can be easily replaced by VaspInteractive, the following example shows how to run a structural optimization using VaspInteractive with a BFGS optimizer. Note the calculator is wrapped within a with-clause to ensure the graceful exit of VASP process"

from ase.optimize import BFGS
from vasp_interactive import VaspInteractive
# atoms: an ase.atoms.Atoms object
# parameters: parameters compatible with ase.calculators.vasp.Vasp
with VaspInteractive(**parameters) as calc:
    atoms.calc = calc
    dyn = BFGS(atoms)

If you are using VaspInteractive without the with-clause, we recommend adding calc.finalize() to manually stop the VASP process.

Using VaspInteractive as socket client calculator (driver mode)

Since version v0.1.0, VaspInteractive allows communication over the socket for external codes compatible with the i-PI protocol. We have added an implementation of the socket client layer based on the ASE SocketClient. Note our implementation does not require patching the VASP source code1. An minimal example below shows socket communication using SocketIOCalculator:

from vasp_interactive import VaspInteractive
from ase.calculators.socketio import SocketIOCalculator
vpi = VaspInteractive(**parameters)
# Open a socket on default port localhost:31415
with SocketIOCalculator(vpi) as calc:
    opt = BFGS(atoms)
    atoms.calc = calc

Note you don't need to specify command, port or unixsocket when creating the VaspInteractive calculator as they are automatically replaced by parent SocketIOCalculator. For a detailed explanation of the socket driver mode in VaspInteractive see here.

How does it work?

The interactive mode of VASP

This repo provides a patched version of the VaspInteractive calculator, originally from ase while focusing on the following improvement:

  • Better process management
  • Enhanced output parsing for both VASP 5.x and 6.x
  • Functionality to pause/resume VASP process

The following scheme summarizes the mechanism of VaspInteractive.

VaspInteractive invokes the interactive VASP mode by setting the keyword INTERACTIVE = .TRUE. in INCAR file. Under this mode, at the end of each ionic step, VASP writes the following blocks to the standard output

   <Nx3> forces on atoms
   <one line for free energy, energy at T=0 K, and energy difference>
POSITIONS: reading from stdin

and waits for user input of the scaled positions. After reading the user-input coordinates ($N \times 3$), VASP performs the next ionic step using previous density and wavefunction in memory.
In this way, the interactive mode reduces the number of electronic self-consistent cycles compared with starting the VASP process at each ionic step. VaspInteractive is designed as a user-friendly interface to automate the I/O in the interactive mode.

We also provide a patch script to allow the interactive mode read new lattice from stdin. Please refer to the advanced topics as well as the readme for details.

Input parameters

Most of the parameters in ase.calculators.vasp.Vasp are compatible with VaspInteractive. However, there are several things to note:

  1. Setting ibrion will not enable VASP's internal optimizer. Instead, VaspInteractive replies on external optimizers (from ase package, machine learning algorithms, etc.)
  2. Make sure the nsw value (maximum ionic steps of VASP) is no less than the maximum allowed steps in your optimizer (default nsw=2000)
  3. Symmetry is disabled (isym=0) to avoid spurious error due to wavefunction symmetry mismatch between the steps.
  4. Wavefunction extrapolation is enabled using lwavepr=11 to ensure convergence. If you want to overwrite this parameter, do your own test.


Most of the issues come from the way the original VASP code is written.

  • VaspInteractive supports only positional change due to limitations of the original VASP source code. Users can choose our custom patch to add support for lattice change (see advanced topics for details).
  • An additional ionic step (with 1 electronic step) will be added to the end of the calculation as a result of STOPCAR
  • Compatibility with VASP depends on the version and how the compilation method. More details see Troubleshooting section.


Comparison against the original Vasp calculator

The following figure shows the benchmark of VaspInteractive vs original Vasp. The structures for relaxation are taken from the GPAW optimizer benchmark and BFGS is used as the optimizer in all cases. All calculations are done using AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X (8 MPI ranks, 4105.948 GHz) with VASP version 6.1.2 compiled with Intel's MKL library.

