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3) Summary

Ülkü Arslan Aydın edited this page Jan 23, 2017 · 3 revisions

What is does?

When user completed to perform AOI analysis, s/he will end up with a file including whether a participant was looking at the interlocutor’s face or he/she was looking away the interlocutor’s face (viz. out). If the gaze data was inside the detected face, the face region is divided into 3 theoretical regions: mouth, nose and eyes. Then, which of these three areas corresponds to the gaze data is evaluated. Otherwise, if the gaze data was outside the detected face, then gaze data is labelled with a character representing the position that is relative to an interlocutor's face. However, AOI analysis alone is not enough for investigation of social patterns. Thus, MAGiC also provides speech-analysis module to examine gaze data in relation to speech. When user completed to perform. The Summary function merges speech-annotation information with AOI-label for each frame of a recorded scene video during an experiment. This function allows us to make inferences as in the following examples:

  • An interlocutor is looking away the participant's face, while a participant is asking a question and looking at interlocutor's eye.

  • The participant is looking at the interlocutor's mouth, while an interlocutor is laughing and looking at the participant's eye.

What are the inputs?

In order to run summary function, the other two analysis, speech and AOI, have to be run before.

Speech Annotation<br> AOIs File

What are the outputs?

Please click following item to access the sample files.the next step.

Summary File

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