Two quantities are compared:

  1. Wall time (right panel).
  2. Total electronic scf steps (i.e. sum of scf steps per ionic cycle) (left panel).

Performance of relaxation using pure VASP routines (IBRION=2, conjugate gradient) is used as the baseline reference. VaspInteractive reduces the wall time and electronic steps compared with the classic VASP+BFGS approach.

Below are the details about the ionic and electronic steps (using system CAu8O):

In the case of CO+Au(111) slab system, VaspInteractive seems even to better than the VASP CG optimizer. Note such results can be tuned by parameters such as IBRION or IWAVEPR.

A more detailed example comparing the wall time and SCF cycles for VaspInteractive and classic Vasp combined with various ASE-optimizers can be found in the following figure. The horizontal broken lines are the lowest value among all optimizers for the same structure.

In addition to the constant time reduction using VaspInteractive+ASE compared with Vasp+ASE, GPMin seems to be the most reliable optimizer to be combined. In most cases VaspInteractive+GPMin outperforms VASP internal CG routine (IBRION=2) and gives more consistent results than RMM-DIIS (IBRION=1).

Combining VaspInteractive with advanced optimizers

The benchmark from the previous section shows when combining with better optimizers, VaspInteractive can outperform internal VASP routines. This becomes even more obvious when using active learning algorithms such as FINETUNA (Musielewicz et al. Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. 3 03LT01). An excerpt from the FINETUNA study regarding the performance can be seen in the following figure:

The combination of FINETUNA + VaspInteractive can achieve up to 10x walltime boost compared with internal VASP CG optimizer.

Parallel VaspInteractive calculators for faster NEB calculations

[Experimental] A special mode KubeVaspInteractive makes the interactive vasp process running inside an isolated container on kubernetes pod, with full functioning message communication between the local and remote processes. This mode can be quite useful when running an ensemble of relaxations with synchronization between individual steps, and required total CPU numbers are high.

One example is to use KubeVaspInteractive to boost Nudged Elastic Bands (NEB) calculations, please see examples/ for more details. 3-image NEB relaxation for Au diffusion on 2x2x3-Al(001) surface is chosen for benchmark with the following walltime (all calculators use 8X MPI ranks for VASP)

  • Sequential VASP: 382.52 s
  • Sequential VaspInteractive (shared calculator): 532.89 s
  • Parallel KubeVaspInteractive (3 workers): 49.91 s

Note in this case, sharing VaspInteractive on all NEB images is not beneficial due to big difference of wavefunctions on neighboring images. On the other hand, KubeVaspInteractive has nearly linear scaling with worker pod numbers, if the workload per pod is balanced (see examples/

Advanced topics

Resource optimization by MPI pause/resume

By default, the MPI processes that run the VASP calculations will occupy 100% cpu on the allocated cores / slots, even when waiting for the inputs. This can lead to undesired effects when other CPU-expensive codes are running between two VaspInteractive ionic steps (e.g. huge matrix multiplication in machine learning).

When VaspInteractive calculator is initialized with allow_mpi_pause=True (the default setting since 0.0.5), the user can temporarily free the resources occupied by VASP processes between two ionic steps. Please see the following minimal example

calc = VaspInteractive(allow_mpi_pause=True, **params)
atoms.calc = calc
# VASP MPI processes are occupying 100% CPU at this line
with calc.pause():
    # VASP MPI processes are paused (0% CPU)
# VASP MPI processes are resumed (100% CPU)

An example can be found in, where computationally expensive operations (e.g. numpy huge matrix multiplication A·B) occur between VASP ionic steps. The figures below show the CPU usage of VASP and Numpy processes without intervention (upper panel) and with MPI23 pause/resume (lower panel). With the pause/resume functionality, the numpy threads can gain almost 100% CPU, saving the total computational time4.

Alternatively, you can also wrap the DFT part with the context so that outside the MPI CPU usage is always 0:

calc = VaspInteractive(allow_mpi_pause=True, **params)
atoms.calc = calc
with calc._ensure_mpi():
    # Inside the context, MPI processes can use full cpu resources
# Outside the context, MPI process is paused. You can write longer code here.


Enhanced interactive mode by patching VASP source codes

The original interactive mode in VASP only reads positions via stdin (using the INPOS subroutine). As a result, some optimization tasks, such as equation of state (EOS) calculation and bulk lattice relaxation, are not feasible. Here we provide a patch script at vasp-build/ to add support for lattice input into VASP source codes (adding a new subroutine INLATT) is designed to work for any VASP version >= 5.4 and only requires python3 standard library. Uncompress the VASP source code and run

python vasp.X.Y.Z/src

where vasp.X.Y.Z is the root directory of the extracted VASP tarball. The patches should only modify src/main.F and src/poscar.F. You can check that by verifying the INLATT subroutine only exists in these 2 files:

grep INLATT -5 ~/vasp.6.3.0/src/*.F

Then use your normal makefile and makefile.include to compile the source codes (see official VASP documentation for details). For a detailed description of the patch and our reproducible build environment, see vasp-interactive/

Please note that this patch also flushes the I/O buffer at the end of every ionic step in the interactive mode, which solves the issue of truncated vasprun.xml and OUTCAR in original VASP builds (see Troubleshooting).

The socket interface

VaspInteractive supports socket communication using the i-PI protocol. As the scheme on the left shows, the socket interface of VaspInteractive is built as a pure python layer on top of the interactive mode. Any codes that work with VaspInteractive via stdin can be converted to use socket driver mode, without modifying the VASP codes1. The socket interface is controlled via the following init parameters:

use_socket: switching between local and driver mode. Default is False (local stdio)

host: hostname of socket server

port: socket port

unixsocket: identifier of the unix socket (bind to file /tmp/ipi_{unixsocket})

The meaning and behavior of host, port and unixsocket are compatible with the API in ase.calculators.socketio.

There are multiple ways to use VaspInteractive in driver mode:

  1. Use SocketIOCalculator wrapper on a single machine (i.e. Machine A == Machine B)
from vasp_interactive import VaspInteractive
from ase.calculators.socketio import SocketIOCalculator
vpi = VaspInteractive(**parameters)
# Open a socket on default port localhost:31415
with SocketIOCalculator(vpi) as calc:
    opt = BFGS(atoms)
    atoms.calc = calc
  1. Start the server and launch VaspInteractive client separately (Machine A can be different from Machine B)

On machine A:

with SocketIOCalculator(port=12345) as calc:
    # Server waits for connection until calculation can proceed
    atoms.calc = calc
    dyn = Optimizer(atoms)

On machine B:

# atoms should be the same as on machine A (or at least with same chemical symbols)
with VaspInteractive(use_socket=True, port=12345, **params) as calc:
    # Main event loop
  1. Start the server and call vasp_interactive.socketio module to launch a client (Machine A can be different from Machine B)

On machine A:

with SocketIOCalculator(port=12345) as calc:
    # Server waits for connection until calculation can proceed
    atoms.calc = calc
    dyn = Optimizer(atoms)

On machine B, in a folder where the VASP input files (INCAR, POSCAR, POTCAR, KPOINTS) of the atoms exist, you can launch the socket client using command line:

python -m vasp_interactive.socketio -port 12345

In fact, in method 1 the VaspInteractive calculator automatically sets its self.command to the format python -m vasp_interactive.socketio --port {port} --socketname {unixsocket}. SocketIOCalculator then uses FileIOClientLauncher to initialize a socket client with the above command. In this case, the user does not need to set use_socket, host, port or unixsocket.

Combining with the machine learning force field (MLFF) in VASP >= 6.3

Since version 6.3.0, VASP has provided a built-in machine learning force field (MLFF) to accelerate energy/forces/stress calculations if trained on multiple trajectories. VaspInteractive leverages this feature and allows it to combine the MLFF with external optimizers without high file I/O latency. An example of how to use the MLFF can be found in examples/


  • As of ASE verison 3.22.1, the MLFF INCAR tags are not recognized. You need to set the calculator using the custom parameter, such as: VaspInteractive(custom={"ml_lmlff": True}, **extra_params)

  • The OUTCAR and vasprun.xml contents of an MLFF run are different from standard DFT and are not recognized by default VaspInteractive provides a workaround to parse the OUTCAR file but may bt subject to changes in future VASP releases.

  • The energy/forces/stress calculated by DFT or ML inferences are treated the same in VaspInteractive. If you want to specify the source of your results on each ionic step, consider using calc.are_results_dft() method.

More examples


Compatibility test fails

The compatibility test code in the installation section may show several different outputs

  1. : Raw output, OUTCAR and vasprun.xml are all complete
  2. : Raw output and OUTCAR files can be parsed by vasprun.xml is truncated
  3. : Raw output can be parsed while OUTCAR & vasprun.xml are both truncated
  4. : VASP does not print stdout during interactive mode

Below are some of the test results for various VASP builds we have access to, including the Cori and Perlmutter clusters from NERSC.

Docker images (**) Cori Haswell (†) Cori KNL (†) Perlmutter CPU (†) Perlmutter GPU (†)
VASP 5.4.x
VASP 5.4.x - TPC (*)
VASP 6.1.x
VASP 6.2.x
VASP 6.2.x - TPC (*)
VASP 6.3.x
VASP 6.3.x - TPC (*)
  • (*) TPC=third-party codes
  • (**) Internal docker images in ulissi-group. Tested both on local cluster (Kubernetes) and NERSC shifter
  • (†) Slurm jobs are calculated using srun -u option to supress any buffer in pipeline I/O. Necessary for Perlmutter CPU.

In the all / partial pass cases, VaspInteractive should be able to handle I/O correctly, while in the case of minimal support (likely using VASP 5.4.x), only the energy and force information are parsed.

If you have an incompatible VASP build, consider use our custom patch script (more details see the advanced topics and readme).

VaspInteractive fails to parse VASP 5.4.x outputs

As stated above, in some VASP 5 cases the support is minimal. Please ensure the flag parse_vaspout=True is set during the calculator initialization and txt parameter is neither "-" nor None, because the parsing of VASP raw output requires a real file on disk.

VaspInteractive hangs up forever after the first ionic step

First, make sure the compatibility test passes. and check if vasp.out is empty. If so, disable any output redirection in the VASP command env variables. If you want to achieve something like mpirun -n 16 vasp_std > vasp.out, set the txt parameter of the calculator instead.

If the issue occurs on a batch job system (slurm, lsf, pbs, etc), check if I/O buffer can be disable via the job launcher (for example the "unbeffered" option of slurm srun).

"The OUTCAR and vasprun.xml outputs may be incomplete" warning

In many cases user may see warnings like follows when VaspInteractive exits:

Trying to close the VASP stream but encountered error: 
<error message>
Will now force closing the VASP process. The OUTCAR and vasprun.xml outputs may be incomplete

As the message indicates, it is caused by some runtime error when terminating VASP process associated with VaspInteractive. Usually this is harmless but if you suspect it may be caused by a bug, please submit your issue in the github page.

pause/resume does not have effect

There may be several causes for this:

  1. Your VASP program is not started using the standard mpirun / mpiexec or srun method.

    You will be notified by a warning like: Cannot find the mpi process or you're using different ompi wrapper. Will not send continue signal to mpi.

  2. The SIGTSTP / SIGCONT signals sent to associated processes are not properly propagated.

    You may need to update OpenMPI / MPICH version and enable signal forwarding.

  3. The current user does not have privilege sending signals to VASP processes.

    This is likely the case in SLURM job manager. We have added support for srun but may not be extensive. Please submit an issue regarding your specific situation.


  1. VaspInteractive and its driver mode will only support changes of ionic positions in this case. You may want to consider adding lattice input support by using our VASP patches 2

  2. The MPI process pause/resume has been tested on OpenMPI > 1.3.0. For some systems you may need to explicitly add the flag --mca orte_forward_job_control 1.

  3. If your VASP commands are run by SLURM job manager's srun command, the signal is sent by scancel utility instead of forwarding to mpirun directly. Make sure you have access to these utilities in your environment.

  4. Each pause/resume cycle adds an overhead of 0.5 ~ 5 s depending on your system load.